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URGENT: flash mob in support of Dale Farm (9th/15th Sept)

AKA pseudonym

Well-Known Member
Apols Mods: I am aware there is an ongoing thread full of trolls... this needs to be circulated urgently
Eland House

Bressenden Place, SW1E 5DU
London, United Kingdom

Join us by bringing your tent, banners, sleeping bags, whistles, pots and pans!

At 5pm we will camp outside the offices and peacefully demonstrate against this coalition of millionaires who are determined to protect the rich and punish the poor.

We will create a flash mob tent city outside the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).

David Cameron has given his personal backing of the eviction of 400 people and the bulldozing of their homes.

The Home Office & the DCLG has helped to fund the eviction. While Eric Pickles has also backed stripping benefits & the eviction of families who have family members convicted for riot-related charges.

They have money to make people homeless but not build more homes!

Enough is enough! Let's show them what their policies lead to... mass homelessness and the creation of tent cities.
Today - At 5pm protesters will assemble outside Eric Pickles' offices and peacefully demonstrate against this coalition of millionaires who are determined to make Dale Farm residents and many more others homeless.Jion the demo if your in London!

same adrdess as above
as the other thread is wrecked...

a reliable source has informed me that the police and bailiffs have rented their field for 8 weeks, looks like they're planning a long one.
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