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Urban seed Exchange


Active Member
This may work, it may not, it may just slide into board oblivion.

What spare seeds do you have?
Which seeds would you like?
Are you up for swapping and exchanging yer veg seed?
Don't really grow veg apart from in pots (garden is so clay based and water-logged it rots most stuff!) - and that's stuff like runner beans and courgettes. Have got some seeds somewhere which may interest you - chilacayotes - freaky S.American plant producing lots of football sized gourds in one season. Grew them v.successfully in Yorkshire - not good eating (bit like a bland melon crossed with a cucumber) but make great doorstops! Here:


One of my mate's gourds fell off a high shelf and cracked open so he should still have some seed if you fancy it?
seeformiles said:
Don't really grow veg apart from in pots (garden is so clay based and water-logged it rots most stuff!) - and that's stuff like runner beans and courgettes. Have got some seeds somewhere which may interest you - chilacayotes - freaky S.American plant producing lots of football sized gourds in one season. Grew them v.successfully in Yorkshire - not good eating (bit like a bland melon crossed with a cucumber) but make great doorstops! Here:


One of my mate's gourds fell off a high shelf and cracked open so he should still have some seed if you fancy it?

Much appreciated fella, might give the gourds a miss though, I grew 'em two years ago and like you say not great to eat, shame really they produce healthy sized gourds:( :)
northernhord said:
Much appreciated fella, might give the gourds a miss though, I grew 'em two years ago and like you say not great to eat, shame really they produce healthy sized gourds:( :)

We started growing them after reading a book about making musical instruments from gourds. Mine (when they dry out properly in about 5 years!) are destined to be a set of bongos and a mandolin - well that's the theory anyway! :)
seeformiles said:
We started growing them after reading a book about making musical instruments from gourds. Mine (when they dry out properly in about 5 years!) are destined to be a set of bongos and a mandolin - well that's the theory anyway! :)

That sounds cool, anything but having to eat them is a good thing:)
seeformiles said:
We started growing them after reading a book about making musical instruments from gourds.

I've got a snake charmers pipe type thing that's made from a gourd :cool:

I'm up for a bit of a seed swap. We're gonna get together over the weekend and see what we've got, so I'll get back to this thread in a few days
I haven't sorted any seeds out yet due to be a fat lazy slob but will do sometime soon and will be up for some swapping action.
i have loads.

bought masses of seeds last year for the allotment, but we've moved and had to give it up cos i've got no time, basically.

will have a proper look this weekend and decide which ones i can feasibly grow in pots and list the rest up.

would ideally like to swop for some pretty flower seeds if that's possible.

will post again after the weekend.
flowers i can probably do you. I got given loads a year or so ago and have very little inclination to do anyhting with them.
Seeds to give away:

peas, cauli (two sorts an all-rounder and a winter one iirc), leeks, squash, courgettes, basil. possibly runner beans if i can find what i've done with them.
Im up for a seed swap I over ordered seeds again...from Kings seeds coz thats what our allotment shed orders at low costs but Ive got far too many for my little plot + when I read them they say they should be used this year or by next year. It would be a shame to waste them. I could post them.
I've got some calabrese seeds (normal broccoli ;) :D)- no garden/plot to really grow them.
Also got some radish seeds (scarlet globe) - don't like radish, so no idea where I've picked these up.

Would quite like some sprouting broccoli seeds, but happy to just give mine away too :)
I've got some calabrese seeds (normal broccoli ;) :D)- no garden/plot to really grow them.
Also got some radish seeds (scarlet globe) - don't like radish, so no idea where I've picked these up.

Would quite like some sprouting broccoli seeds, but happy to just give mine away too :)
I bought some sprouting broccoli seeds today, so don't need any - still got those others to give away though :)
no garden/plot to really grow them.

innit; got some allotment-optimist seeds to get shot of too :)

-sweetcorn minipop
-bunchin onion ishikura
-basil sweet genovese
-red cabbage kalibos
-gourds, mixed
-aubergine moneymaker
-lettuce lollo rosso
-beetroot choggia
-broad bean sutton

-hollyhocks nigra
-aqualegia nora barlow

Some packets are open as have used some of the seed, dates vary from '05 / 06/07 but figure they'll still be good no?

If poss, if people want them can they take all the veg, all the flowers or everything all together? Saves on postage :)

Don't need anything in return; still have a shoebox of seeds to sow!

edited to remove pea and beans as just got all inspired reading about how I can grow them, even in a titchy space, so am going to give it a go... :)
lol @ this thread full of overly optimistic gardeners.

I might give my stuff to my bf's sis as no one here needs them :D
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