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Urban seed Exchange

Anyone up for seed swapping? I have been going through my seed stash - an embarrassingly large amount. Not veggies - although there will be, later in the season (leeks, tomatoes, squash especially) but many perennials, biennials and annuals. Will try to get a list together. Many US natives, some wildflowers and many hardy perennials, shrubs and some tree seeds. Mostly, they will need stratifying (usually plant in autumn) but will still be OK if planted now and left over the summer. I will hopefully get a bigger list at the end of the summer (as I collect next years seeds then) so will be happy to get pms so I can put you on my seed list.
I'd be interested in taking part at some point but as you may remember from "The Gardening Thread" my garden is in a state of flux * at the moment so I'm not in a position to offer or receive seeds just yet. :(

* by state of flux I mean I've only just got rid of all the crap covering the soil and may need to follow a scorched earth policy to eradicate all the perennial weeds before I can actually plant anything. Oh, and I still need some work on a couple of the retaining walls before I can plant anything above or below them.
Yep, I am a believer in scorched earth policy also. One savage reprisal leaving the thugs beaten and cowed. I know chemical warfare is a crime against nature but I fully thrill to my turquoise knapsack sprayer with lethal liquid death (glyphosate). Over a decade ago, my first allotment was sprayed off but my second one was a bit of a stealth aquisition and never got the Round-up treatment, which means to this day, it is still infested with bindweed and couch...while the annual weeds and perennial encroachments in plot a have been no match for my vigilant daisy grubber.
I am in awe at your methodical patience - make a little nursery bed and you're off with this autumn's seed bounty.
I don't think I have a choice other than to be extremely patient. The garden has been so overgrown for years that if I don't get rid of the worst weeds before I do anything permanent I'm going to be spending all my time in the future digging over patches where the thugs have regained control and having to replant anything I actually want to grow.

One of the advantages of gardening over around a dozen terraced levels is that I can compartmentalise the work. The retaining walls constrained the spread of some of the worst offenders so, for instance, the bindweed is confined (I hope!) to just three levels covering an area of roughly 15m by 10m.

I think I might end up with a nursery bed or two but I'm hoping my earlier efforts will allow me to plant up some parts of the garden this spring and summer while I continue to tackle the worst bits for next year.
I most certainly do! I may even have a mixture of colours, havent planted any myself yet - last year went a bit wrong plating wise but you are more than welcome to some.

You can either pm me your address or I can try and meet up with you? I can have a look at home tomorrow to see what I have :)
Yep, I am a believer in scorched earth policy also. One savage reprisal leaving the thugs beaten and cowed. I know chemical warfare is a crime against nature but I fully thrill to my turquoise knapsack sprayer with lethal liquid death (glyphosate). Over a decade ago, my first allotment was sprayed off but my second one was a bit of a stealth aquisition and never got the Round-up treatment, which means to this day, it is still infested with bindweed and couch...while the annual weeds and perennial encroachments in plot a have been no match for my vigilant daisy grubber.
I am in awe at your methodical patience - make a little nursery bed and you're off with this autumn's seed bounty.
What's the best thing to use to scorch some earth? Especially if it's completely overgrown, apart from cut it all back to start with.
Glyphosate is still probably the least 'worst' and is available as a generic. Although it will kill all herbaceous growth, plants with a large taproot or rhizome (dock, nettle, alkanet) or woody stems (bramble, elder) may need 2-3 applications. I use a broadleaf herbicide because I want to keep any grass - just need to get rid of nettles and brambles (thousands of them) - Broadshot is available from Agrichem or LBS horticulture. Best to wait a bit, if going for glyphosate, as growth needs to be underway since the plant absorbs the herbicide through the leaves - I will be doing my first nettle spray in April.
When you say overgrown...what by?
Glyphosate is still probably the least 'worst' and is available as a generic. Although it will kill all herbaceous growth, plants with a large taproot or rhizome (dock, nettle, alkanet) or woody stems (bramble, elder) may need 2-3 applications. I use a broadleaf herbicide because I want to keep any grass - just need to get rid of nettles and brambles (thousands of them) - Broadshot is available from Agrichem or LBS horticulture. Best to wait a bit, if going for glyphosate, as growth needs to be underway since the plant absorbs the herbicide through the leaves - I will be doing my first nettle spray in April.
When you say overgrown...what by?

I'll take a picture when it's light. My new garden is massive. There's all sorts of beds in the gardening area, but there's also a huge area that looks like it hasn't been touched for a decade. It really will take weeks to clear.
If it isn't a total impassable mess,MarkyMarrk, it is traditional to hold off on garden clearance to give everything a chance to show it's potential - there might still be lovely plants worth preserving, especially if previous owners took an interest. Absolutely no need to rush into it unless you have as budget/plans for an overhaul.
Don't suppose anyone has some spare carrot seeds knocking about? :)

Biddlybee, don't want to pour cold water etc. but carrot seeds, or indeed, any umbellifers (parsley, fennel, dill, parsnips) really need to be grown from fresh seed. If you collected some late summer and stored it well, it will be fine this season, but anything older than that will likely have very poor germination rates. Take a look on Secret Seeds - they have a lot of open-pollinated seeds perfect for saving...or Thomas Etty esq. for older varieties. I recall Simply Seed doing smaller, very cheap packets also. Or Kings. Avoid Thompson and Morgan like plague (and Suttons can be dodgy) As a rule, carrot seed, unlike cukes or tomatoes, is usually plentiful and cheap to buy every year.
If it isn't a total impassable mess,MarkyMarrk, it is traditional to hold off on garden clearance to give everything a chance to show it's potential - there might still be lovely plants worth preserving, especially if previous owners took an interest. Absolutely no need to rush into it unless you have as budget/plans for an overhaul.
Thanks. I think this is just wild. There are blackberry bushes in there. But I basically need to chop a lot. I might pay someone to do it in any case.
Anyone fancy a seed swop?
Got a few leftover seeds this year ready to go in an envelope if someone wants to exchange for something different. Got two lots....

Barak, Hungarian Wax, Carribean Blend, Hot Lemon...
Bump! Bit early for sowing most things but I expect people will be starting to think about seeds for spring soon, if they haven't already. Anyone want to swap anything?

I'll stick up a proper list of veg and everything once I've gone through it all, but for now I have a shitload of cornflower and hollyhock seeds if anyone wants any? Lots of Real Seeds' 'house tomato' too, which can be started pretty early since it's happy enough in a pot indoors.
I wouldn't mind some parsnip seed if anyone can spare some? Ideally from this year rather than old packs as it doesn't keep well - not that that stops it being sold in massive packs of hundreds of seeds a lot of the time though so hopefully someone might have a bit extra.

Got plenty of these if anyone wants any:
Tomatoes ('house tomato' from Real Seeds)
Kale (sutherland & cavolo nero)
Greyhound cabbage
Spring onions
Night scented stocks
Poppies probably if I can find the bag
Other stuff I'll post when I've had a proper clear out
Night scented stocks !
i got no parsnips tho

i've got a lot of sunflower seeds from the really lovely quite massive one i grew last summer, but not sure if i stored them right (paper bag fridge)
Great thread! No saved seeds here except climbing beans which I’ll probably use, but I will have some unopened vegetable seed packets from recent magazines. I’ll list them when I’ve worked out what’s going spare.
Night scented stocks !
Sorry, only just seen this. Would you like some?

Was meant to be on a self-imposed seed buying ban but veg farm I help at put me onto their supplier who does massive packs of seed for 99p so I now have loooooaads of carrot and parsnip seed if anyone wants some. Green purslane, Iceland poppies (mixed colours) and blue morning glory too.
Sorry, only just seen this. Would you like some?

Was meant to be on a self-imposed seed buying ban but veg farm I help at put me onto their supplier who does massive packs of seed for 99p so I now have loooooaads of carrot and parsnip seed if anyone wants some. Green purslane, Iceland poppies (mixed colours) and blue morning glory too.
Oh ! thank you. But no I am (really) not allowed any more seeds this Spring, things are not under control here, there are shall we say plenty of plants, all over the house.
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