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Waterproof cycle gloves reccomendation


You can't park here sir
The gloves I got issued at work didn't even last half an hour šŸ˜³.
Going to be out for 9 hours so want something that can at least a few hours.
Site gloves ?
They aren't up to much.

Except for a couple of times a year when I used to wear ski gloves, I'm still wearing Aldi "summer" gloves from maybe 10 years ago when they actually fitted my monster hands ...- not significantly waterproof, but fine if it isn't hypothermia weather.
It's not nice putting on wet gloves for the return journey so if you can't dry them (as I could on the radiator at work - or more recently hung up in front of a fan in the store room...), maybe have a second pair...
On a long summer cycle ride, I've been known to get drenched but still be fine with modern polyester materials ...
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Can you operate the brake leavers with ease when wearing those? I thought they were fairly thickā€¦
The big trouble with ski gloves - or rather mitts - is the layers slide on each other.
Somehow I had a couple of pairs of Aldi ski gloves decades ago that actually fitted ... the last time I tried ski gloves I wondered how I'd ever managed ...
In my experience when riding motorcycles in the rain- which of course is somewhat different to cycling due to the travel speeds, but stillā€¦- thereā€™s no such thing as a truly waterproof garment if itā€™s pissing down heavily enough and the length of the ride is long enough. Or at least, not one you could wear for prolonged periods of time without steam boiling yourself.
I have Sealskinz mtb gloves, they are good but hot. So have some Troy Lee Air gloves for the summer, nice and cool. Sadly my knuckles are stung to buggery as they let the nettle stings through as well as the airā€¦
I sport a non sporty sealskin glove for inclement weather

I canā€™t comment on any technical bicycle glove fetishes

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