May Kasahara
take me to the feeling
I had my fingers crossed
Cover tells you all you need to know, really.
Overview of all the main ones plus a few I'd never heard of before, lent to me by a bloke at work who pretty much believes all of them. Entertaining if incredibly on a regular basis as you'd imagine. I'm enjoying the sensationalist way it's written too, even if it's not meant to be a joke. Refreshingly, even for someone that clearly believes a lot of this, David Icke doesn't get a particularly favourable write-up. For a shit book it's remarkably compelling - I got about halfway through it last night. The 'Were there two Yorkshire Rippers?' chapter was a new one on me.
That looks and sounds like the 'are you ready to join Urban?' manual
(although maybe not so much anymore haven't seen a good conspirathread for ages)
I've just started King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence. Violent and somewhat trashy fantasy but the writing isn't bad and, like the first in the series, it's relentlessly page-turnerish.