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Titanic tourist sub missing

Keep diving to depth in trash pails and bad things follow:

Better pictures in this article:

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Ran represented a critical asset in climate research, having ventured under Thwaites Glacier since 2019 to collect invaluable data on currents, temperatures, and the glacier's historical patterns of retreat. The vanishing of Ran leaves a significant void in our understanding of the complex dynamics of Thwaites Glacier and its potential impact on our planet's future.

Sounds important, maybe it should have carried a billionaire or two as cargo to ensure there'd be a big effort to look for it if it disappeared
well, it looks like they’re gonna be a bit more careful than Stockton Rush was, by using a safe vessel, so let’s not get too excited.
That headline is absurd. How is the cause of the Titan being insta-crunched during its final foray into the depths not blindingly obvious? Likewise with the question of responsibility.

The sub was constructed using materials and standards that nobody with any real knowledge and experience would ever use. There are sound engineering reasons why carbon fibre composites have never been used in pressure vessels before. Stockton Rush was told of this by multiple experts before that fateful voyage. He ignored warning signs that came up during tests that should have had him shitting himself. He intentionally cheaped out on construction and safety standards because he was a lolbertarian fuckstick who arrogantly presumed that strict regulations and generous engineering margins are only put in place by the big bad gubbermint to inconvenience "visionaries" like him.

He was wrong on all counts, and that's why he was imploded into fish food. I get the need for the authorities to investigate in order to establish a factual account of the events that transpired, but the media really needs to treat fools like Rush with the contempt that their hubris deserves.
I think it's probably lingering more on the responsibility trail.

While it's easy to point at Stockton as the main problem the rest of the world let it happen.

I bet there is a lot of debate on what agencies should have stepped in or should in the future.

Plus probably a bunch of stuff on what can be done to improve the response.

At a guess anyway I'm no expert on these things
While it's easy to point at Stockton as the main problem the rest of the world let it happen.

Various actual experts tried to stop Rush from putting his death trap in the water. As for the rest of the world, what you think we could or should have done about it I'm certain I've no clue. Never even heard this idiot's name until after he'd been turned into chum.
Various actual experts tried to stop Rush from putting his death trap in the water. As for the rest of the world, what you think we could or should have done about it I'm certain I've no clue. Never even heard this idiot's name until after he'd been turned into chum.
The boat he sailed on was registered somewhere
the company he ran was registered somewhere
some bank allowed people to pay him.

maybe next time one of these doesn't happen because of a new rule
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