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*urban 75 student cook book.


Here for the football.
Righ I'm starting uni next month and reckon I could do with some. quick easy and CHEAP!!! recipes to get me by student life.

so what was your favorite student grub, whats your favorite 15minute wonders.

I will get all the recipes and print em out and use that as my cook book when i get to uni save me nicking my mums!

Beany Mess

2 onions
2 cloves garlic
2/3 red/green/yellow peppers
1 can tomatoes
1 can kidney beans
1 can baked beans
bayleaf/italian seasoning ca. 1 tsp/ chili powder ca 1 tsp

Peel and chop up first 3, fry in the oil I forgot to mention till softish, add can contents (drain kidney beans first) and herbs and salt and pepper. You can add frozen peas or spinach too. Serve with rice or potatoes/chips or bread and grated cheese or fried egg or sausages or bacon or any thing else you want.

Should be enough for 2/3 portions depending how hungry you are and it's all dirt cheap. We eat it all the time:)

Jacket spud.

Prick spuds & put in hot oven for 12 hours (best to do it when you posh flatmates are roasting a swan or something).


Cream / Cottage / Curd Cheese
Grated Cheese
Branston Pickle
Baked beans
Tuna and Mayo
Prawns and mayo if you are flush.

Eat with a salad, cheap and healthy!

<is waiting for the first "toast and marmite when you are pissed or stoned" contribution>
Stir fries. They're still pretty much the only thing i can cook.

Get some vegetables (any at all).heat up oil on highest heat on cooker. Throw veg in pan with some spices and soy sauce,stirring constantly. Eat with noodles,rice or couscous.
pasta and sauce in a jar. If your flush, with cheese.

If your skint pasta and your own sauce made from herbs and tin of tomatoes, or the legendary pasta and beans (all students eat this at some point when its all there is left).!!
Originally posted by flimsier
or the legendary pasta and beans (all students eat this at some point when its all there is left).!!

Oh god yes - I remember that one well. after a few days having it for every meal it gets a bit tedious. :D
mmm pasta and beans :)

find the cheapest supermarket such as liddel/netto etc and bulk buy the basics (pasta and beans being the two main basics at chez feyr :) ). stock up on canned fruit/frozen veggies at the begining of term when you first get the loan check. make a budget for fresh food (milk,cheese,bread, fresh fruit and veg etc) per week and stick to it . canned tomatos are your friend, as are herbs and pepper. curry powder is always useful too :)

www.studentnosh.com is a pretty useful recipe place

will post more when i can think of them

right now, i'm off to my plate of pasta and curried beans( for the 12th day in a row!:eek: )
Originally posted by grtho
Jacket spud.

Prick spuds & put in hot oven for 12 hours

I think that should be 1 1/2 - 2 hours :eek:

Buy a wok. Cook everything in it. Always cook enough for 3 or 4 feeds. This means you have several days of food, handy if you don't have time/can't be arsed to cook.

Learn to cook spaghetti bollagnaise(sp?)/chilli con carne/curry and then you can do tons of variants on those dishes, with or without meat.

Basically chop and fry an onion or two, garlic, add tomatoes, meat/veg/anything you can find, herbs and spices etc. Voila. Let everything cook until it looks and tastes done.

And then boil some rice/pasta/spuds to have with it.
Hmmmm.......... I reckon theres a lot of things you could do depending on where you go to uni. I was lucky in that I went to Aberystwyth (cheap goods, plentiful countryside). As you will probably find as a student you have an inordinate ammount of spare time (as long as your prepared to accept a 2:2 like me, lol). I bought a copy of 'Food For Free' by Richard Mabey and have learned of many free edible delights as long as i have an afternoon to kill. Lidl rules, especially for european things, such as olive oil etc on the cheap. If your sensible (unlike me) you'll avoid both Corny Bars and noblemans (fortified wine thing, v.cheap, tastes of poo). This is probably unusual in a uni town but Aber had a farmers market and the veg was unbelievably cheap. If not get yourself down the normal market and blag deals on bulk meat for the freezer and fruit/veg that they need to sell (try and haggle). In seson, butchers can do a brace of pheasant for as little as £3, the drawback being that they are fully feathered and have guts in, but if your prepared to endure the unpleasentness, its two chicken-sized, free-range birds for three quid (your flatmates will moan about feathers everywhere, so make sure you pluck em in a binbag). Live like a lord and roast em covered in cheap streaky bacon with parsnips etc round them. Watch your housemates come drooling, if you feel like being a bastard, charge em for a roast if you want to be universally adored, let em tuck in for free (watch out for shot). Make soup with the leftovers...........ahhhh the joy of student life.......hope that helped
As long as you have the following available to consume quickly, you'll get through your student days with ease...

pesto and bacon. mmmm. The nicest thing ever and so easy and quick cos all you need is a jar of sauce and a piece of bacon and it feeds you up for life.

bacon and beans on toast. with cheese and worcester sauce just to add a touch of class. gorgeous for breakfast at around midday.

jelly. make lots of it and keep it in the fridge because it's a good cheap dessert and it's more exciting than yoghurt. you can layer it in different flavours too. in fact, that was the most exciting thing I ever learnt during my time at university.

custard. a bowl of custard on a cold winter's evening can be quite comforting. :D


I lost quite a lot of weight when I was cooking for myself. :D
'Miracle fish'

So called cos it's really simple and tastes rather nicer than its rather basic ingredients suggest. Plus it'll get you a healthy serving of fish, you young waster ;)!

You'll need a fillet of white fish (cod or summat, easy to buy cheap)
Solid cheese of your choice!

All you do is coat the fish in mayo, put it on a backing tray of foil and grate lotsa cheese all over it and stick in under a medium grill for about 8 minutes.

And then you have cheesy, fishy yumminess!
yeh an get poisoned by ya skanky housemates

100mph puke and poops at the same time


errrr even though am too old for this uni post i would say egg noodles and mackeral in tom sauce is yummy
Felix's Favoutite Baked Bean recipe

Empty tin of beans into an oven proof dish
Fry an onion and put it on top of baked beans
Give a good shake of worcester sauce over the lot
Grate a pile of cheese and spread all over the beans and onions
Top with mashed potato
Bake in the oven until the top is brown

This thread ain't much good if you hate baked beans like I do. Just as well I'm a half decent cook, although most of my recipes include wine or cider avec chicken/beef/pork served with pasta/rice/noodles.

Baked beans......ewww....

9p noodles are evil.
Cheap cupasoup smells like wee.
If you eat Lidl/Aldi cheese, you will smell of Lidl/Aldi chesse. i remember resting on my arms in a lecture and thinking "What's that smell?" "Bollocks! It's Aldi cheese!! Ewwww"

Not nice.
Originally posted by Epico
This thread ain't much good if you hate baked beans like I do.
Thank christ someone else feels the same way! I was starting to think I was totally screwed because I hate baked beans (don't like tomato ketchup either, don't know why that's relevant but it just feels like it is). I'm planning on getting a sandwich toaster too, but other than that it's gonna be noodles and pasta plus sauce all the way for me :D

I'm hoping I'm gonna be able to get some meat in there somewhere too, I love my meat but it can be quite expensive. I'm thinking I'll treat it as a, um, treat, maybe on Friday or Saturday evenings, or Sunday afternoons :)
I tried going without meat to save costs in my 1st semester, I just couldn't do it. I think it might have made me ill (or at least partly contribuated to it) at one point. I need my intake of it and so I started to buy about 5/6 meals worth per week - it's not that expensive just look for reductions/specials and buy in bulk if you've got the freezer space (which can be hard to come by if people are like some of the people that i was in halls with).
I'm thinking of keeping some kind of cool box or something in my room to reduce the need for freezer space, but I'm not sure how practical that'd be :confused:

I'll definitely be on the lookout for special offers, I think I'll be frequenting Iceland and Safeways rather than my usual Sainsburys from now on (though while my family was away I got four burgers, chicken dippers, four spicy meat things, alphabites and four Magnum bar thingys all for a fiver :D :cool: )
Root vegetables (2 or 3 each potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips)
Tomato puree
Stock (vegetable stock cubes are fine)

Fry the onions then the chopped veg one by one till brown. Park them in a casserole dish, then add stock to cover them. Stir in tomato puree & thicken it by adding a dessertspoon of flour & stirring. Put casserole in oven (about mark 5) for about an hour or till veg are soft. Nice served with bread.

This is really nice (browning the veg gives them a great flavour), makes a meal for a few people & is dirt cheap.

When I was a student I never made this. I discovered it later. At college we lived on baked potatoes, baked beans & curries bought by maxing the credit cards. And I once made a spag bol by using this insides of old sausages. :eek: Not recommended.

(Sorry, this isn't 15 minutes! Hopefully its utter cheapness will atone for that)
if you are in halls and getting unlimited electricity included in your accomodation fees, beg/borrow/hire a mini fridge for your room
A lot of unis (including the one I'm going to I think) frown upon such fripperies. If every student had a fridge in their room there'd be a melt down!

Besides, what with my PC, my printer, my stereo, my TV, my PS2, my Mega Drive my N64, and my mobile phone charger, I think it's unlikely I'm going to have any free plugs!
Originally posted by Lord Camomile
Besides, what with my PC, my printer, my stereo, my TV, my PS2, my Mega Drive my N64, and my mobile phone charger, I think it's unlikely I'm going to have any free plugs!

Bloody hell! I just took a tape player to college.

And some books, of course ;)
Originally posted by Funky_monks
Hmmmm.......... I reckon theres a lot of things you could do depending on where you go to uni. I was lucky in that I went to Aberystwyth (cheap goods, plentiful countryside). As you will probably find as a student you have an inordinate ammount of spare time (as long as your prepared to accept a 2:2 like me, lol). I bought a copy of 'Food For Free' by Richard Mabey and have learned of many free edible delights as long as i have an afternoon to kill. Lidl rules, especially for european things, such as olive oil etc on the cheap. If your sensible (unlike me) you'll avoid both Corny Bars and noblemans (fortified wine thing, v.cheap, tastes of poo). This is probably unusual in a uni town but Aber had a farmers market and the veg was unbelievably cheap. If not get yourself down the normal market and blag deals on bulk meat for the freezer and fruit/veg that they need to sell (try and haggle). In seson, butchers can do a brace of pheasant for as little as £3, the drawback being that they are fully feathered and have guts in, but if your prepared to endure the unpleasentness, its two chicken-sized, free-range birds for three quid (your flatmates will moan about feathers everywhere, so make sure you pluck em in a binbag). Live like a lord and roast em covered in cheap streaky bacon with parsnips etc round them. Watch your housemates come drooling, if you feel like being a bastard, charge em for a roast if you want to be universally adored, let em tuck in for free (watch out for shot). Make soup with the leftovers...........ahhhh the joy of student life.......hope that helped

If you are a student, prey tell what is a paragraph?
Tsk, young people, probably don't even know how to parse a sentence, probably don't know what "parse a sentence" means grumble grumble grumble...
Actually the 'young' of today are very aware we're born, and we know a hell of a lot more about the process than you guys ever did, these are enlightened times y'know ;)

And we do appreciate what we've got, we know all you people had to play with were sticks and shoelaces and we're fucking glad for the invention of fun :p :D
Originally posted by Lord Camomile
And we do appreciate what we've got, we know all you people had to play with were sticks and shoelaces and we're fucking glad for the invention of fun :p :D

Sticks and shoelaces - sheer luxury!

We used to dream of sticks and shoelaces...

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