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The Virgin Mary

To be fair, this is a thread about the Virgin Mary, who is very much a catholic symbol. It's not really surprising that in a discussion about her, some catholic dogma will be disagreed with.

But in the interest of fairness, I would like to state that all religions are the opiate of the people, in that they attempt to distort reality and numb the pain of the oppressed, giving them the hope of a glorious afterlife or reward of some kind.

It's just a shame that some decent people end up tying themselves up in theological knots desperately trying to make sense of nonsense.
To be fair, this is a thread about the Virgin Mary, who is very much a catholic symbol. It's not really surprising that in a discussion about her, some catholic dogma will be disagreed with.

But in the interest of fairness, I would like to state that all religions are the opiate of the people, in that they attempt to distort reality and numb the pain of the oppressed, giving them the hope of a glorious afterlife or reward of some kind.

It's just a shame that some decent people end up tying themselves up in theological knots desperately trying to make sense of nonsense.

You see.. this is still an opinion.
And you're allowed express it. And you have a right to hold that non belief. Your non belief is a human right.

But I also have a right to my belief and faith ..without it being trashed...and when it gets personal as has happened here this morning...that's wrong.

Your last few lines are quite condescending again. You say that it's a "shame decent people tie themselves in knots defending and trying to make sense" of what you call "nonsense". Well that is your opinion...and your opinion comes from a rejection oof organised religion quite possibly a rejection of all religions and faiths.

Its probably fair to say that you will never support my beliefs ... but as a mature intelligent fair person you probably should be able to defend my right to my belief system as enshrined in human rights law.

If you can't do that...then you need to examine your own views on rights.

Finally...you quote Marx who claimed religion was the opiate of the people. He made a fair enough comment...
But Jesus was a disruptor of elitism and the power structures of his day. He was an anarchist..in the true sense of the word.
Jesus, if he existed, may or may not have challenged the power structures of his day. But the Catholic Church and Catholic Dogma? The phrase 'power structures' springs to mind.
Everyone is entitled to their views. But everyone else is also entitled to trash those views.
Trash away. Just don't personalise it as happened this morning with ouirdeaux
Try honesty, even if it goes against your Catholic principles. It's oddly refreshing.
I don't think this was ok.
It's sectarian shit
If you grew up knowing what sectarianism felt like..you'd recognise it.
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Jesus, if he existed, may or may not have challenged the power structures of his day. But the Catholic Church and Catholic Dogma? The phrase 'power structures' springs to mind.
Trash power structures.
That's not a problem . The discussion is about Jesus asking followers to choose mercy over sacrifice. It's well accepted that this was what he meant. And that sacrifice was very common...but that he wanted change.
One of the things that I find puzzling is that it seems that, on the one hand it is claimed that Jesus was from a humble family, but on the other hand it is claimed that he was King of the Jewish people.
One of the things that I find puzzling is that it seems that, on the one hand it is claimed that Jesus was from a humble family, but on the other hand it is claimed that he was King of the Jewish people.
He was called King of the Jews in a mocking way by the Romans. He personally never claimed to be any such thing.
He was called King of the Jews in a mocking way by the Romans. He personally never claimed to be any such thing.
I think that at least one of the Gospels goes to considerable length to establish the royal lineage of Jesus. The reason his birth was located in Bethlehem also has something to do with that claim, I think.
They don’t comprise the complete set of so-called witnesses, though, do they? In many cases they are documenting the words of other witnesses.

It's pretty certain they weren't witnesses. And to be fair they don't claim to be witnesses. They also don't claim to be Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.
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