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The Sun v Emma Watson


International Man of Misery
Emma Watson spoke up for women's rights at the UN – but to The Sun it's just 'whining, leftie, PC crap'

HERMIONE GRANGER has been addressing the United Nations General Assembly. Nope, not kidding.
The actress Emma Watson is a UN "Goodwill Ambassador". What's that, when it's at home? I haven't a clue.
Anyway, instead of telling them all the rules of quidditch or how to turn someone into a frog, she bored them all rigid with whining, leftie, PC crap.
Just like all actresses do if people are stupid enough to give them the chance.
Why do we indulge these luvvie slebs, most of whom know nowt?
I don't object to them having views and expressing them. I just don't understand why we take them seriously.
I suppose they got Emma in because Angelina Jolie is a bit tied up with other stuff at the moment.

I don't read The Sun, ever, so missed this but wow. Trolling of epic proportions or just crazily ill thought out.

I agree that slebs don't influence me in any way and why should they?!
However, they do influence others who need influencing.
Those too dumb to think issues through and use logic before acting. Y'know Brexit voters etc.
Time Out, to which Gromit points us, calls the piece to which he refers:
:...a frankly disgraceful piece of crass, offensive gutter journalism."
As we know the best way to deal with trolls is to spread their machinations as widely as possible.
As we know the best way to deal with trolls is to spread their machinations as widely as possible.

The Sun is a national newspaper- sorry, shitrag. I don't think there's any need to worry about spreading their message any further than it already has.
I recall in the 70s. Champagne lefty Vanessa Redgrave turned up at a Ford Dagenham strike mass picket to 'offer support'. She was told by a shop steward "We'll have no millionaire actresses here". :D
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