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*urban 75 student cook book.

<bumped for my own interest plus to post up my new favourite sandwich>

Grill some hallumi
Cut a baguette in half
Put the hallumi in it
Lather in sweet chilli sauce
Put back together and munch

Quite possibly the best drunken snack I've ever come across in my life :)

(thankyou maestroscloud)
Fish pie's always been a favourite.

Ingedients: 1 fish pie (99p)
Method: Place in oven for 50 minutes

Serve with something.

(tbh, I ate pasta with pesto and bacon or pasta carbonara almost everyday for lunch followed by 'mixed spicy stuff' with rice or spuds for tea)
ViolentPanda said:
take some hot mashed potato
i discovered this last nite -

easy beef stew

onions carrots celery chopped and fried in pan
add tin chopped tomatoes
add tin chick peas
add chopped stewing beef
add juice of orange
season w salt pepper taragon cumin paprika (whatever youve got basically ;) )
cover with water

cover and cook on low for as long as possible

jobs a goodun :cool:
Student recipe

  • 1 freshly slaughtered student
  • 5 lbs potatoes
  • 1 Bramley apple
  • Spig parsley
  • Layer a pit with coal and light. Leave for 1 hour for temperature to become even
  • Baste student with butter
  • Place apple in the students mouth
  • Wrap student in tin foil with the potaoes
  • Place student on coals, cover student with sawdust.
  • Wait 4 hours, dig out student parcel and unwrap
  • Garnish with parsley sprig and serve with the sauce of your choice
*Note that cookin time should be ajusted in line with the size of the student.
**May contain traces of nuts
Invented on Saturday, after the Friday night : Pitta cheese melts.

Open a pitta.
Insert several slices of cheese
Put in toaster

Yum :)
LostNotFound said:
may not be entirely original :p ;)

Hell no :) But on that particular saturday, it was like discovering a michelin star restaurant under the sink :)

Gently fry some onions with cumin seeds garlic & chilli, add washed red split lentils, cover with water and bring to the boil. Simmer adding more water if necessary. Add some garam masala towards the end. Serve with bread/rice.
Add some mushrooms if you're feeling extravagant :)
Peice of piss to make and probably costs about 10p/serving depending on how big a bag of lentils you buy.

edit: forgot to say salt, one of the few dishes I use it in, but it really is needed.
Xanadu's sounds good vvv
This is my dhal recipes, nicked off a proper indian (aka my mum):

Boil the lentils till you can crush a grain without any hard stuff. Fry some onion, when translucent add some garlic and ginger, stir for a sec, then add a chopped tomato. The add a teaspoon of paprika, and half a teaspoon each of cumin, chilli powder, tumeric, coriander and garam masala. Once the spices are fried off a little, stir it into the dhal and stir. Add green chilli, salt and vinegar to taste. Serve with chapatis, or whatever bread you've got lying around.

Mix a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of oil/ghee, 3 cups of chapati flour and enough water to make a nice bread dough (the sort of consistancy of pizza dough). Roll out and fry in a little butter. If you can't get chapati flour, replace with 2 cups of white to 1 cup of brown flour.
Crispy said:
Invented on Saturday, after the Friday night : Pitta cheese melts.

Open a pitta.
Insert several slices of cheese
Put in toaster

Yum :)
Especially good with garlic pitta bread
Quick and easy, and nicer than it sounds:

- 1/2 tin of Baked Beans
- 1/2 tin of Corned Beef
- A squirt of tomato puree (optional)

Stick baked beans into pan. Chop up corned beef into small cubes and stick into pan. If your beans aren't very saucy (oo err) then add the tomato puree. Cook until corned beef stews. Serve with noodles or pasta. Done!
Solidarnosc said:
Quick and easy, and nicer than it sounds:

- 1/2 tin of Baked Beans
- 1/2 tin of Corned Beef
- A squirt of tomato puree (optional)

Stick baked beans into pan. Chop up corned beef into small cubes and stick into pan. If your beans aren't very saucy (oo err) then add the tomato puree. Cook until corned beef stews. Serve with noodles or pasta. Done!

Jesus wept, that sounds revolting.
Easy and nice:

-Boiled brown rice mixed with rosemary, lemon juice, olive oil and crushed nuts
-Egg fried rice (boil some brown rice, beat an egg or two in a bowl, add the egg mix to a frying pan full of rice with a little oil and stir)
-Courgette + chickpea omelette (fry some courgette in oil and garlic, add it to an omelette with the chickpeas)
-Egg pittas (scrambled egg shoved into pitta bread with grated cheese and salad - yum!)
-Interesting pasta (any pasta with tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, pine nuts, crispy bacon and grated cheese)
-Pasta carbonara (boil pasta, drain, add single cream, black olives, crispy bacon and mushrooms)
-Healthy baked beans (wholemeal toast, baked beans, salad - tomato, cucumber and lettuce)


-tomato puree
-tinned tomato puree
-brown rice
-cheap Japanese super noodles
-kidney beans
-baked beans
-olive oil
cook some pasta - penne works best - til al dente. bung some courgettes in for the last minute or so of the cooking.
drain, return to pan. add a couplea tablespoons of plain yoghurt, sprinkling of black pepper, grate some parmesan in there, stir.
serve with more parmesan on top if you like it extra cheesy.

can be varied greatly - mushrooms or peppers instead of courgettes for example, and you can saute them rather than putting them in the pasta pan if you prefer. also you could use creme fraiche or sour cream instead of yoghurt. and you can use whatever herbs you fancy to flavour it. also you could add some finely chopped garlic.
endless variations.
Mrs Magpie said:
It won't stay a sticky for ever & ever & always though.
but at least long enough for us to scribble down the recipes! ;)
cheers, miss m.! :D
i went on a great diet during my final days at uni.It was a variation on the slimfast diet,but instead of having a slimfast for breakfast,one for lunch and a proper evening meal i had a normal breakfast and lunch and replaced my evening meal with a bottle of wine.This is neither cheap nor healthy,and will probably cause you to fail your exams and/or become quite ill,but it is a fun way to lose weight quite quickly. :rolleyes:
rosa said:
i went on a great diet during my final days at uni.It was a variation on the slimfast diet,but instead of having a slimfast for breakfast,one for lunch and a proper evening meal i had a normal breakfast and lunch and replaced my evening meal with a bottle of wine.This is neither cheap nor healthy,and will probably cause you to fail your exams and/or become quite ill,but it is a fun way to lose weight quite quickly. :rolleyes:

I used to do that, but with 6 pints of lager instead of wine. Strangely, I put on weight :confused:
Cous cous is filling and quick, takes almost no effort, and you can add pretty much anything you have around to it. All you have to do (depending on the kind you get -- it should have the exact directions on the box) is add a little boiling water to the cous cous, cover, and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Then you can add different herbs, beans, vegetables, nuts, etc.
Easy pizza

you need:

ciabatta roll/loaf of bread
tomato puree
oregano or mixed herbs
plus toppings of your choice - e,g, tuna, anchovies, pepperoni, ham, onions, peppers, tomatoe slices, whatever you fancy really

cut roll in half. If you use a loaf of ciabatta, split it along the middle then cut in half to give four bits. Decide how hungry you are and put the rest of bread away. Spread tomato puree on cut side of bread, then add all the toppings you are using. Cover with grated cheese and sprinkle herbs on the top.
Grill or put in oven (180-200) until cheese is brown and bubbling. (shoudl take about 5-10 mins, depending on the cooker you're using).

Sausage casserole

I invented this in my final year at uni, and still eat it now, it's fab in winter with a jacket potato.

You need (for one person):

About three sausages (depending on how hungry you are)
a small onion
a couple of mushrooms
rasher or two of streaky bacon
small tin of baked beans
small tin of chopped tomatoes
mixed herbs
tomato puree
the magic ingredient-brown sauce, preferably HP, anything else tastes pants

Cook sausages under the grill. While sausages are cooking, chop onion into chunks and fry in large pan. Chop mushrooms and bacon into pieces and add as well. When nice and brown, add cooked sausages to pan, and also add baked beans, a squeeze of tomato puree and a good dollop of brown sauce. Sprinkle in herbs, and give everything a good stir so it's all mixed in. Simmer for about 10-15 minutes). Serve with oven chips, waffles, jacket potato, mashed potato, garlic bread, whatever.

For a veggie version, use veggie sausages and leave out the bacon.

You can add a clove of garlic if you like, but it can overpower everything, so I just have garlic bread with it.
oh my - I used to regret not going to University ... having read this lot, perhaps not !

Dunno about food on the cheap - my forte is food for the lazy. Poached eggs in microwave, on toast. Sorted.
Ive just been re-reading the thread and there's stuff I defo must try out :cool:

I also noticed that my sister has posted on it and that our posts have many similarities (ie chickpeas, lentils, tinned toms etc) :oops: :D
Sweetcorn soup
Tip a tin of sweetcorn into a pan, add 1/2 a pint of warm milk. Add salt & pepper. Cook for 10 - 15 mins. Blend it or sieve it. Add lump of butter, and some cream if you have some handy... :)

Even better try this:

Alcoholic Pudding
Alcoholic Pudding:
3 eggs,
2 heaped tbsp caster sugar,
grated rind of one orange,
2 tbsp of kirsch, curacao, apricot brandy, or whatever booze you have lying around.

Switch oven onto a high heat. Seperate the eggs and beat the yolks together with the sugar, orange rind and booze. Then whip the whites until they are stiff. Fold the two mixtures together.
Pour the mixture into a preheated frying pan or omelette pan - make sue the pan has some melted butter in coating the bottom. Keep the pan moving, and the mixture will cook in about a minute or two.
Once done, place the pan in the heated oven to finish off cooking for about a further minute.
Slide the whole lot out onto a plate or dish. Should serve two.

tuna pasta (not the cheese sauce version)

Pasta twirls
1 tin of tuna
2 big spoons mayonaise
2 teaspoons pesto

the pesto and mayonaise work really well together and make this meal seem a lot more extravagant than it is. You can even make one tin of tuna stretch to two people if you do enough pasta. Bargain!
pistachio said:
oh my - I used to regret not going to University ... having read this lot, perhaps not !

Dunno about food on the cheap - my forte is food for the lazy. Poached eggs in microwave, on toast. Sorted.
A mate at uni invited me over for his 'fantastic' home made curry. He got a tin of economy potatoes in brine, added chilli powder and served with a proud flourish.
Gazpacho Soup

If yer feeling posh...

6 Nice tomatoes
1/3 cucumber
2 cloves garlic
3 slices bread
1/2 green pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons wine vinegar
Squirt of tomato paste

Just need a hand blender: Crumb the bread with the blender, chop everything else up, put everything except the water in a bowl and blend - add the water to get the right soup consistency. Chill & serve cold.

At uni I used to make this once a week cos I got a bit paranoid about not eating any fresh veg. It's cheap and easy - the most important thing is to get really nice tomatoes, from your local greengrocer or summit.

You can have it hot as well. But you'll end up as a soup machine technician.
Pittas stuffed with Mediterranean vegetables

Right, if you have a proper cheap fruit and veg shop locally then this shouldn't cost you much at all, but if your local fruity is a daylight robber like mine is then you're f*cked. This takes about 20 minutes and also works with pasta instead of pitta.

Food and tings:

First buy some pitta breads, you should be able to get 6 for 50p max (Kwik save own brand are 42p).

Now buy an abubergine (eggplant), an onion (red or white, whatever you prefer), some courgettes, some mushrooms (preferable large flat ones), and two small (or one large) red pepper. These veg should cost you no more than £3.50 if you're being robbed, but the shop near my parents it normally costs about £2.

You should have some oil already (olive oil preferably), some salt, pepper and herbs (I prefer basil but any Italian herbs will do). Also some cheese might come in handy.

How to make it:

First cut the aubergine in half widthways, and slice it into slices about 1-2cm thick. Now cut them slices into quarters. Sprinkle a bit of salt on the slices and leave them while you prepare the other veg.

Slice the courgettes thickly, widthways, diagonally.

Slice the pepper into chunks however you like - I quarter them lengthways and then widthways.

Slice the mushrooms into quarters or eigths depending on their size.

Cut the onions into chunks, about the same size as the other veg or smaller if you prefer.

Heat the grill up and line your grill pan with some foil. You can put the grill rack in the grill pan if you want drier vegetables but you will have to keep spooning oil over them every couple of minutes to stop them burning. I prefer not to use the rack, I just pour a bit of oil and herbs in the grill pan - just enough to cover the vegetables. Put all the veg except the aubergine into the grill pan and mix them in with the oil. Now wash the salt off the aubergines and mix them in with the rest of the veg, ensuring that they're all evenly coated with oil. Grill 'em til they start to go golden brown*.

Toast the pitta breads (either under the grill or in a toaster), split em at the top and fill em with vegetables. Or you can put the veg in first and toast the pitta with the veg in. You can add melted cheese or hummous if you like, I prefer em with cheese but each to his own.

*You might need to mix the vegetables halfway through cooking, just to re-coat them with the oil in the pan

pissed-up pasta

I made this one night with my mate after we'd drank too much beer and I didn't have much in the cupboards.

Cook some pasta. Add some tomato soup (just enough, don't drown the pasta). Stir it and heat it for a bit and add some tabasco sauce. voila. Yummy.
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