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What are you looking forward to watching in the Olympics?

Try as I might I fail to get excited about the Olympics. A poor second to the (football) World Cup.

I'll be watching the tennis with some interest. Can't think of much else.
Anything. I love the sheer amount of varied sports coverage Eurosport does during the Olympics, and end up enjoying pretty much all events. Except Dressage. Blhergh.
Gymnastics is always my favourite except they always put it on in the afternoon when I'm at work.

Like the diving as well
the wrestling - even though there are no Brits in it this year! :(






and watching China win the overall medals chart :)
Who??? You don't have to say if you don't want, but i'm curious.

I should have said extended family, he's on my partners side so I'm keeping my mouth shut for the moment. If it was my immediate family I would so be shouting about it all over the internet ;)
Cycling - all of it
Boxing - most of the finals

Maybe a bit of middle distance running.

Will be interesting how much spin the BBC put on running and jumping. despite all the lottery money and hype GB&NI will do crap. Meanwhile cyclists will take home the gold.

I wonder how many people in the UK are actually in running and jumping clubs? Compared to cycling clubs? I reckon the figure could be quite close yet we get fucking running and jumping rammed down our throats. When Edwards won a gold you'd think we were a nation that after a day's work, went out and triple jumped for a a pastime.
All of the cycling...track, road, mtb and bmx for the first time
Track and field, marathons, triathlons, rowing, gymnastics, boxing, most of it really.

Apparently one of the new events is opening water swimming this time. Hope i can catch this, in an interview on 5live they said that if the water's not cold enough wetsuits aren't allowed which doesn't give alot of protection for swimming in the sea with jelly fish. Sounds a bit :eek:
Track and Field - have always really enjoyed watching this, especially the sprints, and even though I don't suppose Team GB will be expecting a load of medals I don't mind.
Gymnastics is my absolute must-watch, but I love the diving, horsey stuff and pole vault too...I always end up getting drawn into random sports that I couldn't care less about the rest of the time, like the javelin or all the running events. Weightlifting is ace.

Hooray for being on maternity leave! :cool:
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