but Sass, those were classically Thatcherite policies that new Labour were implementing - and no one has ever claimed otherwise (not on hereThe shit, with regard to many pieces of shit started with your Labour chums, tuition fees, public sector pay freeze etc. So get off your fucking high horse.
earth calling Sass: those obscene pay packets, that wealth gap, that concentration of so much wealth and power into so few hands: they are all part and parcel of Thatcherism. That was always their end goalObviously, I cannot see into the future, but I can see the gap between the low paid and the well off widening over the last decade or so. The salaries paid to senior people in virtually all industries are obscene. It is absolutely wrong that at the top, a salary in the millions, at the bottom, minimum wage. The only way I see this changing is by legislation, but I don't see either of the main parties introducing it.
to wit, and famously:Ayn RandBut they do choose to be unemployed, or stuck in a low-paying job?
This idea of people looking after themselves and succeeding or failing on ther own merits regardless of social context doesn't hold any water and it never has. The zealots who defend this notion are only too happy to fall back on a social safety net when one of their mighty free enterprises goes belly up, and yet they tell us it's ideologically wrong to allow a mere individual to do the same.
That's an awful pay gap for people of different ages!
The differentials between management and worker are low though. They are not just shafting the peasants.
The branch managers and possibly even area managers in Mac's are treated like peasents. Bit like the staff in Amazon warehouses really. People want cheaper Than cheap prices and have no concern for the price others are paying.
I bet even more would say yes if the 50p per burger was taken from the companies profits or the execs salaries and perks.And yet, if you surveyed people with the question 'Would you pay 50p more for Macs if it meant staff getting properly paid', I'll bet most would say yes.