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Trump to visit Ireland in May... ffs...

I take it you'll be welcoming him to Ireland in the proper way Aladdin?

I take it you'll be welcoming him to Ireland in the proper way Aladdin?

Ha.. ha!!
Well writ. šŸ˜†

He got welcomed by the people in the village of Doonbeg last time.
The two sons were with him. They allegedly ordered rounds of drinks for everyone in the local pub and then left ... without paying.

Can't see him getting a massive welcome. He will probably land in Shannon and helcopter to Doonbeg. He definitely wont meet Mickey D and won't be speechifying anywhere.
It'll be some overtime for a few gardai...
I hope the good people of Ireland give him the welcome he deserves, and that won't be the one he's hoping for or expecting.
It'll be some overtime for a few gardai...

When he was due here a few months back - before his being charged got in the way, the local police were not as enthusiastically protecting him as they did on previous visits.

Instead he was hiring the dregs of the local "security industry" en-masse - ie the sort of guys who can't get a regular spot on a pub door or in Mothercare without supervision.
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