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Underrated Movie Comedy Franchises

I like the Doctor In.. UK series from the 50s , Doctor In Trouble, Doctor In Clover, Doctor In Love etc. Kind of of a sub Carry On films with James Robertson-Justice, Leslie Philips etc. Good british fun.

i saw one a while back and it had a rather shocking scene of gratuitous racim that i was surprised got past the compliance viewers
Are old films edited for this? for TV or DVD release?
i don't know how much they are but films like dambusters have had mentions of nigger the squadron mascot edited out. if something is flagrantry offensive to modern viewers, it will be edited out or warned about at the beginning of the film. though i imagine that the version supplied to the broadcaster has already had such material edited/removed though. i don't know what the official policy is though and can only speak for one network. they make 'all times versions' of most films/programmes shown during daytimes. ever seen a daytime ER? sometimes it doesn't make sense as it's had all the gore edited out and with that some of the narrative coherence.
itv are notorious for butchering films for family viewing - most famously so for robocop:
I don't reckon they'll do much in the way of checking old films that have already been passed as suitable for daytime viewing unless they receive new complaints.

'Nigger' the dog is controversial, but I'm not sure I want it changed (wasn't it Battle of Britain?), but I don't have an issue with a warning at the start outlining that some views/ideas/dialogue is representative of the times and may be offensive in today's society.
Caddyshack 1 & 2 still raise several chuckles from me - "N-n-n-n-n-n-na" :D

As mentioned before American Pie managed 3 decent films before going pretty shit, and had the charm that other teen comedies lacked.
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