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The UK banking system

Blagsta said:
Since when?

oh i am sorry did i miss something with regard to

id, ego and superego


ego and superego are intertwined with simulacrae

ID can be enacted into a more productive area when 'sign value' replaces 'use value'

I am not altering anything else from any established theories
As well as knowing fuck all about banking, you know fuck all about psychoanalysis. Since when did Klein, Bion, Winnicot etc say anything about simulcrae?
Blagsta said:
Since when did Klein, Bion, Winnicot etc say anything about simulcrae?

thats my point, i cant find anyone who has promoted this method of social, individual, economic analysis.

Baudrillard wrote about simulation and simulacrae but has never been integrated into the general body of social theories.

no need to get angry, i am just explaning my first post with more detail and expansion.
What is the deal with these single-issue new posters? Have you considered chatting about chutney or something too? We'd get a much more rounded view of you :)
zArk said:
thats my point, i cant find anyone who has promoted this method of social, individual, economic analysis.

Baudrillard wrote about simulation and simulacrae but has never been integrated into the general body of social theories.

no need to get angry, i am just explaning my first post with more detail and expansion.

Whats your point? That in fact you're wrong?
trashpony said:
What is the deal with these single-issue new posters? Have you considered chatting about chutney or something too? We'd get a much more rounded view of you :)

Chutney is an oppresive condiment and part of the simulacra...do keep up :p;):D
Blagsta said:
Chutney is the 3rd order of simulation and has completely replaced the reality of pickle. :mad:

:( :eek:

That's why my mum brought me back a jar of tomato chutney from Betty's Tea Room, isn't it? She's bought into it.

I'm doomed, aren't I? :(
I think it's interesting the two drugs that are legal--alcohol and cigarettes, two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you at all--are legal, and the drugs that might open your mind up to realize how you're being fucked every day of your life by the Government... those drugs are against the law. Coincidence? See, I'm glad mushrooms are against the law, 'cause I took'em one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid... in a field of green grass... for FOUR hours... going, "My god I love everything! The heavens part, God reigned down gifts of forgiveness onto my being. Healing me on every level. Both psychically, mentally and emotionally. And I realised that our true natural spirit is not the body. That we are eternal beings, and God's love is unconditional. That there is nothing we ever do to change that. It is only our illusion that we are separate from God. Or that we are alone! In fact the reality is that we are one with God and he loves us." "Now if that isn't a danger to this country, I don't know what is. How are we going to keep building nuclear weapons? What's gonna happen to the arms industry, when we realise we are all one!? That's gonna fuck-up the economy. The economy that's fake anyway! Which would be a real bummer.. Yeah!"

"See why the governments are cracking-down on the idea of experiencing unconditional love!?"
zArk said:
I think it's interesting the two drugs that are legal--alcohol and cigarettes, two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you at all--are legal, and the drugs that might open your mind up to realize how you're being fucked every day of your life by the Government... those drugs are against the law. Coincidence? See, I'm glad mushrooms are against the law, 'cause I took'em one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid... in a field of green grass... for FOUR hours... going, "My god I love everything! The heavens part, God reigned down gifts of forgiveness onto my being. Healing me on every level. Both psychically, mentally and emotionally. And I realised that our true natural spirit is not the body. That we are eternal beings, and God's love is unconditional. That there is nothing we ever do to change that. It is only our illusion that we are separate from God. Or that we are alone! In fact the reality is that we are one with God and he loves us." "Now if that isn't a danger to this country, I don't know what is. How are we going to keep building nuclear weapons? What's gonna happen to the arms industry, when we realise we are all one!? That's gonna fuck-up the economy. The economy that's fake anyway! Which would be a real bummer.. Yeah!"

"See why the governments are cracking-down on the idea of experiencing unconditional love!?"

Well, that does sound like a lovely trip :)
I'm very pleased you had such a nice time
So, we started in General then got moved to Philosophy, upon which our little friend expands upon his "money" rant into the "real/simulcrae" rant. So the question is: now he's on the subject of drugs, does this thread get moved to the Drugs forum where some people might actually be able to follow his thoughts?

(With a little chemical enhancement.)
zArk said:
check out the comedian called Bill Hicks

I haven't seen him live since you were in nappies but thank you for reminding me of his oeuvre. It all gets a little hazy by the time you get to my age you see.

I suppose at least you're demonstrating you can discuss more than one thing. Generally we start different threads though for new topics. You click on the 'new topic' icon at the top of the page :)
* Reads to page 7 *

* Skips *

Isn't it just sweet how whenever someone takes a US conspiranoid "theory" and tries to import it wholesale to the UK, it always comes out just... naff? :D
laptop said:
* Reads to page 7 *

* Skips *

Isn't it just sweet how whenever someone takes a US conspiranoid "theory" and tries to import it wholesale to the UK, it always comes out just... naff? :D

ermm no,

Baudrillard - sign value - economy - industry - ideology

trashpony said:
I haven't seen him live since you were in nappies but thank you for reminding me of his oeuvre. It all gets a little hazy by the time you get to my age you see.

I suppose at least you're demonstrating you can discuss more than one thing. Generally we start different threads though for new topics. You click on the 'new topic' icon at the top of the page :)

since i was in nappies????

assumptions assumptions
zArk said:
I think it's interesting the two drugs that are legal--alcohol and cigarettes, two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you at all-

Alcohol does quite a lot for me thanks.
zArk - The original printed money is backed by the state, which makes it real enough to be getting along with it seems. To argue that it doesn't exist you need to win your argument with kyser_soze, which I'm enjoying. I don't back your chances.

Jazz - To illustrate my point, if banks could lend £100,000 for every £10,000 they receive some of that money would be deposited back in banks, and then lent out again. So if, say, only half of the money was deposited, the growth would become explosive. And yet the money supply is not explosive over long periods of time except in situations like 1930s Germany when the Bank prints money to finance spending. Why is that, do you think?

If too much money is printed or created, the price level rises. What ultimately matters is what is produced, not what money is chasing it.
zArk said:
. . . See, I'm glad mushrooms are against the law, 'cause I took'em one time, . . .

You sure it was just the once?

I still maintain that zArk is "really" a random word generator
slaar said:
zArk - The original printed money is backed by the state, which makes it real enough to be getting along with it seems. To argue that it doesn't exist you need to win your argument with kyser_soze, which I'm enjoying. I don't back your chances.

ermm you have re-iterated what i am speaking;

The original printed money is backed by the state
Original money printed and issue by the private bank. All money that is legal tender in the UK has been printed and issued by the Bank of England. This money is backed by the state (industry, trade, public)

So when Loans out-weigh the states worth, we enter into a society owned by the bank.
Teh Bank of England is a corporation and as such an individual under the law of the UK.

Beyond that economic argument rooted within the simulacrae;

Money - economy - is simulation, it is fake (i am not saying it doesnt exist)

before you paraphrase my explanations, please think about what you are writing.

The economy is moving futher into 'virtual money', a cashless society, and when this cashless system is fully in place we will be totally enslaved.
If too much money is printed or created, the price level rises. What ultimately matters is what is produced, not what money is chasing it

Money is produced. It is a commodity. The bank of england is a corporation and its produce is money.
No it's not, it's a nationalised institution:

As a public organisation, wholly-owned by Government, and with a significant public policy role, the Bank is accountable to Parliament. The Bank’s Annual Report and Accounts are laid before Parliament each year before they are made available publicly.
The bank even has to get parliamentary approval before printing money.

At least check your basic facts.
zArk said:
spiders and owls are very interesting
I ask only becuase you come accross exaclty the same as the AR nutters on here do - you keep repeating the same incorrect statements over and over agian, in spite of numerous people giving you evidence otherwise. You also have the same superior attitude that somehow the rest of us are just to stupid to see the bigger picture available only to you.

You are wrong, on several basic facts, simply spouting the same rubbish over and over again will not change this.
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