MellySingsDoom Decimated by the shrapnel of his rhetoric Jan 26, 2014 #7,111 RIP Arthur Doyle (1944-2014)
maya timewasting fool (in every universe) Jan 27, 2014 #7,116 Time to get fit, comrade? Do as the lady tells you
SpookyFrank A cheap source of teeth for aquarium gravel Jan 27, 2014 #7,119 Muse. If they didn't exist, someone would have to invent them.
D DotCommunist So many particulars. So many questions. Jan 27, 2014 #7,120 stupid dogbot said: So good he played it twice! Click to expand... sounds immense through my surround sound
stupid dogbot said: So good he played it twice! Click to expand... sounds immense through my surround sound
MellySingsDoom Decimated by the shrapnel of his rhetoric Jan 28, 2014 #7,125 "His dream girl sings adverts for the Weetabix/A fancied wit that's imitation of Rumpole Of The Bailey"
"His dream girl sings adverts for the Weetabix/A fancied wit that's imitation of Rumpole Of The Bailey"
yardbird Understands love. R.I.P. Jan 28, 2014 #7,126 Takes me back to grooving in an Amsterdam nightclub
farmerbarleymow I'm Petee's spirit animal Jan 28, 2014 #7,134 Brahms - one of the piano concertos, not sure which.
phildwyer Plata o plomo Banned Jan 29, 2014 #7,136 Ninjaman fya pon Manley and Seaga: "Two White Rat."
hipipol Peckham Wry Jan 29, 2014 #7,140 phildwyer said: Ninjaman fya pon Manley and Seaga: "Two White Rat." Click to expand...