No amount of cajolery...
How soon they forget.
Well its an antisemitic insult, that gesture? Are you saying people in turkey etc view jews as controlling the uk or vice versa?
How soon they forget.
Well its an antisemitic insult, that gesture? Are you saying people in turkey etc view jews as controlling the uk or vice versa?
I don't think you know what these words mean.
It's not an anti-Semitic insult. What are you on about?
In Copenhagen, Karolina Dam was wild with fear. Her son Lukas had been in Syria for seven months. Three days earlier, she received word that he had been injured outside Aleppo, but she was convinced that he was dead. Sitting alone that evening, nervously puffing on a vaporizer, she couldn’t stop herself from sending a Viber message into the ether. “Lukas,” she wrote, “I love you so much my beloved son. I miss you and want to hug and smell you. Hold your soft hands in mine and smile at you.”
There was no reply. A month later, someone wrote back to her. It wasn’t Lukas.
"What about my hands hehe" 1
Dam had no idea who might have gained access to her son’s phone or Viber account, but she was desperate for information. Trying to stay calm, she wrote back: “Also yours, sweetie, but mostly Lukas’s.”
The person asked, “Can you handle some news?”
“Yeah, honey,” Dam wrote. A few seconds, and then the response.
“Your son is in bits and pieces.”
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In another message, she asks if he has seen any beheadings. “No,” he responds, “but I have seen the decapitated heads lying around.” This he punctuated with a smiley face. In late March, Ubaydullah Hussain, leader of the Prophet’s Umma, called Torill to tell her that Thom Alexander was dead.
page unavailable. what's the story?
and its still preferable to Channel 5
ISIS bans TV in some of its provinces and destroys sattelite dishes. The only thing people are allowed to watch is ISIS videos and the koran being recited
It must be really hard for the parents of foreign fighters but i also kind of think that their parenting skills must be to blame to some extent somehow.
Sorry, thats a crap sentiment. Parents can't always control the influences over their children, and even well-meaning interventions can push the youth in the opposite direction.
Certainly that blame game will turn out to be accurate on occasion, but thats no excuse for painting those blame brushstrokes so broadly.
Friends said Ariel defined herself through her relationships. “Not to throw her under the bus or anything, but she was definitely always looking for love, always looking for that sense of belonging,” said a friend who lived with Ariel in 2010 and part of 2011.
“The thing about Ariel that was just so weird was that she had such a clearly segmented life,” said a female friend who dated one of Ariel’s housemates in 2009. “It was like, when I first met her she was a Christian, and then she was a socialist, and then she was an atheist, and then a Muslim. As far as I could tell it was always in relation to whatever guy she was interested in, so if she meets a guy that’s an atheist then she’s an atheist, falls into that for a year. Then the guy leaves and she meets somebody new, and it starts all over again.”
This is another, very odd story. (Although im not sure the parents - or anyone) can be blamed in this case
I have known a few people like this, but fortunately they never discovered isis
you don't have to be mad to join daesh but it helpsFuck, that's a horrible story. And how much of things like this can be put down to people being mentally unstable, or suffering from some issues that need resolving? Not wanting to blame that or take their agency away, but it is really, really odd IMO, especially this jumping from ideology to ideology until they feel 'at home' somewhere. It's really sad.
Parents bear some responsibility sometimes, I just don't like it as a sweeping generalisation. Especially as I doubt the real solutions lie in that direction, as opposed to things like our shitty foreign policies and amazing double-standards.