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    Lazy Llama

*What book are you reading? (part 2)

Finally reading blindness by josé Saramago after intentionally putting it off.

s'alright, though the state of nature whataboutery really does wear thin. still his elliptical run on sentence style scratches that reading equivalent of e-z-listening really nicely and the dialogue is like a tv show in written form. so it still keeps me engaged in a stream of consciousness fashion. I'm not finding the book as profound as all the critical acclaim foisted on it - it especially seems to be devoid of absurdism, which i would find essential when tackling disability. It is subtly comedic in a grim way though.
Finally reading blindness by josé Saramago after intentionally putting it off.

s'alright, though the state of nature whataboutery really does wear thin. still his elliptical run on sentence style scratches that reading equivalent of e-z-listening really nicely and the dialogue is like a tv show in written form. so it still keeps me engaged in a stream of consciousness fashion. I'm not finding the book as profound as all the critical acclaim foisted on it - it especially seems to be devoid of absurdism, which i would find essential when tackling disability. It is subtly comedic in a grim way though.

Three quarters of the way through — i retract what i said earlier, this is trying to be some sort of atheist divine comedy but ends up deploying the hackneyed old trick of using disability as an allegory for the worlds sins.

Gonna finish it though just cos its worth reading to get angry about.
I am reading Giulia Enders' Gut: The Inside Story Of Our Body's Under-rated Organ
It is FASCINATING. I'm only on the first chapter and I already know loads of interesting things about saliva (presumably she starts at the top and works her way down to the bottom)One of those books so full of little-known facts (to me at least), that you want to stop reading on every page and tell EVERYONE what you've just discovered, whether they want to hear them or not.
Apologies in advance to anyone I see in the next month or so for talking about spit, sick and poo.
I expect that'll have a bit about the vagus nerve then Orang Utan ? Fascinates me that does. I heard about it on urban, think it might have been story that mentioned it, and I found a really great way to control excess adrenaline before gigs.
Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go.

Wow! :cool:
One of those authors whose name I'm familiar with, but who I'd never read.
I can't wait to read more of his work.
Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go.

Wow! :cool:
One of those authors whose name I'm familiar with, but who I'd never read.
I can't wait to read more of his work.
I recently picked up all of his novels, after he won the Nobel Prize, been meaning to get to them. I think there's a Japanese gardener in one that caught my eye.

ETA: An Artist of the Floating World - About an artist and gardener looking back on his life and politics.
Last Argument Of Kings - Joe Abercrombie

Read the first two three years ago, felt it got a bit tired and crap by the end of book two and couldn't be bothered to finish it until now. Glad I did because the the third is the best book,for once I'm glad it's massive because I don't want it to end.
A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara

Several people have raved on about this so, pleased with the value for money, vast number of pages, I set off to read this...and have been riveted with an almost visceral hatred of just about every character (all male) in this horrible, utterly improbable misery ride. To complain seems almost as mean as dissing Helen Keller but truly, it took over 600 pages for the central character to finally off himself (i would have done it at page three). A ghastly, manipulative wail about 4 New York glitterati - an actor, an artist, an architect and a lawyer (give me a fucking break).
My advice - don't.
Last Argument Of Kings - Joe Abercrombie

Read the first two three years ago, felt it got a bit tired and crap by the end of book two and couldn't be bothered to finish it until now. Glad I did because the the third is the best book,for once I'm glad it's massive because I don't want it to end.

Yep, I got a tad bored with his 'western' book...but by the 'half a' series, he seems back on amusing tack. Effortless Sunday reading of the best type.
Don't however, bother with 'Sharp Ends' - a set of short (and mostly telegraphed) variations on his first set of novels.

Mmm, I generally find the lean and elegant writing of Kazuo Ishigura to be cool and nicely laconic...until I came across the unreadable utter rubbish of 'The Buried Giant''. How could he have fallen so far into such impenetrable drivel. Unfinished.
Just started reading Laurence Rees - World War II Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West, and Ginette Leach - Orange Gate Journal.

LR's book has given me a few surprises already. I bloody love him.

GL's book is about her experiences of the Orange Gate at the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp :cool:
Yep, I got a tad bored with his 'western' book...but by the 'half a' series, he seems back on amusing tack. Effortless Sunday reading of the best type.
Don't however, bother with 'Sharp Ends' - a set of short (and mostly telegraphed) variations on his first set of novels.
Disappointed with the end of Argument Of Kings. It was all over when my Kindle still only registered 85% completed. Not sure what the last 15% of a 700-odd page book just tying up the odd loose end was meant to achieve. Shame, some good bits but the patchiness of the trilogy makes me wary of trying another epic of his.
Just started 'Extreme Rambling' by Mark Thomas. Sets off to walk the length of the West Bank wall. Good so far, his usual mix of decent comment / pissing about. Quite interested to hear his take on Israel/Palestine, a topic I don't know enough about.

My bad, 'twas urban helped turn me onto his books

Just finishing the third Harry Potter book. I avoided them cos they're kids books and being a ponce, a bit of playa hatin.

I think they are great - the plots, pacing and characterisation are all perfect. Plus they are fun to read and she's invented a fantastic magical world.

I predict they'll be quite popular
All That Man Is - David Szalay
Pretty shit really. A series of unrelated short stories, linked only by the vague progression of the age of the male protagonist in each chapter. Most of the tales centre on failing at sex, love and life in general and all of the characters range from unlikeable to complete arseholes.
Finished Stuart Maconies' The Pie at Night. Fascinating book about the north of England full of facts and histories. Makes me wish I'd visited more places during my years in the UK.
Currently reading Nell Dunn's Up the Junction. Someone mentioded it here recently and I realised that I should probably get round to digging out my ancient copy of it. Saw the film when it was on telly years back.
Finished Stuart Maconies' The Pie at Night. Fascinating book about the north of England full of facts and histories. Makes me wish I'd visited more places during my years in the UK.
Currently reading Nell Dunn's Up the Junction. Someone mentioded it here recently and I realised that I should probably get round to digging out my ancient copy of it. Saw the film when it was on telly years back.

Just finished it. Grim, poverty, predatory men, back street abortions, racism,homophobia. A brutal take on the swinging 60s.

Back of the book advertises all sorts of other interesting novels, this one looks unusual:

When the Kissing Had to Stop - Constantine Fitz Gibbon

"Described as the most frightening novel of this generation,the shattering theme of this book is of a Britain in which moral degeneration allows every kindof vice to flourish, pitched battles are fought between police and gangsters and a Ban the Bomb movement sweeps a Socialist megalomaniac into power - allowing the Russians to occupy the country"

Just finished Captain Bligh's Portable Nightmare by John Toohey. It basically the story of what happens after Bligh and the rest of the "loyalists" are forced into the launch and the 4 thousand mile journey across the south Pacific. It's a bit more favourable to Bligh than usual but he still comes across as prone to tantrums.
In the midle of All Men Are Mortal by Simone de Beauvoir.

I'd forgotten how suffocating it felt to read a novel by an existential writer :D
If You Liked School You'll Love Work - Irvine Welsh
I knew it was going to be shit, but not this shit.
Just downloaded, Sherlock Holmes Christmas Special: The Blue Carbuncle-Sherlock Holmes Christmas Case & 63 other short stories by Conan Doyle, in one edition for £0.49.
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