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Wearing shorts in the winter


Haytor’s gonna hate
I’ll concede that it has been fairly mild in my part of the country until yesterday, but I’ve seen a lot of blokes wearing shorts over the past week.

None of the short wearers were identifiable as postal workers, I would expect them to be in shorts year round, and would consider a complaint to the GPO if they wore trousers :thumbs:. None were playing sport, or working on a site, or any other pursuit where shorts might be desired. They were simply wearing them waking around in the town centre.

A lot of them were young men under 25, quite possibly students, as most of my short wearing spots took place in a university city. But there were a few older men too.

I am rather fond of shorts myself and will don a pair every day from April to early October, but then it just gets too chilly for me. I don’t think I’m someone who feels the cold particularly either, in fact the opposite. It’s baffling.

So, I have to ask, can anyone tell me why these men - and they were all men - wear shorts when they have no apparent reason to and it’s surely too cold?
In my young day all boys wore shorts until 3rd form (is that year 9?) at school as shorts were compulsory school uniform whatever the weather. :(

I guess people get used to it. I don't fancy the answer you'd get if you asked a non-postal worker why he was wearing shorts in sub-zero temperature. (Nor do I understand why postal workers have to wear shorts.)
In my young day all boys wore shorts until 3rd form (is that year 9?) at school as shorts were compulsory school uniform whatever the weather. :(

I guess people get used to it. I don't fancy the answer you'd get if you asked a non-postal worker why he was wearing shorts in sub-zero temperature. (Nor do I understand why postal workers have to wear shorts.)
Shorts = colder = employee moves quicker to stay warm
This is my son. He says he doesn't like the feel of trousers and would rather have cold legs.
He works outdoors too, the lunatic.
Pretty common sensory thing to have trouble with. My youngest absolutely refused to wear school trousers throughout primary school and wore shorts by very firm choice because he didn't like the feel of the fabric on his knees.
My 11-year-old wears shorts in the cold, I did too when I was at school (we had to anyway, it was uniform at my primary school). I expect it from kids tbh, so probably from the grown-up manchild kind too I guess.
Pretty common sensory thing to have trouble with. My youngest absolutely refused to wear school trousers throughout primary school and wore shorts by very firm choice because he didn't like the feel of the fabric on his knees.
That’s interesting, I don’t like the feel of trousers that much, and recall mostly wearing shorts in primary school.
I expect there's a substantial element of testosterone-fuelled it’s not that cold / look how hard I am. With the car parked around the corner its easy to pose in shorts in the cold - I bet they wouldn't be in shorts if they'd travelled by bike or on foot
Come to think of it a few of them fit this description; the students mainly though I’m not sure they’d have had a car nearby :confused:

No flip flops spotted though
We've been watching Ben Fogle travel round The Hebrides on telly lately. He's one of these guys. In shorts when everyone else is in 4 layers and wet weather gear. I find it hard to understand too. :D
Come to think of it a few of them fit this description; the students mainly though I’m not sure they’d have had a car nearby :confused:

No flip flops spotted though

Ah in that case they were probably nipping out for rizlas and pringles (or whatever it is that students live on these days) just round the corner from their hall of residence.

If there was a car it'd probably have a one life live it sticker on the back window :thumbs:
To be honest I wasn't wearing shorts yesterday but saw somebody who was and it made me think that I could if I wanted to. I like feeling cold, yesterday was perfect, cold but bright. As long as your torso is warm and your head then it's good. That cold on your face feels, I dunno, kind of pure. I enjoy it.
Ah in that case they were probably nipping out for rizlas and pringles (or whatever it is that students live on these days) just round the corner from their hall of residence.

If there was a car it'd probably have a one life live it sticker on the back window :thumbs:
Yesterday, some students were in our local Co-op in pyjamas, it's no longer an unusual sight.
We've been watching Ben Fogle travel round The Hebrides on telly lately. He's one of these guys. In shorts when everyone else is in 4 layers and wet weather gear. I find it hard to understand too. :D
Yeah I like shorts, but there is a cut off point. If it never dropped below 16 degrees, and I could wear them at work I’d wear them every day - but approx half the year is below that temperature and it’s not permitted at work
Younger people don't feel the cold as much as older people - something to do with brown fat, apparently - and it's also possible to build up a tolerance to cold, which might explain the old geezers still wandering around in shorts, though for some people I'm sure there's probably at least an element of showing off how cold-resistant they are.
Mr Looby has been walking the dogs in shorts still but this morning he put jeans on for the first time.
Definitely not a macho thing and I’m not aware of sensory issues but it’s a possibility. If asked why, he’d probably just say habit as he’s been wearing shorts all summer.
A lot of people who are neurodiverse tend to feel temperature differently or tolerate cold temperatures better (not at a health threatening level, but just in relation to what neurotypical people would say was a bit nippy).

I am autistic and I don't seem to feel the cold in some situations as much as other people.

It's actually a fairly well recorded phenomenon amongst autistic people to do with sensory processing - tendency to wear t-shirt and shorts in situations where others are feeling cold.

So next time you see someone wearing shorts in winter, try to be a bit more tolerant instead of suggesting they have lost the plot!
I’ll concede that it has been fairly mild in my part of the country until yesterday, but I’ve seen a lot of blokes wearing shorts over the past week.

None of the short wearers were identifiable as postal workers, I would expect them to be in shorts year round, and would consider a complaint to the GPO if they wore trousers :thumbs:. None were playing sport, or working on a site, or any other pursuit where shorts might be desired. They were simply wearing them waking around in the town centre.

A lot of them were young men under 25, quite possibly students, as most of my short wearing spots took place in a university city. But ther were a few older men too.

I am rather fond of shorts myself and will don a pair every day from April to early October, but then it just gets too chilly for me. I don’t think I’m someone who feels the cold particularly either, in fact the opposite. It’s baffling.

So, I have to ask, can anyone tell me why these men - and they were all men - wear shorts when they have no apparent reason to and it’s surely too cold?

Don’t you live in Devon or Cornwall? I think there is a law down there about wearing shorts.
Been wearing shorts since around March and have only recently given them up in favour of my new love, cargo-pants from Uniqlo. :)
Yes boss. Not the shiny ones the cotton ones. My son got green ones and I got black but I might have to go back for the green ones. That's the cargo pant gossip.
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