slaar said:
So what is this conspiracy again?
Ok, back to my first post,
Society is formed out of a system of economics. Production of trade, industry, culture, ideology, the individual is based upon a system that has as its basis 'sign value'.
'Sign value', money has no intrinsic value it is wholey an attributed value that is not fixed but free flowing and in flux.
Capitalism, communism, socialism are all based upon the premise of ownership of trade and industry. Capitalism - the private ownership of trade and industry, Socialism - the trade and industry is owned by the state, communism - common ownership of trade and industy all based upon ownership. Ownership is 'belonging to'.
The basis for all trade and industry is 'sign value'. Therefore trade and industry cannot be owned, it is not 'real'. Nothing is owned.
"To dissimulate is to feign not to have what one does.
To simulate is to feign to have what one hasnt"
The economy is the simulation. It is the re-production of the real, the hyper-real.
Marx, Hegal, pyscho-analysis, sociology, philosophy holds the social basis as 'use value'. This is the most disgusting representation of a system that is false. These theories state that 'sign value' = 'use value', a gross distortion of our lives.
Political parties are based upon this myth, Labour, Tory, Liberal, BNP are all simulations, re-productions of the real through the economy, just as we are.
Power, control and individual agency are locked into this system as perfect representations of the real. All social, philosophical, psychoanalytical theories are part of the the simulacrae, but a re-evaluation of these using 'sign value' as the basis gains useful results.
Foucault discusses power and its effects as an internalised system, that makes individuals control their own behaviour. This power is internalised through Institutional changes in society - prisons, military and discourse. This as foucaults clearly says is empowering not repressive and thus always remains. This is has been evaluated and termed 'Bio-power', the thinking behind this evaulation is based upon 'use value'. Re-evaluation with 'sign value' provides a body of work that explains how 'simulacrae' is internalised and acts through us.
At this point there emerges the problem of position of speaking, namely that coined term 'subjectivity'. How can i talk of simulacrae if the simulacrae is acting through me?
Psycho-analysis - Lacan - Mirror phase
At this point staring in the mirror, the individual sees themself. Their simulated self, an image, a sign. Here is the point of divergence between the real world and the simulacrae. There still remains a real point of subjectivity.
[dashing blade]
How about profits in the sense that most people would understand in the context of this "discussion" ie financial ones.
This is the simulacrae speaking. An argument based through 'sign value' results in the validation of the simulacrae.
sign value underpins the the structure and as such makes a mockery of financial arguements.
The economic system (simulacrae) is all controlling, there is no hidden hand, there is no controllers other than the simulacrae itself. Any attack upon the simulacrae results in a violent reaction to preserve itself. It is a living entity as it speaks through us.
The mirror stage;
the mirror stage establishes the ego as fundamentally dependent upon external objects, on an other. As the so-called "individual" matures and enters into social relations through language,
The individual, the 'I', is the simulacrae. The simulacrae is internalised and enters the newly formed reproduced individual into reproduced social relations, those being based upon the economy, the simulacrae.
The bank's shareholders, the governors, the politicians, the uk public, everyone is living through this reproduced society. Any denial of the validity of this system results in defense from politicians, shareholders, public. These individuals are defending their perceived selves, their simulated selves. To deny the system as real, requires denying ones self that has been created through this system. The simulacrae will fight for its survival at any cost.
I am speaking from the pre-mirror stage, from the real. The conspiracy is none existant. Your-simulated-self belongs to the simulacrae, it is the simulacrae. The Bank of England owns all, it owns all your property as it created everything; trade, industry, individuals, capitalism, communism, socialism, ideology, working class, ruling class, labour, tories, everything.
The increase in bank created loans over the years is additional conclusive proof that banks do create “money” out of nothing – £1.2 billion in 1948 up to £14 billion by 1963 up to £680 billion by 1997.
Today’s supply of notes and coins after taking inflation into account, has similar buying power to the supply in 1948 (£1.1 billion) but since then, there has been a ten fold plus increase in real terms in money supply made up of credit created by banks.
As the economy moves futher away from coins and real money, the economy begins to completely subsume your-real-self. As this process increases exponentially the simulacrae begins to disappear from sight.
"An unoccupied land gives ideas to people in occupied lands."
When we are completely occupied by the simulacrae, we will not hesitate to save the simulacrae from collapse and be willing to do anything to perform this. Total enslavement will be willingly accepted.