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Tokyo Olympics Composer is a shit

I mean if I search youtube it's:

14 reasons not to move to Japan
Why Japanese don't like foreigners living in Japan
Why not to move to Japan
12 Reasons not to move to Japan
Why all foreigners leave Japan

(ok, with some olympics stuff, and a couple of history vids)
Black in Japan,
Life where I’m from,
Abroad in Japan

are decent focused channels. While Rate Earth has a good series of videos there
Tell you what, the Abroad in Japan channel on YouTube is amusing. Does a bit more travel and taking the piss but mostly out of himself and his mates.
I think I know the guy. English chap. Weak looking beard/tash? I have a feeling I might have met his mate who is into punk rock.
I saw him do a ted talk (not live) about making you tube videos.
As I recall the 'abroad' part of the title has something to do with his name, but I can't imagine his name is 'Bobby Abroad' or something.
'IF' he is the guy I am thinking of, I find about half of his output quite tedious. . . but it can be pretty good when he gets a good idea.

He's gone downhill a wee bit since he started hanging out with the anime pervs.
Haven't seen any of that yet. Doesn't sound good.

My daughter is getting a bit full on anime. I don't think it's because she is half Japanese, as I don't think many kids in her Japanese school are mad into it, but I know loads of kids at her English school are. If I get sucked into a conversation I can be talked at for easily about half an hour non stop about every single aspect of a manga/anime. . . . and she has started forcing me to watch some stuff on Netflix. If I was 25 years younger I would have probably thought this was a patenting dream.
I think I know the guy. English chap. Weak looking beard/tash? I have a feeling I might have met his mate who is into punk rock.
I saw him do a ted talk (not live) about making you tube videos.
As I recall the 'abroad' part of the title has something to do with his name, but I can't imagine his name is 'Bobby Abroad' or something.
'IF' he is the guy I am thinking of, I find about half of his output quite tedious. . . but it can be pretty good when he gets a good idea.

Haven't seen any of that yet. Doesn't sound good.

My daughter is getting a bit full on anime. I don't think it's because she is half Japanese, as I don't think many kids in her Japanese school are mad into it, but I know loads of kids at her English school are. If I get sucked into a conversation I can be talked at for easily about half an hour non stop about every single aspect of a manga/anime. . . . and she has started forcing me to watch some stuff on Netflix. If I was 25 years younger I would have probably thought this was a patenting dream.
when i worked in schools, quite a few 12-16 year old girls were obsessed with manga like Sailor Moon and Black Butler plus loads of Japanese and Korean culture. some even went to the effort of learning Japanese and/or Korean in their own time. and drawing loads of pics of androgynous Korean pop stars
I just remembered that I had tickets to the Japan Olympics (both times).
Would have been an interesting experience perhaps, though I am not into heat/humidity or sport.

I wonder if I will ever go back? I have been so wasteful with all my trips, probably thanks to booze and laziness.
I'd like to go a little further afield on some Tokyo running adventures .
My daughter is getting a bit full on anime. I don't think it's because she is half Japanese, as I don't think many kids in her Japanese school are mad into it, but I know loads of kids at her English school are. If I get sucked into a conversation I can be talked at for easily about half an hour non stop about every single aspect of a manga/anime. . . . and she has started forcing me to watch some stuff on Netflix. If I was 25 years younger I would have probably thought this was a patenting dream.
Yeah lots of young anime fans among my students.

Gets me some cool points every now and again.
when i worked in schools, quite a few 12-16 year old girls were obsessed with manga like Sailor Moon and Black Butler plus loads of Japanese and Korean culture. some even went to the effort of learning Japanese and/or Korean in their own time. and drawing loads of pics of androgynous Korean pop stars
I know a few of my daughters friends are learning Japanese on duo lingo as a direct result of watching anime. . . my daughter (already fluent) perplexingly signed up as well this weekend.
I did originally think the endless manga style drawing she did were because of her upbringing, but it does seem that it's something all kids do these days. Good I suppose that kids are far more cultured these days. I would have had little to no idea about Japan or Korea when I was at 14.
Anime was pretty big when I was at school er... 20 odd years ago. Although nerdy I suppose. I guess I was mildly weab back then, though have always been more interested by design.

K-pop romanticisers need a kick in the arse, vile industry.
I think I know the guy. English chap. Weak looking beard/tash? I have a feeling I might have met his mate who is into punk rock.
I saw him do a ted talk (not live) about making you tube videos.
As I recall the 'abroad' part of the title has something to do with his name, but I can't imagine his name is 'Bobby Abroad' or something.
'IF' he is the guy I am thinking of, I find about half of his output quite tedious. . . but it can be pretty good when he gets a good idea.
It's the same guy, Chris Broad. Some of the stuff doesn't work but we find him entertaining, all the same.

There are some folks here in Japan who are not entertaining. In fact, they're downright dodgy... they are very right wing and seem to want to export their brand of Trumpism. Stuff like Broad's is a welcome light relief from the recycled fash trash that clogs up online sites here.

Would his mate be Natsuki?
I mean if I search youtube it's:

14 reasons not to move to Japan
Why Japanese don't like foreigners living in Japan
Why not to move to Japan
12 Reasons not to move to Japan
Why all foreigners leave Japan

(ok, with some olympics stuff, and a couple of history vids)

Ah, tend to ignore those negative ones.

Also enjoy the ones where someone will travel by train or ferry and there's little to no commentary.
The idea that people have some perfectly free choice to live wherever they wish is the same type of stupid 'personal responsibility' bullshit

thanks for saying that, it's a prominent part of US rightwing rhetoric to yell "why don't you move if you don't like" [whatever], part of a trope about whiny snowflake "liberals." it really galls me.
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