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Times you thought real change was coming... only to be sadly disappointed

New Labour

I can remember phoning my sister, we were both so full of hope and optimism only to have it gradually ground away over the coming months and years to such an extent now that, apart from a brief, albeit naive, blip with Corbyn, I'm so apathetic about the future in general. The only saving grace is that neither me and Mrs Voltz have children and my sister doesn't have children, so really no fucks to give
Well people said it would be shit. And it was, it's still ongoing and could very easily become a lot worse. From Roe vs wade to the Republican party descending into fascism.

Day to day it was a lot of bad tweets and a sense of “what has the silly twat done now”.

Also, Roe v Wade was overturned on Biden’s watch - and he could have used his influence to shore up the shakiness of that precedent in his previous incarnation as VP.
The anti-austerity movements after the Tories got elected leading up into Corbynism felt like a change was coming. I am pretty bitter about how he was treated tbh. I will never forget or forgive the dishonesty, smears, conniving, and unwillingness to engage in good faith with critics that the Labour right wing demonstrated then.
I've been hoping for a year or two now that there might be change at the next election. It won't happen regardless of who wins.
I've been hoping for a year or two now that there might be change at the next election. It won't happen regardless of who wins.

There will be change. Not sure what, or to what extent, but the very different baggage the Labour party carries compared to the Tories’ baggage will guarantee that imo.

I just don’t expect the kind of change that I’m liable to be excited about.
Day to day it was a lot of bad tweets and a sense of “what has the silly twat done now”.

Also, Roe v Wade was overturned on Biden’s watch - and he could have used his influence to shore up the shakiness of that precedent in his previous incarnation as VP.

blaming biden for trump loading the scotus with 3 republican life long appointments meaning a 6 to 3 republican decision on roe Vs wade is pushing it
There will be change. Not sure what, or to what extent, but the very different baggage the Labour party carries compared to the Tories’ baggage will guarantee that imo.

I just don’t expect the kind of change that I’m liable to be excited about.
Sure, there will be change, but not meaningfull change.
like a good few here who go back a long way i have seen plenty disappointments. so many that disappointment is now my expectation. it used to be often remarked that with age comes a propensity for right wing drift, and that most of us, having sung the Internationale in our youth will die insisting upon a union jack draped coffin and a Thatcherite speech from a local round tabler. i don't fit that stereotype really. These days i just see that the wheel of history can take a longer time to turn than i hoped when i was 20, but i still cling (sometimes desperately) to the idea that our day will come. Eventually.
For the better? Never

For the worse? On a big scale also never, just a gradual slide of things getting even more shit.
blaming biden for trump loading the scotus with 3 republican life long appointments meaning a 6 to 3 republican decision on roe Vs wade is pushing it

There were plenty of people pushing Obama to get it sorted during his time, foreseeing exactly what happened.

That’s not to say it’s Biden’s fault obv, but the door was left ajar.
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