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Thinking Of Joining The IWW

i'd rather eat my own face than join unison. saying that, i recently left unite and find myself in a similar position to you Voley, which union to join. i had some email from someone at work asking me to join a union that represented "senior civil servants"; on asking them they revealed they didn't believe in strike action, so that was a definite no :rolleyes:
If you mean the FDA, they certainly do use strike action when and if appropriate, albeit not as often as the other civil service unions :)
Guineveretoo see below for email trail. i've taken out our names and references to who our employer is, obvs. the guy i'm emailing is the rep... (read from bottom up)

Sent: 11 May 2015 15:45
RE: FDA Union Membership

I think strike action is normally seen as counter-productive and a last resort and so FDA has not traditionally balloted its members to recommend it; whereas with PCS (the union that represents XXX and XXX) they can have an obvious impact on the running of XXX, it is harder for our members to have that effect.

I hope that helps

11 May 2015 15:39
To: R
Subject: RE: FDA Union Membership

Ah I see. Well I will think about membership. Does the FDA ever push for strike action at the XXX? I can’t recall seeing any FDA branding on the recent pickets, but I assume if you are representing managers then perhaps this is difficult?

11 May 2015 15:27
RE: FDA Union Membership


It stands for ‘First Division Association’, a now rather meaningless term associated with the part of the civil service from which it first started (the treasury I believe!) just after WW1. It has been retained but is rarely used in its full version these days.

I hope that helps!

all best

11 May 2015 15:08
RE: FDA Union Membership


Thanks for your email. What does ‘FDA’ stand for?


11 May 2015 14:56
Subject: FDA Union Membership

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to invite you to join FDA, the politically neutral union for XXX professionals, specialists and managers such as yourself. Despite what you may have heard about the FDA it is not just for managers but all professional staff. As an independent professional body with over eighty years of experience across government service FDA gives you a chance to have your say on important questions and offers support if things go wrong.
Guineveretoo see below for email trail. i've taken out our names and references to who our employer is, obvs. the guy i'm emailing is the rep... (read from bottom up)

Well, you have been misinformed on a couple of points. Firstly, the union is no longer called the "First Division Association", and hasn't been for at least 15 years. It used to be the Association of First Division Civil Servants back from the days when civil servants were in "divisions" but this name was changed in 2000/2001 and it became just "FDA". FDA - What does the FDA stand for? It is a bit surprising that the rep doesn't know that, although the BBC simply won't believe it, and consistently report it as "First Division Association"... I think I know which Department you are in, and, if I am right, I know the Branch officials there and they certainly know.

Also, although it is true that industrial action is only taken as a last resort, and it is also the case that it is difficult to get FDA members out on strike, simply because of the nature of the membership, it is something which the union has done, and very effectively, including in that department (I can say that confidently, because the FDA was involved in national strike action on occasion).

I am a bit of an expert on civil service unions, so do please PM me if you want to know more :)
i was a GDC member years ago and on a whim thought to look them up again. it apprears they're dormant, in the states anyway. would like info if anyone knows.
I didn't think they were in great shape, but didn't think they were totally inactive either...oh wait, you mean GDC, not the union as a whole. Yeah, I think some of them reorganised into independent groups, it looks like Michigan GDC still exists as an independent thing not linked to the IWW. And you probably have to be in Michigan to join:
Not sure about any of the others. I get the impression that there was a bit of a bitter divide between people who were enthusiastic about stuff like the GDC and IWOC and people who thought all that was a distraction from proper workplace organising, I think maybe the latter faction got the upper hand but I'm also not sure how much proper workplace organising they've done in the last few years either?
Been paying subs for ages and found out Wales branch not currently operational
Guessing could still hopefully get a rep if any issues??!? hope so
I'm also not sure how much proper workplace organising they've done in the last few years either?

in the states there are now many smaller unions on IWW lines that have affiliated with IWW but did not start there and don't seem to have an IU number, or are not affiliated: amazon labor union affiliated with the teamsters e.g. i hope they all win everything they want, and maybe it's proof of the IWW concept that unions started spontaneously without an appeal to any outside body, not even the IWW.
in the states there are now many smaller unions on IWW lines that have affiliated with IWW but did not start there and don't seem to have an IU number, or are not affiliated: amazon labor union affiliated with the teamsters e.g. i hope they all win everything they want, and maybe it's proof of the IWW concept that unions started spontaneously without an appeal to any outside body, not even the IWW.
Yeah, I think the ALU is interesting to think about re: the wobs, it's sort of both proof of the IWW concept that it is possible to organise and win outside of the big established unions, and also a bit damning for the IWW as a body that it had nothing to do with it, and none of the IWW's own efforts have really had similar success.
that's what i thought the GDC was for, getting representation for wobs (or others) who were in a fix.
Wait, we might be talking at cross-purposes here, I thought the GDC was kind of set up for wobs to do antifascist work, and similar broad "defence/se of the working class" stuff, and was less workplace-focused?

Would also be interested in people's general thoughts on how the IWW is going (either UK or US really), from my outsider's POV it looks to be in not-great shape and UVW and IWGB seem to get a lot more done, but then there might be stuff that I'm missing?
Wait, we might be talking at cross-purposes here, I thought the GDC was kind of set up for wobs to do antifascist work, and similar broad "defence/se of the working class" stuff, and was less workplace-focused?

GDC is organized to act in defense of those who find themselves at odds with the bosses, the police, and the courts because of their commitment to their class.

i think the remit has broadened since then.
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