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UKIP. Naughty, naughty, very naughty...

Telling the authorities that was what you were *going to do* after being caught trying to launder drug money - perhaps a bit better plan.

Thing is, if they actually believed him and he was any good at it. Rather than throw the book at him, I'd lay money on them trying to use him as a stooge to catch some bigger fish.
Perhaps they tried that, and - in some misplaced up-his-own-arse instep-aiming 'kipper Proud Brit mindset - he refused. Book accordingly thrown.

Somehow I don't see kippers as the sort of people who have that sort of balls. More they seem like sniveling/whining little kiddies when caught/challenged on anything that matters.
Somehow I don't see kippers as the sort of people who have that sort of balls. More they seem like sniveling/whining little kiddies when caught/challenged on anything that matters.
I don't think it's about balls. I think it's about overweening pride. Quite possibly to the extent of "I'm a British Gentleman, and you Colonial Upstarts can just buzz off and stop bothering me" type thinking. It is hard to overestimate the self-destructive hubris of some of these puffed-up inbred morons.

The other possibility is that, having spoken to him for any length of time, law enforcement might just have decided he was too stupid or stroppy to be able to do a stooge job...or perhaps they just thought they'd prefer to stick it to him good and proper.
why the fuck is he trying to scam drug dealers for cash if he's already worth hundreds of £millions? :confused:
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. I knew someone once whom I later discovered was absolutely filthy dripping rich (inherited), and yet who - while not mean - was obsessive about gaining advantage, financially. The sort of person who, if he got change for a twenty when he'd given a ten would have no compunction at all about taking it, walking out, and boasting about it later...and this was someone who could have lit his cigar with that tenner in the knowledge that it had increased the overall cost of smoking the cigar by not much more than 20%.

I did some work for him, charged him a mighty "mizewell" markup on the extras, and kept it very (IT) professional. He was a slimy fucker who, so far as I could tell, had few friends, so maybe his money antics were some kind of compensatory behaviour. I could see the same being true of yer 'kipper here.
I don't think it's about balls. I think it's about overweening pride. Quite possibly to the extent of "I'm a British Gentleman, and you Colonial Upstarts can just buzz off and stop bothering me" type thinking. It is hard to overestimate the self-destructive hubris of some of these puffed-up inbred morons.

The other possibility is that, having spoken to him for any length of time, law enforcement might just have decided he was too stupid or stroppy to be able to do a stooge job...or perhaps they just thought they'd prefer to stick it to him good and proper.
For illustration purposes, just imagine the thought processes of a Grampians copper on discovering that he'd pulled over one Donald J Trump for having a faulty rear light... :D :cool: :thumbs: :hoopla:
For illustration purposes, just imagine the thought processes of a Grampians copper on discovering that he'd pulled over one Donald J Trump for having a faulty rear light... :D :cool: :thumbs: :hoopla:

Reminds me of the traffic cop in 1994 who pulled over a very flash sportscar for speeding and asked the driver:

'Who do you think you are, Stirling Moss?'

The driver's reply being:

'No, actually I'm Ayrton Senna.'
Reminds me of the traffic cop in 1994 who pulled over a very flash sportscar for speeding and asked the driver:

'Who do you think you are, Stirling Moss?'

The driver's reply being:

'No, actually I'm Ayrton Senna.'

Was more than that, was trying to get to Southampton Airport, and explained "he had to get their before his private jet took off without him."
which a lot of people disbelieved.
His pilot would have done.
The British newspaper The Telegraph reported in August that Cottrell is worth an estimated $310 million. He is the nephew of British Lord Alexander Fermor-Hesketh, a former Conservative Party treasurer who joined the Independent Party in 2011.

Another grass roots man-of-the-people anti-establishment hero, guaranteed to look out for the interests of the working populace.
Nope. If you've filed a flight plan, been given a take-off slot, and haven't rented any storage space for your Learjet, it takes off whether you're on it or not. :)
Additionally, quite a lot of private jet owners/leasers share flights. Not uncommon for several formula one drivers, team directors, CTO, etc to buddy up on flights, so there may be pressure there to just leave at the appointed time. Also, many private jet owners (even at the oligarch level) pool jets so the private jet (and crew - often wet leased) you are using may not be your own anyway (and so shortly needs to be somewhere else for someone else).

PS: some variation on that speeding anecdote has been told for at least every major F1 driver since Jack Brabham.
Additionally, quite a lot of private jet owners/leasers share flights. Not uncommon for several formula one drivers, team directors, CTO, etc to buddy up on flights, so there may be pressure there to just leave at the appointed time. Also, many private jet owners (even at the oligarch level) pool jets so the private jet (and crew - often wet leased) you are using may not be your own anyway (and so shortly needs to be somewhere else for someone else).

PS: some variation on that speeding anecdote has been told for at least every major F1 driver since Jack Brabham.

It happened to Senna, we were managing his HS125 at the time
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