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Twitter bitch fight Alan Sugar vs Donald Trump vs Piers Morgan

Alan Sugar, Donald Trump and Piers Morgan dont like each other very much
Thats not news we already knew that no one likes those three. Not even themselves you can see it in their souless eyes.

I was once close enough to give Morgan some verbal at a tv show, unfortunatly I was totally disarmed when I realised his two young lads (maybe 9 & 10) were stood in front of me with a look of total hero worship on their faces as they were in awe as their dad was being interviewed for telly. At that age your dad is always a cross between einstein and pele.
My best mate loves getting in twitter spats since he discovered...... Its fucking painful when it keeps popping up on my wall..

He does love to mess with BNP/EDL members though, so I let him get on with it.
That seems unlikely. Are 4% of the UK on twitter?
Sugar has 2.5+ million twitter followers. There are about 60 million people in the UK.

2.5 x 100 / 60 = 4.16%


In May twitter claimed there were 10 million UK users. That would give Sugar around 25% of UK twitterers following him.
The most annoying thing I found on that link was being told that I should follow Alex Hern on twitter rather than being invited or even advised to do so. :rolleyes:
Was a pretty funny exchange of tweets, that. I particularly liked "get on your knees, Sugar" and "like you're the most popular person on US TV."

I think Twitter is the best thing to happen to 'celebrities' as they can't help but speke there brainz, and when they do, it's usually something unpleasant or unflattering.
made me laugh anyway ........

anyone seen this ?

You've been Trumped
Anthony Baxter's film on the David and Goliath-style conflict between a group of proud Scottish homeowners and American tycoon Donald Trump, as he gets set to build a huge golf resort on an environmentally protected site in Aberdeenshire.
Baxter follows the local residents as they make their last stand in the face of security harassments, legal threats and the loss of their water and electricity supplies. Baxter himself becomes international news after being thrown in jail following an interview with Mr Trump's green keeper.
Told entirely without narration, the film captures the cultural chasm between the glamorous, jet-setting and media-savvy Donald Trump and a deeply rooted Scottish community. For the tycoon, the golf course is just another deal, with a possible billion dollar payoff. For the residents, it represents the destruction of a globally unique landscape that has been the backdrop for their live

sorry ....cant find the full documentary ...its gone from Bbc i player

who sez the dark days of the Highland clearances are long gone ?
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