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Brompton folding cycles

We got an anomaly with our wages in 2022 where, because we get paid four weekly instead of monthly, we got paid 14 times instead of 13. Somehow this means that I now owe the tax man more money (even though I still paid tax on the ‘extra’ payment) and my child maintenance payments have gone up by over 10% due to this anomaly.

Whinge over. Maybe I’ll take advantage of this scheme in 2025.
Frustrating. Bit of a curates egg that, a week 56 on a lunar payroll.

There is a way for your works payroll to report the contractual pay day as opposed to the actual pay day, if your 14th pay day would have been in the new tax year if it wasn’t for a weekend / bank holiday etc.

I don’t think it’s widely known though from what I hear - this issue causes a lot of problems with universal credit too when people are paid twice in a month due to pay day being brought forward because of weekend etc
There is a way for your works payroll to report the contractual pay day as opposed to the actual pay day, if your 14th pay day would have been in the new tax year if it wasn’t for a weekend / bank holiday etc.
Yeah payroll fucked up and I’m not sure what they’ve done about it. I expect I’ll find out in April with my tax. Nothing I can do with child maintenance. They just go on the P60. I told my gleeful ex that it’ll probably go down again a bit next year though.
Well it wasn’t the quickest unfold I need to practice View attachment 412182

Just don’t overthink it. The sort of twisting for the main fold is counterintuitive to start but soon becomes second nature. When I was using it every day it got like putting in a PIN code, if you thought about it was actually much slower.
I hope you get as much enjoyment as I have on borrowed ones and finally getting a second hand one 3 years ago….. one of the best things is the front luggage that fits on the plastic bracket thingy sticking out the front…I owned a front bag 6 years before I owned my own Brompton. Excellent stability for carrying stuff and easily clicks on and off…you can see the bag at all times too….
I hope you get as much enjoyment as I have on borrowed ones and finally getting a second hand one 3 years ago….. one of the best things is the front luggage that fits on the plastic bracket thingy sticking out the front…I owned a front bag 6 years before I owned my own Brompton. Excellent stability for carrying stuff and easily clicks on and off…you can see the bag at all times too….
Yes indeed. I haven’t opened the box with the front bag yet. The mounting block is a cool bit of design.
I remember when doing the London-Brighton night ride we kept getting passed by a guy on a Brompton, think he was doing longer pit stops than we were then catching up!
I had a go on a pals old Brompton last night. It was more stable than I thought it would be. Quite a long wheelbase.
I liked it!

So after reflecting overnight I checked the figures again. Cycle to work suppliers often bump the price up. On the P Brompton however it’s pretty much the same price everywhere. I note the second hand values are high. Not much depreciation at all.
So with the tax deductible payments, it’s cracking value.

My new bike is coming on Thursday. :)
You'll never regret buying a top line product like a Brompton.
Unless it gets stolen like one of mine. They hold values very well. Take care with it.
I can lock it to a heating pipe next to my desk. My office is secured by two sets of entry doors. Never any petty theft.
I am reading insurance policy documents tonight. Might get some if the excess and conditions are not too onerous.
I can lock it to a heating pipe next to my desk. My office is secured by two sets of entry doors. Never any petty theft.
I am reading insurance policy documents tonight. Might get some if the excess and conditions are not too onerous.
Good luck with that. Insurance for most bikes can be quite restrictive.
That’s what I have suspected hence digging in to the details. I want actual insurance not a warm comfort feeling until a claim is needed.
Take a look at LCC. If you are a member (worth it in itself) you get a discount on theft insurance.

With nice bikes you have to get yourself a ‘pub bike’ that isn’t worth stealing so you can leave it locked up places. I have a shitty falling to bits Apollo mountain bike (free off the street) for places that I can’t risk taking one of the titaniums.
With nice bikes you have to get yourself a ‘pub bike’ that isn’t worth stealing so you can leave it locked up places. I have a shitty falling to bits Apollo mountain bike (free off the street) for places that I can’t risk taking one of the titaniums.
I have a nice alloy hybrid and have never locked it up outside. Well maybe on the river bank next to me when fishing.

I’m almost competent with the fold/unfold now.
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