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The UK banking system

To finally clear up the Iranian Oil Bourse for DB

You have provided no proof that it exists and no proof that it is actually (ie in reality, that's my reality not yours) being set up

Iran is planning to open a commodity exchange, under names variously referred to in English as Iran Petroleum Exchange, International Oil Bourse or Iranian Oil Bourse, for the express purpose of trading oil, petrochemicals and gas in various non-dollar currencies, primarily the Euro. If successful, this would establish a euro-based pricing mechanism for oil trading, or oil marker as it is called by traders.

In March 2006, the Petroleum Minister of Iran, Kazem Vaziri Hamaneh, announced that due to "technical glitches", the Bourse launch was postponed, with no new date set. [5]. However, as of April 26 Iran had restarted its move to open the oil market, and Kazem announced the bourse was set to open the first week of May [6].

In May 2006, Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Davud Danesh-Jafari said the Oil Ministry has a two-month deadline for presenting the Articles of Association of the Iranian Oil Bourse. Danesh-Jafari said that the Euro had not yet been finalized as the legal tender of transactions in the oil bourse, and the final decision about that depends upon the Oil Ministry’s proposed IOB Articles of Association [7]



So the assertions made here were on point and the journalists reporting the setting up of an Oil Bourse were correct, even though the BBC or Guardian didnt touch it.

March 23rd the UN will be deciding on action against Iran, but also on March 23rd Iran will be deciding upon trading oil in EUROS. The US economy will be crippled if this occurs. So will the UK economy. So will the world economy.

but there are those concerns about Nukes -- yeah right.
zArk said:
No-one disputes that the War in Iraq and Afghanistan was an oil and heroin concern.
Yes they do.

This is what I love about conspiracy theorists. Blanket statements of authority are such a ridiculous way to structure an argument.
slaar said:
Yes they do.

This is what I love about conspiracy theorists. Blanket statements of authority are such a ridiculous way to structure an argument.

i should have said

no-one using their brain disputes ....

plus 'blanket statements of authority' are well beyond your critical thinking ability. Why not start by answering;

"how does Money being a commodity affect Marxist theory?"
I suspect my 'critical thinking ability' to be substantially greater than yours.

But carry on anyway, it's entertaining.
I simply have no desire to subject myself to your concept of what stands for debate.

Enjoy your ramblings. Everyone else is.
zArk said:
with regard to my writing about the 911 event and how this is integral to the banking system;

How, in fact, the 911 event was a giant bank robbery in order to balance the financial books (nationally and internationally) and that the collapsing towers were a major distraction.

this guy Richard Andrew Groves lays it out

Why The World Trade Towers "Must come down!"
prior to 1989 a huge problem with the future of the towers had been identified and plans to decommission them before 2007 were in the works. galvanic corrosion, due to the aluminum façade and steel columns being in contact, had compromised the continued structural integrity of the towers.

Some leading U.S. and European insurers say that the destruction of the World Trade Center was not an act of war, and therefore covered under most insurance policies. If other insurers take the same view, that means insurance companies around the world will have to pay out the $30 billion or so in claims expected by industry experts from the attack.

Iran Oil Bourse
In July 2006, a building has been purchased and the projected opening date is September 2006.

In the last few days, I learned from a credible and informed source that a former senior Labour government Minister, who continues to be well-connected to British military and security officials, confirms that Britain and the United States.

"... will go to war with Iran before the end of the year."

By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Yo White Lotus
I get that all the time.

Quick question;

why is this thread going on about Iran and 9/11 when it is a political theme but the forum is called Philosophy?
Coz the original post made a proposition along the lines of "capitalism doesn't exist". I think it started life in general, but got moved here.

As for where the rest of the thread went, well, that's conspiracy theorists for ya!
Its not a theory if you can prove it.

Some of the worlds leading economists have written books about this, simply because the media is never going to concentrate on it, thats not to say it isn`t true or is somehow the domain of fruitloops.
White Lotus said:
Coz the original post made a proposition along the lines of "capitalism doesn't exist". I think it started life in general, but got moved here.

As for where the rest of the thread went, well, that's conspiracy theorists for ya!

Ahh, gis a sec to read the thread and return.

btw.. if the UK and/or the US goto war with Iran, batten down the hatches cause a shitstorm will be on the way. I hope they arent that stupid, but considering their self-importance and specific agenda driven politics i fear for the worse.
Oh right, now i understand where this thread has emerged from.

zark says that the world in which we live is constructed through a false economy and as such most things are illusions.

I can see why most people will rebuke this as it means that class battles are useless merely serving as life long distractions for the masses.

He is most likely correct especially with regard to the Marx Capital critism.

Funny how i never really thought about the bank being a factory producing a product and the shareholders reaping the profits which are infact the produce.

at one point zark used an example of a chair being symbolic of money. Charging an arm and a leg gets a new meaning now.
In the old days there was no paper money. The accepted token of exchange was precious metal minted into coins by the Church and the Crown. Because there was only a limited amount of gold and silver available, the economic life of the nation had a certain regularity.

Gold coins are heavy and awkward to carry around, and are often stolen when transported. Taking a credit slip across the continent to a fellow 'branch' was much safer than transporting the actual gold through the woods and mountains, so the custom arose whereby bankers would issue credit notes to depositors, who began to trade those notes between themselves in commercial transactions. Paper money had come into existence.

It occured to the banks they could go one step further. They could issue credit notes with nothing to back them up and put them into circulation. They calculated that they could safely issue notes for up to 10 times more than the gold deposits they held, because the depositors would never ask for their money back all at the same time. The principle of modern banking was thus established.

Nowadays the British Treasury, in conjunction with the Bank of England’s advisers to the Government, determine how much paper money and coin will be issued each year. This has to accord with the wealth of the nation for that year.
zArk said:
the Bank of England is a private business which loans the UK government money to put into circulation so that the economy works. We, the Uk public are then working to pay off the loan our government have gained from the BoE with interest. Since the only money valid in the UK is Pounds Stirling, we can never pay of this debt, ever. The BoE makes the money and loans the money, we the uk public can never have more money than we owe. Plus with interest on top its a nightmare.

Looking at a fiver, it states "I promise to pay the bearer on demand", but who is paying who? Its not even positive value, its owed money.

So, it is true to say that the piece of paper is a debt.
I use a debt to pay for goods, which is in effect, transferring a debt.

The taxation system is created to pay off the interest, but even more amazing, the money used to pay off the interest is loaned money from the BoE.

So capitalism isnt really the problem because it doesnt even affect us. Capitalism doesnt even exist. We are constantly in negative credit therefore any money we accumulate is literally making us poorer.

BoE announced recently that the UK has borrowing of £1.5 trillon

in 1998 Brown announced that 415tns of Uk gold reserve was being sold for US dollars and foreign investment (gold turned into cash).
1998 gold reserves = 715tns which was £6 billion

300 tns left = max of £3 billion quid
B0E is owed £1,500 billion quid

During ww1 uk debt was £7 billion

So to conclude;

even with the gold reserves (which are valued by the stock market) the UK's reserves were substantially short of borrowed money in 1998.
The gold has been sold, replaced with the US dollar drawn from the Federal Reserve which is another private bank and used to invest in the stock market. (the gold has been privatised)

i hear alot of people going on about Gold, buy gold, in times of recession its great. ermmm no! it wont make a dent in any national debt. More gold = devaluation, there isnt enough Gold to pay of the national debt. heh

£5 note = 0 g of gold
Actually it is less than zero if that is possible
scratches head

nah its not possible. The economy is fake

Its a farce, a pretense, a simulacrae.

"To dissimulate is to feign not to have what one does.
To simulate is to feign to have what one hasnt" -Baudrillard

Capitalism, communism, socialism all fake, as they rely upon the premise of ownership of trade and industry. Trade and industry built upon pretend money, the simulacrae.
Liberal, Labour, Tories all fake.
Culture created through a system based upon sign value.
Owning a sign, a symbol = owning language

Ownership is myth

The simulacrae simulates ownership.

The BoE will claim ownership of all property due to the National Debt, while we live in the pretense of owning property. The entire thing is a performance based upon belief.

Believing in Santa is for kids.
Believing in the economy and money is for adults.

Democracy within a national private banking system is a sham. You may have wondered why government do things that the public dont want, well its because they are not responsible to you. They are responsible to the Bank of England.

Political parties are not representing the public, they are;

Management teams bidding for the CEO job of slavery incorporated

Everything is owned by private banks, we have been signed over as collateral to private investors. The banks have the power and the control.
Privatise the media to pay off debt
Privatise industry to pay off debt
Privatise public services to pay off debt
Privatise the public to pay off debt

A public banking system means that the democratic system produces representatives of the people to act in the interests of the people who elected that party.
A private banking system means the democratic system re-produces representatives of the people to act in the interests of the debtors, with the facade of public interest.

All this cannot be denied. I am await responses from;

Mr Cameron
Mr Blair
Local MP
Local councillors

I have yet to receive a response.

We are literally in the worst depression ever experienced by the UK. Bankruptcies are at an all time high (300 year high - Bank of England formed in 1694), the BoE is holding interest rates stable so to increase house prices- thus increase debt and we are being shown the Total Control Network the banks are demanding in order to secure their investment.
We are the property of the private banks, under economic law - uk law and world law and it is all a sham.

Hi, i am zArk

Ahhh, I've hit a rich seam here. Brilliant!:)
foreigner said:
Ahhh, I've hit a rich seam here. Brilliant!:)
Um, did you notice the thread was started over a year ago, and the OP has now been banned? (And re-banned, the last time he resurrected this thread.)
White Lotus said:
Um, did you notice the thread was started over a year ago, and the OP has now been banned? (And re-banned, the last time he resurrected this thread.)

don't care, irrelevant.
kyser_soze said:
WTF! Both long dormant banking threads reawakened at the same time!1!!!

it's a conspiracy I tells ya!

I found a link to a thread with a link to a thread in it, I've been following the trail of linked arguments reffered to therein.

I don't consider a thread or discussioj no go just because it was started a year ago or whatever, that's got fuck all to do with my interest in the thread and any feeling I might have to throw in a comment or two, for the record.
foreigner said:
I found a link to a thread with a link to a thread in it, I've been following the trail of linked arguments reffered to therein.

I don't consider a thread or discussioj no go just because it was started a year ago or whatever, that's got fuck all to do with my interest in the thread and any feeling I might have to throw in a comment or two, for the record.
No, but the wider urban community reserves the right not to be drawn into this again.
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