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The year the Thames flooded (boycott/complain)

I'm guessing not many urbs tune into Channel 5, in case this is on anyone's watch list tonight.. Don't give this hateful twat a viewing.

Glad they pulled it, but thanks for the heads up too - it's exactly the sort of thing I would normally go "ooh, that looks interesting" about and settle down to watch and I wouldn't have had a clue who she was if you hadn't posted that (clearly I don't spend enough time on social media :D )
Good work by Hope not Hate in spotting that and calling her out.

I, too, am known to watch random history documentaries.
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i think i started following them on tweeter a while back - quite a lot of london history stuff, then it started to come with a side order of racism so i stopped.

the account in question seems to have gone in to lockdown.
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maybe someone can call up ITV about that celebrity jungle show thing theyve got

Seems a lot of people are voting with their feet and not watching.

TBH I think thats more to do with most of the so called 'celebrities' being widely unknown 'influencers' or hollyoaks actors that barely anyone has ever heard of than Farage per se.
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