Sonia miming horribly, Bruno Brooks & Liz Kershaw, and the full horror of Bungle disco dancing. plus if you react the same as me going "fuck off Andy Peters you cunt" at him hamming it up and the doing the elbow dance bit of the hand jive
who's that?.. 'oh her... what was her that Janice Long/Jamie lee grace?" was
that Trevor and Simon? oh it is Trevor and Simon. Getting excited at Garry Davis followed by is that really Garry Davies? oh it is.
spotting Simon Mayo. and "who the fuck's that dressed like a cross between one of Starligth Express & a Transformer - he's hot" I'd completely forgoten the entire performance and don't remember it at all but do recognise/remember watching Terry Wogan coming on at the end and calling them pathetic.
Fast Forward mag had a photo feature on the rehearsals and found it inexplicable hilarious that either Sonia or Liz Kershaw (deliberetly) fluffed the lines and kept changing the Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean bit to Jimmy Tarbuck. Why do I remember this, why????