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Titanic tourist sub missing

I read that they had those end caps early on. I think both were found in perfect condition on the seafloor, and neither attached to anything else, having been blown clean off the body during the implosion.

Well they'll be on the same ship either way... Unless they couldn't recover them this time; they're presumably significantly heavier than the parts shown.
I read that they had those end caps early on. I think both were found in perfect condition on the seafloor, and neither attached to anything else, having been blown clean off the body during the implosion.
concertina's have end caps which can become detached with use. The more i see of this so called vessel the more i see it as an enlarged concertina without the ability to make music. Who the fuck would descend 3 miles to the ocean floor in a musical thrupenny bit?
Aye they could all go diving to inhospitable depths in musical thrupenny bits singing the pugwash theme tune.
I think they are more time poor than anything...we could organise 'adventure holidays for em
'Yeah, we've got a series of Risk Taking Packages available for select clients, like yourself. For the full £250k you can go Sky Diving from a mile up with one of our untested shredded parachutes. However if funds are short, for a mere £100k we can expose you to athletes foot with the Leisure Centre Changing Room Experience'.
I notice there was a Tarp over bits of the submersible when they winched it to the shore.

I expect that bit was the part the people were in and would have made the most incendiary photos.

Looks like they got most of it, should be able to piece together what happened from that I hope.

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I feel for filthy rich people simply because if I was filthy minted I would be buying my own death in a full on case of manic hedonism.

Fuck thunderboats That's not living is it?
Looks like they got most of it, should be able to piece together what happened from that I hope.
I only saw the front end minus the perspex dome, skids and some thin metal sheets on the news.

Not sure the carbon fibre bit would have survived. Fibreglass is brittle and with the forces involved would probably have splintered. :hmm:
I notice there was a Tarp over bits of the submersible when they winched it to the shore.

I expect that bit was the part the people were in and would have made the most incendiary photos.

Looks like they got most of it, should be able to piece together what happened from that I hope.

I see what you did there.
My impression was that the carbon fibre bit would have shattered into a million little pieces that would be extremely difficult if not impossible to find in the churning ocean. At first I thought the viewport might have survived, judging from the images on the BBC site, but then I saw the pic with the crane strap running through it; presumably the viewing port also shattered into a load of tiny shards during the implosion.
In Manchester, life expectancy for men in Didsbury, a nice suburb in the south of the city is 65, for men in not very nice Newton Heath, it's 49 and a bit, so around 15 years difference in the same city.
I couldn't believe that - and I think you've conflated figures there. the 49 is "healthy life expectancy" which is different from "life expectancy". so the gap isn't quite that big - and life expectancy not quite that shockingly low!

Male Life expectancy
(Most disadvantaged fifth of areas in Manchester) 70.9
Male Life expectancy
(Least disadvantaged fifth of areas in Manchester) 78.6

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