Black Flag
longdog said:The Stranglers new one: Norfolk Coast. Surprisingly good.
I'm tempted by this.
longdog said:The Stranglers new one: Norfolk Coast. Surprisingly good.
longdog said:Army of Lovers: Gods Of Heaven And Earth. Excellent if as camp as fuck.
Dr. Furface said:Oooh, thanks for reminding me, I'd forgot all about them. Never did get round to buying any of their stuff, so it's off to Slsk we go...
lightsoutlondon said:Sugar - Beaster
milesy said:"solid ground live volume 1" - digital and mc:mc live at the concorde (2?) in brighton - fucking ace, not given this a listen in aggggesss
milesy said:um, no it's solid ground not solid groove and i think it's the name of a club night
lightsoutlondon said:Dance music doesn't count. Ground? Groove? Who gives a flip?
Negativland said:go wank a guitar, mr röcker
lightsoutlondon said:I've just sent the two Fenders into Onanist ecstacy. I'll go jerk-off a Gibson in a mo.
Negativland said:that's right, now please could you do that in the corner out of the way? People want to dance.
MysteryGuest said:tbh i don't know about links to the stuff i posted - i've had pathetically limited internet access for a while now (soon to change, readers! ) but also just never really got into the downloading thing coz of me being a bit weird really... the oxes stuff is odd coz they'll let rip with this killer bastard riff, but then go off on a tangent, then do it again, and again, and again. sleeping people, while still being very complex, is a bit more unified somehow. but it's all very angular and arty. i bet there's at least some people with this stuff on slsk and the like... erm... probably...
MysteryGuest said:i've had pathetically limited internet access for a while now (soon to change, readers! )
lightsoutlondon said:Except dance music, cos that's just geeks playing other folks records...