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The Graham Linehan Shitshow

Free Speech Union. Toby Young's lot.

New Zealand has a franchised branch of this. It's notable for pretty much being formed by a group who sued Auckland Council for cancelling a speaking event by Stefan Molyneaux and Lauren Southern, the white supremacists.

They are the extreme painful free speech logic people whose answer to any far right speech is "hear them out" and taking on legal cases to defend them, but when drag story times are cancelled or people threaten the lgbtqi community that's a matter for the police.

They'll go into bat for our UK inspired transphobes, the right wing, the anti-maori movement - but are uncommonly silent on other issues. They're currently claiming that hate speech laws would actually cause more hate crimes because people wouldn't be able to discuss hate speech.

They hosted Glinner here, he had some events cancelled by venues and did not get any mainstream media play which was very funny.
Didn't he have problems with his visa and just assume it was CaNcEl CuLtUrE?

I know he was getting very friendly with some Maori TERFs who were gushing about what a badass warrior woman KJK is and gave him a sacred object to give to her. He's also been going out on the piss a lot. And defending a statue of William Crowther, a man who stole the body parts of Aboriginal men for research, because something something woke MUH HERITAGE even though he's Irish and not Australian. And the vote to get rid of the statue was 8-2, which is not 'close'. He also retweeted some shite about the Bondi stabber being Muslim which turned out to be a lie (but then he's been getting friendly with Paul Embery and Embery hates Muslims as well).

The statue of a former Tasmanian premier who beheaded the body of an Aboriginal man will be taken down after passing a final vote.

William Crowther, a prominent surgeon, broke into a Hobart morgue in 1869, removed the skull of William Lanne and sent it to the Royal College of Surgeons in London

Hobart's lord mayor, Anna Reynolds, said that, during Crowther's period, Hobart's medical fraternity broadly embraced phrenology, a pseudoscience that many scientists believed affirmed European superiority over other races. Phrenology, used to justify atrocities such as slavery, involved comparing the skulls of people from different ethnicities.

"It was based on basically a racist premise, trying to prove that Tasmanian Aboriginal people were the lowest of the low in terms of human intelligence with caucasians at the top," Reynolds said.

But on Wednesday night Hobart city council voted to remove the statue, 8-2, but the statue's fiercest supporter, Councillor Louise Elliot, missed the vote because she was appearing on Sky News.
Didn't he have problems with his visa and just assume it was CaNcEl CuLtUrE?

I know he was getting very friendly with some Maori TERFs who were gushing about what a badass warrior woman KJK is and gave him a sacred object to give to her. He's also been going out on the piss a lot. And defending a statue of William Crowther, a man who stole the body parts of Aboriginal men for research, because something something woke MUH HERITAGE even though he's Irish and not Australian. And the vote to get rid of the statue was 8-2, which is not 'close'. He also retweeted some shite about the Bondi stabber being Muslim which turned out to be a lie (but then he's been getting friendly with Paul Embery and Embery hates Muslims as well).


That'll be the Landy's. You can tell you live in a small country when you say 'some Maori TERFs' and I can name them. They abused an MP in select committee last month with their unhinged ravings: Anti-trans rant and abuse of MP disrupts select committee.

Also a sign of how few the terfs are over here, and almost none of them have the media or cultural clout that the UK equivalents have. Shit, I've managed to get response Op Eds in mainstream papers to some of their stuff. Knocked that on the head after KJK's visit, after we copped some death threats from neo-fascists.
Mad to see he's gone all Save Our Statues but in Tasmania
Certainly a particularly problematic place to be all Dewey Eyed about European statues.

Didn't he have problems with his visa and just assume it was CaNcEl CuLtUrE?

I know he was getting very friendly with some Maori TERFs who were gushing about what a badass warrior woman KJK is and gave him a sacred object to give to her. He's also been going out on the piss a lot. And defending a statue of William Crowther, a man who stole the body parts of Aboriginal men for research, because something something woke MUH HERITAGE even though he's Irish and not Australian. And the vote to get rid of the statue was 8-2, which is not 'close'. He also retweeted some shite about the Bondi stabber being Muslim which turned out to be a lie (but then he's been getting friendly with Paul Embery and Embery hates Muslims as well).

A fuck tonne of Irish ended up in Oz then or a bit earlier potato famine + gold rush
Certainly a particularly problematic place to be all Dewey Eyed about European statues.


The statues of problematic people is even worse a problem for ex settler colonies because the people are often seen as founding fathers.

Not just another rich guy who did bad shit in the empire but that wasn't visible in Britain.
That'll be the Landy's. You can tell you live in a small country when you say 'some Maori TERFs' and I can name them. They abused an MP in select committee last month with their unhinged ravings: Anti-trans rant and abuse of MP disrupts select committee.

Also a sign of how few the terfs are over here, and almost none of them have the media or cultural clout that the UK equivalents have. Shit, I've managed to get response Op Eds in mainstream papers to some of their stuff. Knocked that on the head after KJK's visit, after we copped some death threats from neo-fascists.
They're called Mana Wāhine Korero. One of them tweeted this:
Di handing over the ponamu taonga that NZ wāhine gifted for KJK - [profile] theposieparker in 2023. We were unable to give it to her as the attendees were viciously mobbed and both her speaking events were cancelled. We are handing over this taonga-treasure with all the māna it carries from NZ TERFS. [profile] glinner to deliver on our behalf. This taonga was taken to the waters of Tūwharetoa to be blessed.
(The house of the warrior
Thank you for undertaking to take our gift to KJK.
#LetWomenSpeakAuckland 25/03/23 [profile] nzfreespeech many thanks for hosting this interesting and lively event. My sister and I had a fabulous time.
I can't remember her name but she's a butch lesbian with facial tattoos.
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Wow. And here was me thinking their organisation was a huge thing.

Sucking up to a far right white woman is cringey as fuck but I guess they must hate trans people just that much.
I get the impression a lot of organisations are one woman and her dog. All you have to do is set up an X account and who's to know how many members you have (or don't)? I remember one group some time ago going on about the results of some 'big' survey they'd done when in fact all they'd done is get their 70-odd members to fill it in. The trouble is that the right-wing media don't give a toss about being objective - they'll just go along with it because it suits their agenda.
That'll be the Landy's. You can tell you live in a small country when you say 'some Maori TERFs' and I can name them. They abused an MP in select committee last month with their unhinged ravings: Anti-trans rant and abuse of MP disrupts select committee.

Also a sign of how few the terfs are over here, and almost none of them have the media or cultural clout that the UK equivalents have. Shit, I've managed to get response Op Eds in mainstream papers to some of their stuff. Knocked that on the head after KJK's visit, after we copped some death threats from neo-fascists.

Slight derail: nice to see you Balbi
Although fucking hell about the death threats.
Say hello to treef for us eh?
As you were.
Slight derail: nice to see you Balbi
Although fucking hell about the death threats.
Say hello to treef for us eh?
As you were.

Hiya St8 pal,

Yeah it was about a year ago and no follow up, although we both went relatively quiet on media and socials.

Probably some puffed up little shits trying to impress their mates but definitely invested in some additional fire safety, door locks and an axe handle I keep by the bed.

Will pass on the message to treefs and the now seven year old balfrog 😁
I get the impression a lot of organisations are one woman and her dog. All you have to do is set up an X account and who's to know how many members you have (or don't)? I remember one group some time ago going on about the results of some 'big' survey they'd done when in fact all they'd done is get their 70-odd members to fill it in. The trouble is that the right-wing media don't give a toss about being objective - they'll just go along with it because it suits their agenda.
there;s a lot of astroTERFing on social media and funnily enough before the protests got overrun with fash men it was the same less than 2 dozen people every time regardless of wherhe they were protesting in the UK
Wow. And here was me thinking their organisation was a huge thing.

Sucking up to a far right white woman is cringey as fuck but I guess they must hate trans people just that much.

One of their big causes at the minute is that Phillipa Landy, so yeah another family member, got trespassed from a supermarket for wearing a terf shirt and harassing a member of staff who was trans

The movement here deny all of this and say the transphobe was assaulted, but the cops went yeah nah that didn't happen you're not allowed in that store.
Hi Balbi I forgot you were over here as well, sorry to hear about the death threats. Sadly I know the Real Women Party leaders quite well. Utter twats.
Hiya St8 pal,

Yeah it was about a year ago and no follow up, although we both went relatively quiet on media and socials.

Probably some puffed up little shits trying to impress their mates but definitely invested in some additional fire safety, door locks and an axe handle I keep by the bed.

Will pass on the message to treefs and the now seven year old balfrog 😁

Just glad nowt came of it. Fuck em.

One for the things that make you realise you are old thread
Fucking hell.
Thanks for the information, I had no idea who those women were. Or that their 'party' was just them. Puts things into perspective.

It's depressing the amount of women who fawn on Linehan when he treated his wife like shit. Oh, and now he's saying that ghettos were one of the few good things Hitler did. But he loves Jews. Honest.
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