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WFH sickness


International Man of Misery

I've actually been waiting for this article.

One point in my working life I was a Work Station Assessment (WSA) expert.

Many WSAs carried out today use a method I pioneered (I was both flattered and angry to see private firms had copied me) although it has evolved in my absence.

I was part of a huge organisation that didn't do enough WSA despite my warnings. The the HSE got involved. Then everyone got an assessment.

When half the country started to embrace WFH I thought... No way all these people will get WSAs and the equipment they need. It's going to end in work related upper limb disorders.

Yep it has. Will anything be done about it. I suspect not.
What utter and absolute bollocks. The vast majority end up working through at home what they'd take the day off for at the office. Particularly now that it's considerably more antisocial than it was before to come in and spread your germs around.
What utter and absolute bollocks. The vast majority end up working through at home what they'd take the day off for at the office. Particularly now that it's considerably more antisocial than it was before to come in and spread your germs around.

Did you read the OP?
Ok. Because your response doesn’t seem to be related unless you can catch muscular pain from someone else.
It's related to time off from work in general. I think the employers are benefitting more from people doing work at home when they'd have otherwise been sick than they're losing out with people signing off with bad posture. Especially because, as the OP notes, it's the employer's bloody responsibility to make sure they're set up at home properly if they do work there.
View attachment 374954

I've actually been waiting for this article.

One point in my working life I was a Work Station Assessment (WSA) expert.

Many WSAs carried out today use a method I pioneered (I was both flattered and angry to see private firms had copied me) although it has evolved in my absence.

I was part of a huge organisation that didn't do enough WSA despite my warnings. The the HSE got involved. Then everyone got an assessment.

When half the country started to embrace WFH I thought... No way all these people will get WSAs and the equipment they need. It's going to end in work related upper limb disorders.

Yep it has. Will anything be done about it. I suspect not.
As much to do with worker wellbeing as Rees-Mogg slapping snide post-its on civil servants' desks. Not sitting in a traffic jam twice a day is the latest villain in right wing doctrine.
Especially because, as the OP notes, it's the employer's bloody responsibility to make sure they're set up at home properly if they do work there.

Yes - current job is first where I've wfh'd as an official thing, rather than an emergency arrangement, and i had to fill in a questionnaire to confirm it's all set up properly.

Not sure who would be liable if i'd told lies and was working from sofa with laptop, though...
Yes - current job is first where I've wfh'd as an official thing, rather than an emergency arrangement, and i had to fill in a questionnaire to confirm it's all set up properly.

Not sure who would be liable if i'd told lies and was working from sofa with laptop, though...
Your sofa!
I’ve just been referred to OH for a neck/upper back issue that was either caused or exacerbated by home working :(
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