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urban postcard exchange round 3

I'm not very Blue Peter at stuff like this. Can I buy a nice one?
No, but you can do almost anything else - abstract, a cartoon, doodle, paint splash, stickers, transfers, coffee stain, collage, print, fake ransom note with cut up letters, a tortured beermat, stick a photo (one you've taken) onto a postcard etc. BTW no porn.

While I think of it, define "nice". ;)
Right. Poor sod who gets mine. I'll give it a shot.

You have to wait for round 4. Keep your eagle eyes on the art forum. And then pounce. I like to leave a message saying "I'm in" and then email killer b with my address and a polite message.

Woot, as they say.
You have to wait for round 4. Keep your eagle eyes on the art forum. And then pounce. I like to leave a message saying "I'm in" and then email killer b with my address and a polite message.

Woot, as they say.

Am I allowed to sleep or should I watch the art forum 24/7? It's okay if that's what I have to do, I just need to now so I can stock up on Red Bull and Pro Plus.

And crack.
Am I allowed to sleep or should I watch the art forum 24/7? It's okay if that's what I have to do, I just need to now so I can stock up on Red Bull and Pro Plus.

And crack.
I do hope you live in a draughty, mice ridden garret....somewhere like Paris would do....and a beret, you need a beret.....and once you've joined you can never leave...please eat this message after reading....

ps welcome aboard the pencil train :cool:
Am I allowed to sleep or should I watch the art forum 24/7? It's okay if that's what I have to do, I just need to now so I can stock up on Red Bull and Pro Plus.<snip>
Just "watch this thread". There'll be a message left to say when the next round's starting, and also a message on the thread for round 4. Sleep is allowed, even encouraged, unless you think it improves creativity. :D
i had this one last week from greebo - i totally love it. :)

Nice to see mine has been received :)

And I just got the most amazing one through the door!!! no postal stamp at all (except I took it off the postman in person so I know it went through the system) so no clues.

I shall post a picture later.

It is sewn, I am very impressed :) someone is very talented, even the postie commented on it. I like the back almost as much as I like the front but I'm not putting a picture of it as it's just my address and the black stitching around the edge. It's very aesthetically pleasing though.
I wondered if it was for you when I saw the address :D

I'm glad you like it :)

I wonder where the ink stains came from, I suppose that's part of the fun of sending it without an envelope.
ooh, I received mine last Thursday but it was scary to come home to so had blocked it from my mind :D

Will try to get a pic up tomorrow and get mine in the post by the weekend.
In all fairness, that card is next to no reflection of any technical ability - it's just 2 used colour catchers (rinsed in hot water to remove fabric conditioner) PVA glued onto card. It took a bit of playing around and cutting to find any interesting shape or pattern but that was all, apart from making the outline a bit clearer with a lead pencil. Sometimes the image is already there. :cool:
I'm chuffed to bits with the postcard I received today.

Not only is it totally fab, but it arrived on my birthday. So double thank you to whoever sent it.

I absolutely love the different textures and the difference between the way the landscape is done and the shading on the pyramids and the camel.


Thank you, thank you, thank you :)
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