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This little shit.....

"Some people, especially on the left, have a tendency to talk Britain down.

They believe Britain can no longer have the power to influence world events.

That we should somehow shrink into ourselves and ignore what’s happening beyond our shores.

I passionately believe these unpatriotic, Britain belittling doom-mongers are simply wrong."

Ugh. Horrible little Englander. Luckily, him and his lot will be out on their arses come the next GE.

Things can only get better.
This bit makes me furious:

Some people, especially on the left, have a tendency to talk Britain down.
They believe Britain can no longer have the power to influence world events.
That we should somehow shrink into ourselves and ignore what’s happening beyond our shores.
I passionately believe these unpatriotic, Britain belittling doom-mongers are simply wrong.

Interventions to preserve regional peace and security against aggressors in Europe and on the high seas aren’t a matter of “patriotism”, you arse-brained jingoist, they are an obligation that comes from our mutual dependence upon other nations and on an international order.

Is Shapps deliberately casting them in imperialist language to try and alienate opposition support so that Isaac Levido gets another wedge issue to play with? Or is he just an idiot?
This bit makes me furious:

Some people, especially on the left, have a tendency to talk Britain down.
They believe Britain can no longer have the power to influence world events.
That we should somehow shrink into ourselves and ignore what’s happening beyond our shores.
I passionately believe these unpatriotic, Britain belittling doom-mongers are simply wrong.

Interventions to preserve regional peace and security against aggressors in Europe and on the high seas aren’t a matter of “patriotism”, you arse-brained jingoist, they are an obligation that comes from our mutual dependence upon other nations and on an international order.

Is Shapps deliberately casting them in imperialist language to try and alienate opposition support so that Isaac Levido gets another wedge issue to play with? Or is he just an idiot?
He’s an idiot who thinks he’s talking to other idiots.
This is the stupidest bit:
That we should somehow shrink into ourselves and ignore what’s happening beyond our shores”
isn’t that what YOU’RE doing, you rancid halfwitted xenophobic chocolate fireguard?
This bit makes me furious:

Some people, especially on the left, have a tendency to talk Britain down.
They believe Britain can no longer have the power to influence world events.
That we should somehow shrink into ourselves and ignore what’s happening beyond our shores.
I passionately believe these unpatriotic, Britain belittling doom-mongers are simply wrong.

Interventions to preserve regional peace and security against aggressors in Europe and on the high seas aren’t a matter of “patriotism”, you arse-brained jingoist, they are an obligation that comes from our mutual dependence upon other nations and on an international order.

Is Shapps deliberately casting them in imperialist language to try and alienate opposition support so that Isaac Levido gets another wedge issue to play with? Or is he just an idiot?

Anyone would think that some other party has been in power since 2010, cutting personnel and capabilities in the three armed forces and led by people who laughed at the idea of tank combat in Europe four months before tank combat in Europe occurred.
Anyone would think that some other party has been in power since 2010, cutting personnel and capabilities in the three armed forces and led by people who laughed at the idea of tank combat in Europe four months before tank combat in Europe occurred.
Tbf do think tanks have reached their best b4 date. Russia who has acquired some practical experience in these matters is prioritising drones
He reminds me of Jeremy off of Peep Show, except more craven, more stupid and more incompetent
Trouble is he has power, Its little shits like this we need to be railing against not the inconsequential little shits like laurence fox
I just hope we get this lot out before they completely fuck the country up...its not far off done.
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Hang on, wasn't it Grant Shapps who only last week or so was bravely advising the Royal Marines that they had to "justify their existence" in a world of ever-increasing funding cuts or have the regiment abolished? :confused: More war or less war, Mr Shapps, which is it to be?
That whole speech is utterly, utterly vile and designed to terrify the public into thinking we're about to be embroiled in multiple wars including nuclear, and the only safe government to get us through is the current one. When people are scared they vote the same as they did last time but when they're angry they change things. When I heard he'd got Defence I hoped he'd be kept busy visiting big ships and playing blow-up at ammunition disposals but it appears he's escaped his carer.

e2a gosh this whole thing has got me quite cross, I want to walk around with a placard saying 'Not My Government' !
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I think if you're looking at the reasons behind any speech by a cabinet member at this point it's probably worth bearing in mind that the next leadership campaign kicks off in earnest about two minutes after the GE exit polls are announced. Certainly anything going on about patriotism reads like an appeal to the Tory membership doesn't it.
"Some people, especially on the left, have a tendency to talk Britain down.

They believe Britain can no longer have the power to influence world events.

That we should somehow shrink into ourselves and ignore what’s happening beyond our shores.

I passionately believe these unpatriotic, Britain belittling doom-mongers are simply wrong."

Ugh. Horrible little Englander. Luckily, him and his lot will be out on their arses come the next GE.

Things can only get better.
yeh but the people who may come in are not one whit less repugnant than the current incumbents
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