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urban postcard exchange round 3

I've started mine, will be posting friday hopefully, like spanglechick I have been busy being ill :/
Sorry to the person who sent me mine, not to post a picture up yet. I'm finally home in the light without a hangover and my camera has no battery. That's before the resizing fun and games begin.
Someone else has written on it :)<snip>
Mystery solved. The P8 was added at the local sorting office, it was also scrawled on one of the bills which arrived in the same delivery. :)
What does P8 mean? The mystery is nowhere near solved!
I think it's just the postman's code for this part of the round, given that he covers more than one estate along the main road.
I'm currently working on the 4th draft of my postcard :oops:

I just can't seem to get it right. This version is almost done though and I'm pretty happy with it so I promise it will be in the post by tomorrow.
I don't know if I'm fortunate or not in that I didn't realise how talented other postcard creators are and how high the artistic standard is.... Good job I've already posted mine, I can't stress about it now.
I almost get more excited about seeing the one I sent on here than receiving one. *internet whore*

I am starting to worry its a bit rubbish though.
<snip>I think I have the computer version of dyslexia.
Okay, just use whichever image software you've got and save the image as a jpeg. Or get somebody to do that bit for you.

Then upload it directly to urban by using the "upload a file" button (between "post reply" and "more options").

If you still have trouble uploading, your connection might be a bit iffy at the moment, or the picture might be a bit big (in terms of physical size rather than memory size).
I almost get more excited about seeing the one I sent on here than receiving one. *internet whore*

I am starting to worry its a bit rubbish though.

"Rubbish" is relative. We tend to judge ourselves via what we have learned about art, so a lot of us judge our own art through reference to the frankly impossible-to-imitate work that we've seen in galleries or in coffee-table books, when the only thing we really need to judge is whether what we've drawn/painted/sculpted/photographed etc pleases us and (perhaps) says what we wanted it to say. It doesn't really matter if the other person reads into your work what you were trying to put in it, in fact that's half the attraction - that another person will see something different in your work/to your work than you see.

Hope that makes sense! :oops:
What a sweet idea. I'll join this.
You'll need to PM killer b your address and wait for the next round, but there's no reason why you can't start on a postcard right now if you've got any ideas for one.
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