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USB-C will be mandatory on all phones sold in the EU by end of 2024


Excellent news. Shame they couldn't have forced manufacturers to put back headphone jacks too.

Lawmakers wish to reduce the amount of proprietary charging tech used by consumer electronics companies to ensure customers can use one charger across multiple products. The idea is that this will reduce e-waste, but it will also make your life easier as you'll need to own one charger for many products. The provisional agreement will need to be signed off by all 27 EU countries and the European Parliament before this becomes law.

The big change here will be for Apple, the biggest smartphone manufacturer that doesn't embrace USB-C. Some of Apple's products do use the charging standard, such as its iPad line, but all of its smartphones continue to use the Lightning charging port. If Apple wants to continue selling iPhones in Europe — which it obviously will — it will need to include USB-C technology instead.

And I say this as an iphone/ipad owner. But lightning cables suck balls. I can't recall how many I've had that have just stopped working. USB-C FTW.
We're not but it's highly unlikely Apple are going to offer a Brexit-powered UK-only non-USB-C charger when all of Europe has switched to a more convenient (for consumers, not Apple) version.

Yeah I know. Just being remainer-snarky.

If they do it they’ll surely do it across the globe rather than have different US/Asia lines. And that’d mean making the Americans accept change. They still use Fahrenheit ffs 😆
2024 iPhone in wireless charging only shocker. Meaning more expensive accessories to charge on the go. Slow clap.

Then everyone gets annoyed when everyone else follows suit.

Also this is shit for laptops using things like MagSafe.
The rules are only for phones, although USB-C powered laptops are fucking great unless you're a fan of hauling multiple chargers around.
The amount of disappointed faces I've encountered when I'm DJing and people come up and ask if I've got an iPhone charger.... At least that will be a thing of the past soon.
Given that people typically keep their iPhones for approx 2-3 years I'm afraid that you may have to continue to disappoint people asking for iPhone chargers :(
Shame they couldn't have forced manufacturers to put back headphone jacks too.

No it's not. I don't want a headphone jack on my phone, not many people do these days. It would be a massive waste of resources and would encourage the generation of wired headphone waste. Perhaps they should ban 3.5mm jacks and make everyone use a 6.4mm, chunkier cables are less disposable.
The rules are only for phones, although USB-C powered laptops are fucking great unless you're a fan of hauling multiple chargers around.

On Tuesday, EU officials ruled that any mobile electronic devices sold within the EU must come with a USB-C charging port by the fall of 2024. The new mandate applies to rechargeable mobile devices like phones, tablets, laptops, handheld game consoles, headphones, and cameras.

Laptops as well New EU Rules on USB-C Charging Could Force an iPhone Redesign
Now the rest of the world's devices need to catch up as most trains, planes, docking stations etc I've used with a USB port still come with USB-A.
2024 iPhone in wireless charging only shocker. Meaning more expensive accessories to charge on the go. Slow clap.

Then everyone gets annoyed when everyone else follows suit.

Also this is shit for laptops using things like MagSafe.

Exactly what we all predicted in the office yesterday. Wireless charging is a pain if it's your only option.

Also it makes little difference to your power bill, but added up across millions (billions?) of devices it will make quite a difference.
No it's not. I don't want a headphone jack on my phone, not many people do these days. It would be a massive waste of resources and would encourage the generation of wired headphone waste. Perhaps they should ban 3.5mm jacks and make everyone use a 6.4mm, chunkier cables are less disposable.
Wireless headphones means more wasted batteries. :(
Now the rest of the world's devices need to catch up as most trains, planes, docking stations etc I've used with a USB port still come with USB-A.

They’ve got a while to catch up - but swapping plug sockets is going to be a lot of work for sparkies.
Use a USB A to USB C converter. ;)

Won’t work for lots of devices because the power requirements can be up to 100w on usb c. Your suggestion would work for small devices, but on planes and trains they need to be incredibly hard wearing, hard to steal and if near a standard plug can’t block the plug working.

According to this Deal on common charger: reducing hassle for consumers and curbing e-waste | News | European Parliament laptops get a 40 month delay from autumn 2024, so that’s spring 2028 for laptops.

Wireless headphones means more wasted batteries. :(

At least there's an incentive to recycle them, and unlike headphone cables the recycling doesn't involve children in the developing world making bonfires of them to burn off the plastic and get the copper out.
No it's not. I don't want a headphone jack on my phone, not many people do these days. It would be a massive waste of resources and would encourage the generation of wired headphone waste. Perhaps they should ban 3.5mm jacks and make everyone use a 6.4mm, chunkier cables are less disposable.
What? Wireless headphones create far more waste, being sold as essentially throwaway items (after a year or so) and needing more resources to create them and coming with batteries that can't easily be replaced.
At least there's an incentive to recycle them, and unlike headphone cables the recycling doesn't involve children in the developing world making bonfires of them to burn off the plastic and get the copper out.
What incentive? Where? Most people throw them in the bin, like most 'outdated' electronics.
What? Wireless headphones create far more waste, being sold as essentially throwaway items (after a year or so) and needing more resources to create them and coming with batteries that can't easily be replaced.
What? My wireless headphones cost £150! I'm not throwing them away anytime soon and I've had them for about 4 years already. I chuck 3.5mm headphones far more regularly because the jack breaks.
What? My wireless headphones cost £150! I'm not throwing them away anytime soon and I've had them for about 4 years already. I chuck 3.5mm headphones far more regularly because the jack breaks.
Most wireless earphones sold are way cheaper than that. Most people can't afford to spend such huge sums of money on earphones.
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