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What are you listening to right now? v2.0

That's fantastic!

I'm enjoying the continuing silence of a people and furniture and dog free flat underneath me 👍

And this

I know!!! I need to get into a proper regular three meals a day beating habit again fast. At least I don't need to wait today til after midnight for my last meal/insulin dose, which had been going on for months .8 hour gaps between meals and doses are a bugger if I sleep extra long and need to sort out my sleep pattern as well. /Overshare

I got mixed up about which way round I needed to eat/insulin this morning, and was halfway through breakfast when I realised I'd forgotten to inject ten minutes beforehand :facepalm:

Lunch is easy, it just needs a tablet alongside it.

I was concentrating more on keeping a bit of serenity before going for my state sanctioned daily exercise, and wondering why I was feeling a bit off :D
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