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The UK banking system

zArk said:


You asked an ambivilantly phrased question that required a boolean answer. I answered it (apparantly correctly).
Second time zArk what part of my reply was wrong?
Or do you have as big a problem reading as you do with your sentence construction?

(apols in advance if there's dyslexia etc involved obviously)
R.E Iran -EuroOil -Bourse

You're way out of your depth pal. I work on a trading floor (emerging markets bonds & fx - tho' the commodity/energy guys are on the floor below - ), if the type of major macro-event event that you postulate were in any way imminant, I suspect I'd be one of the first peeps on these boards to hear about

DASHING BLADE, denys information if DB hasnt heard about it

and when you come to the conclusion which is fact, will you then concede that without people like me you would not find things out?
Will you admit that the research and hard work people like I do is valuable and shouldnt be scoffed at?
Will you cease and desist battling me and use information as food for thought?

so your critism against anything i write is suspect as you clearly ignore researched points.
When you've dug a hole, stop digging zArk.
When your mother told you that you were special, she did not mean gifted.

Third time zArk, what part of my reply was wrong?

Put up or shut up.

"DASHING BLADE, denys information if DB hasnt heard about it "

I note you didn't quote my answer to that post :rolleyes:

(hint : it came immediately after ie post 534)

You forgotten to take your medication again?
revol68 said:
a cashless society will still require production you cretinous tedious lil nonce.

Which proves what? Do you realise how much of society is cashless already? What % of global welath actually exists in terms of money and precious metal? 15%? 20%?

The banks lend you credit. The credit comes from nowhere. If that isn`t the most dangerous monopoly on the planet god knows what is.
Azrael23 said:
Which proves what? Do you realise how much of society is cashless already? What % of global welath actually exists in terms of money and precious metal? 15%? 20%?

The banks lend you credit. The credit comes from nowhere. If that isn`t the most dangerous monopoly on the planet god knows what is.

It proves that getting rid of the M-M-M circuit has fuck all to do with moving beyond capitalism, infact there are many people within the capitalist class who want to see tighter regulation of finance capital.

The essential point is that M-M-M is a parasite on M-C-M as one can stand on it's own whilst the other can't.

As communism is about the seizure of production, the abolishment of property and the establishment of distribution based on need it is hardly negated by the realisation that money creates money from nothing.
Azrael23 said:
Which proves what? Do you realise how much of society is cashless already? What % of global welath actually exists in terms of money and precious metal? 15%? 20%?

The banks lend you credit. The credit comes from nowhere. If that isn`t the most dangerous monopoly on the planet god knows what is.
Hey man, I've just had a thought. If your money aint real, why not just hand it over to me? I'll test it to see if it 'works'.
fractionMan said:
Hey man, I've just had a thought. If your money aint real, why not just hand it over to me? I'll test it to see if it 'works'.

Its purchase power is real but that property is subject to our rulers wills. Thats the point, if you can manufacture credit you control the amount of money in circulation through loaning and debting. The value of money is only dependent on the amount of money in circulation hence why it is possible to destroy a country with too much money (Pre-Nazi Germany) or too little credit (American Depression). The wealth in both cases is sucked into the coffers of the banks.

They throw out invented credit and we fight over it and do what we will with it. They don`t care so long as they get back their loan PLUS INTEREST.
The interest is the plundered wealth because they did NOTHING to earn it.

Hence we have a national debt because our govt. cannot create its own credit it is subject to another governing body. Who happen to be a crowd of "well bred" aristocrats.
You see the monarchy never really went away. It simply became merchantile. The British Empire was built on the back of what we call corporations, the East India Company and others were accompanied by the army of the monarch. Forced economic takeover was the model we followed to control countries. They became their creditors, they owned them. They were just debt slaves. Thats all we are in this country too, we build the machinery of state, we go and fight the wars and we work to feed a non-existant debt. Everything else we have is just a bonus, a scrap from the table. They`re starting to remind us of that now.
fractionMan said:
Hey man, I've just had a thought. If your money aint real, why not just hand it over to me? I'll test it to see if it 'works'.
But that's exactly the point. As Thomas Edison said,

"If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good."

The difference between the two is that bankers earn a fortune on the first for doing nothing but sitting on their arses, and nothing on the second - the wealth stays with the people.
Jazzz said:
But that's exactly the point. As Thomas Edison said,

"If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good."

The difference between the two is that bankers earn a fortune on the first for doing nothing but sitting on their arses, and nothing on the second - the wealth stays with the people.

Thats the one....
Here's an idea. Short circuit the bastards. Form a credit union, get local savings invested in local projects of real value. Renewable energy, insulation, water recycling, urban food co-ops, light industry fulfilling essential needs. Create jobs locally, keep the value generated circulating locally instead of letting it get sucked out of your local economy to make parasites rich.
Bernie Gunther said:
Here's an idea. Short circuit the bastards. Form a credit union, get local savings invested in local projects of real value. Renewable energy, insulation, water recycling, urban food co-ops, light industry fulfilling essential needs. Create jobs locally, keep the value generated circulating locally instead of letting it get sucked out of your local economy to make parasites rich.

I don't understand the reference to governments there. This isn't something any conceivable government would want to encourage. It's something people might do to protect their communities against predators.
A Dashing Blade said:
When you've dug a hole, stop digging zArk.
When your mother told you that you were special, she did not mean gifted.

Third time zArk, what part of my reply was wrong?

Put up or shut up.

"DASHING BLADE, denys information if DB hasnt heard about it "

I note you didn't quote my answer to that post :rolleyes:

here is how it started;
i was talking about how the global banking system is attempting to plug Iran into itself. See Barnetts "Pentagons New Map", it is stated that money is going into Iran but nothing is coming out.. this fucks off the global banking system. This is backed up with regard to Russian offering to supply enriched uranium to Iran to ease the situation-- UK, US, EU have not disagreed.
Then i said that Iran is deciding upon euro-oil bourse at the end of March and how convenient that the UN Security Council are also deciding on Iran Action around the same time.

Then Dashing Blade started saying that the Bourse doesnt exist and is bollocks --- so i provided (and others provided) multiple sources about the Bourse-- then Dashing Blade wrote how if he hasnt heard about it, it doesnt exist -- so i supplied this;

oh right, so even though i have shown you reports by different people because YOU havent heard anything it isnt true? Are you saying all those writers are making it up? Its all lies is it?

Ok, under the same premise tell me this;

Is gm food banned in the UK?

so there is how the GM thingy started. So i wasnt bringing in the GM issue for solely discussion but to prove a point that just cause you havent heard about something doesnt make it untrue.

Now back to the start of all this;

The global banking system is attempting to hook Iran into itself but Iran is refusing. Iran wants autonomy and self reliance through its own nuclear power source.

The US has tried screaming 'nukes' and now is screaming EMP. Why? Well, there is the Rebuilding Americas Defenses documents, Barnetts Pentagons New Map and now talk of the Iran Bourse which all point to economics.

This is literally the economic system fighting for its existance.

Unless the leading industrial countries get their act together and pursue compatible economic policies, the world economy may be threatened by 1930s-style competitive devaluation and an outbreak of protectionism.
This warning comes from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), one of the world's most prestigious international financial institutions.

Sunday July 6, 2003

A stronger, more independent European capability would also presumably be available to the United Nations. Europe’s leaders and several of its major national political parties favour close cooperation with the United Nations. Though reluctant to act outside of the “NATO area”, they might be more willing to do so under UN mandate. A related though indirect benefit to the United Nations might be the ability of a Europe with its own defense capability to encourage closer United States cooperation with the United Nations. The Europeans give high priority to such cooperation

1999 ----the year the Euro started

“How weightily the voice of Europe will sound in world politics, economy and trade, in security matters depends of coordination of action,” Putin said.
Only by acting together can Russia and the enlarging European Union direct the process of the formation of a new world order, common values and interests."


President Bush said yesterday he would seek to persuade European allies to form a unified front against Syria and Iran, countries that Bush considers dangerous regimes that have relentlessly frustrated US efforts in Iraq and the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.
He declined to rule out a military option against Iran, but said, ''I believe diplomacy can work, so long as the Iranians don't divide Europe and the United States."


and recently Scott Ritter said this about John Bolton (Feb 6th 2006 )

he said, John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, "will deliver a speech that has already been written. It says America cannot allow Iran to threaten the United States and we must unilaterally defend ourselves."

and, WOW, John Bolton says (March 5th )
Iran "must be made aware that if it continues down the path of international isolation, there will be tangible and painful consequences," Bolton said
"The longer we wait to confront the threat Iran poses, the harder and more intractable it will become to solve ... we must be prepared to rely on comprehensive solutions and use all the tools at our disposal to stop the threat that the Iranian regime poses."


It is all spelt out by Thomas Barnett "The Pentagons New Map", he is chummy chummy with Rumsfeld and a fucking psycho.

also Michael Ruppert adds to it Crossing the Rubicon
ahh right so your saying Iran wants autonomy from the world banking system, and thats why it will switch to dealing oil in Euros, or does tehe European banking system not actually exist? Is it just a simulcra? Does the US banking system exist?

fuck it, do i exist? Zark do you exist?

does this board exist?

why are there lizards emerging from my monitor? :eek:
Bernie Gunther said:
Here's an idea. Short circuit the bastards. Form a credit union, get local savings invested in local projects of real value. Renewable energy, insulation, water recycling, urban food co-ops, light industry fulfilling essential needs. Create jobs locally, keep the value generated circulating locally instead of letting it get sucked out of your local economy to make parasites rich.
Seriously, though - How can that possibly work if the systemic problems remain unaddressed?

How can the systemic failings in the nature of money ever be rectified if they remain unrecognised?
zArk said:
. . .
Then Dashing Blade started saying that the Bourse doesnt exist and is bollocks --- so i provided (and others provided) multiple sources about the Bourse-- . . .

Actually, you provided multiple sources discussing the possibility and the ramifications if it were to happen.

You have provided no proof that it exists and no proof that it is actually (ie in reality, that's my reality not yours) being set up.

FFS, do you not find it surprising that it's not mentioned on the Iranian Oil Ministry's website?

Will you please stop talking bollocks about this issue.
A Dashing Blade said:
Will you please stop talking bollocks about this issue.

Its you who continues to bring it up.

and when you come to the conclusion which is fact, will you then concede that without people like me you would not find things out?
Will you admit that the research and hard work people like I do is valuable and shouldnt be scoffed at?
Will you cease and desist battling me and use information as food for thought?

obviously not, as you are unable to accept news stories and how the global banking system acts.

Unless the leading industrial countries get their act together and pursue compatible economic policies, the world economy may be threatened by 1930s-style competitive devaluation and an outbreak of protectionism.
This warning comes from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), one of the world's most prestigious international financial institutions


July 6th 2003, during the invasion of Iraq.

Last year there were rumours that Iran was going to be invaded but without the rhetoric that the UK/UK/EU/UN/ IAEA board are displaying as they are now.

Forget not Iraq -Oil - UN -Euro

"The United States dollar was replaced with the euro for the Iraqi oil purchases in early November 2000, at the request of the Government of Iraq and with the authorization of the 661 committee. " UN Report

The marked appreciation of the euro, higher interest rates, and the ability to pay mainly European suppliers in euros is believed to have made hundreds of millions for the Iraqi oil-for-food programme. Euro oil makes a fortune

Back in 1973, OPEC countries quadrupled the price of their oil and tied it to the U.S. dollar. The dollar reigned supreme as the world’s de facto reserve currency.
While current data are hard to come by, the euro now accounts for as much as 35% of global trade and reserve holdings. This new reality makes for a more stable world — and takes the unsustainable burden of the sole reserve currency status off the U.S. dollar.

The dollar would fall further — and the euro would rise. The U.S. economy would eventually have to adjust to $5-a-gallon gasoline (the average world price).
The bad news would be a deeper U.S. recession,

This is a mega power struggle in order to create 3 superstates: - Americas, European Superstate and the Asian Superstate all acting under the WTO, World Bank, UN, all world governing bodies.

“The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission – founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller – and the Bliderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.” Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D. a former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner. On November 6, --- see GM Round-Up ready acceptance in the UK (WTO ordered the EU who ordered the UK parliament, using GATT)

This directly links in with the move by governments across the world to introduce National ID Cards -- control over their populations. On a geo-political stage controlling the Middle-east through economics dollar or euro is a macro-id card system. All nations will be under this control valve and their populations will be under the micro-chip/rfid chip system purely for the sake of global economics, which equals control. The phoenix or global monetary system is coming which will be a cashless system and impose a self-sustaining system on the worlds population leaving the monarchs of the world to basque in their own glory autonomous from this system.
Backatcha Bandit said:
Seriously, though - How can that possibly work if the systemic problems remain unaddressed?

How can the systemic failings in the nature of money ever be rectified if they remain unrecognised?
Pragmatic approach. Fix whatever bit of the problem you can see how to fix, and hope that gives you some tools with which to tackle the bigger problem. I've absolutely no idea how to change the global financial architecture, but I can see some things that look like they should do more good than harm if they were implemented at a local level.
"we're a financial institution,' he said 'The only way we can operate is if debts are repaid ... let me explain: you are indebted and i am indebted, and i would not be better off if i asked somebody to come and cancel my debt because i'd never be able to borrow agaun ... the notion that all debt should be cancelled is a bad one'

Stanley Fischer, First Deputy Managing Director (IMF 1994-2001) interview by John Pilger "The New Rulers of the World", 2003, p.44

John Pilger "The New Rulers of the World" Carlton TV 2001
revol68 in response to zArk said:
are you fucking dim?

the monarchy does not own the fucking own all the land and more importantly it doesn't own the factories, ships, ports, trains and land required for the feeding of the worlds population.

Hence communism, that is the suppression of capital vis a vis the seizure of the means of production by the working class and the communisation of production and distribution vis a vis directly democratic communities is still a vital critique of capitalism.

Whilst your silly lil crackpot plan is as much use as Sun block in the arctic.

You are aware that white tundra reflects sunlight and hence you will get sunburnt in the arctic. :)

Communism was started by the very banks you think it seeks to oppress. Communism is a farce, as is any talk of destroying national boundaries. When you have a whole world full of free republics with a sensible economic policy all at an equal stage of development, then you can talk about erasing borders.

I know another system that strips people of their property and makes them work for their own rights....its called feudalism. When are you going to twig that the state will never represent the working class, thats the fundamental flaw. Governments are tyrannical by their very nature you have to restrict power and decentralise EVERYTHING. Handing everything over to the new saviour state and declaring yourself free....isnt freedom.
nino_savatte said:
You'll be lucky. I reckon zArk swallowed Baudrillard's Simualtion and Simulacra whole and is just belching out as much of it as he can. :D

Washed down with a vintage copy of The Protocols of The Elders Of Zion no doubt. :rolleyes:
the royal "we" -- love that phrase, my nan always used it for shits and giggles

we reproduce --- this is where i include Foucault and internalisation.

yeah, we reproduce the real but who is this 'we'? or "I"?

It is the simulacra acting through us. In some people the simulacra totally dominates agency and freewill, in others it is a sliding scale.

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