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Turkey to send troops into Libya


right after this urgent rest
Erdogan announces plan to send troops to Libya

Summary: Erdogan is to seek his parliament’s support to send Turkish troops into Libya (he will get it). This is at the request of the Libyan government, or at least one of the two parallel administrations holding power in Libya.

Russia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Egypt and France Support the other administration, which holds the east of the country.

This could turn into a proxy war, and Libya could sink further into violence. The 2011 toppling of Gaddafi looks like another great foreign policy victory of the US and her allies...!
Libya, Syria and Iraq are absolute tragedies.

When you see the news reports, you wonder if those countries will ever be back to where they were. The scale of destruction is dreadful.
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This could turn into a proxy war, and Libya could sink further into violence.

It had proxy conflict features before Gaddafi was even dead. Not got time to do the subject justice right now but there were multiple groups and countries involved and Libya was used as part of more than one long running 'rivalry', eg UAE v Qatar. And the broader Qatar, Turkey, Muslim Brotherhood axis vs Saudi, UAE etc (and Egypt firmly back on that side once their military had removed the MB from power there and crushed them).

Given the nature of armed conflict in Libya, some moves by different sides in recent times are probably done in an attempt to exert more leverage over ceasefire/political negotiations. And this is very much one of those moments:

I always find the language used interesting.

The role of foreign states in the conflict has come into focus in recent months, with Turkey passing a controversial law to deploy troops to help GNA forces in Tripoli.

It could have been in focus all along. The moves by Turkey such as the troops thing and providing drone support to the defence of Tripoli are the reason for this 'focus' in our press now, but there have been plenty of opportunities in the past to focus on this stuff involving other countries and sides, for example this from 2017:

American military hardware is being used to undermine official U.S. policy in Libya, TIME has learned, as the United Arab Emirates has deployed warplanes manufactured in the U.S. in Libya in violation of a United Nations arms embargo.

At least six U.S.-made turboprop planes appear in satellite images of an airbase in eastern Libya, deployed in support of the forces of rogue Libyan general Khalifa Haftar, whose army is fighting the U.S. and U.N.-backed government located in Libya’s capital, Tripoli.

The planes offer fresh evidence of a clandestine proxy war in Libya, in which Egypt, the U.A.E., and Russia are siding with Haftar in a military campaign against forces allied with the U.N.-brokered government. Officials in Haftar’s camp accuse Turkey and Qatar of arming Islamist-leaning militias.

I should probably explicitly mention the fact that the side Turkey has backed is the one the UN backs, as I think it was missing from the description at the start of this thread, but its always referenced multiple times in articles such as the above.
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