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The Guitar Thread

Happy Tree

maagilises metsas
Guitars, eh? Can you have enough? So many times I've said to myself, ok this is the last one. But then you find a reason for one more. So I finally sorted them out and stuck them on the wall. I think I have all I need now. Just missing a Rickenbacker 12-string and then surely I'm done. ☺️

It will be a problem if that bracket's not properly attached to joists (reckon that would have my wall down regardless!)
Yeah I bought a stud finder and made sure the handyman I got to help me put it up was well aware of the issue. That baby's not coming down, but the cats can't be in that room unsupervised any more. I just know they'd look enviously at all those tempting straps hanging down.
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I got my first Chibson earlier this year (couldn't justify the price of a real J200). Surprisingly decent, especially for the price.
That said, recently I've been playing my daughter's Squire Bullet Mustang and the humbuckers on it are terrific, as is the neck. I have it tuned to DADAAD and it sounds great.
Good thread, there was another one which was being kinda used as the guitar thread but this is now the proper thread as it always should have been. :)
The last guitar in the pack is this Yamaha acoustic with reverb and chorus built into the body. Unplugged!

I keep this and the black 355 in the school cupboard, so of course I need something to play at home. Rather than taking it with me every day, just buy a new guitar. That's economics.
The last guitar in the pack is this Yamaha acoustic with reverb and chorus built into the body. Unplugged!

I keep this and the black 355 in the school cupboard, so of course I need something to play at home. Rather than taking it with me every day, just buy a new guitar. That's economics.

Sounds like a 12-string!
The last guitar in the pack is this Yamaha acoustic with reverb and chorus built into the body. Unplugged!

I keep this and the black 355 in the school cupboard, so of course I need something to play at home. Rather than taking it with me every day, just buy a new guitar. That's economics.

The last guitar in the pack is this Yamaha acoustic with reverb and chorus built into the body. Unplugged!

I keep this and the black 355 in the school cupboard, so of course I need something to play at home. Rather than taking it with me every day, just buy a new guitar. That's economics.

Been saving up for a high end acoustic - so I splashed out and bought the same guitar a month ago - beautiful tone and gorgeous to play. The inbuilt chorus and reverb - I guess its a gimmick - but a fucking brilliant one! IMG_20240528_082927.jpg
It's very hard to teach someone the guitar when you're shit at it yourself but I'm trying! She had an acoustic Loog (kids 3-string guitar) before and has started to play it properly so I splashed out on a mini-strat. She'll be better than me soon.

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As long as she has the desire she will be fine. My daughter showed a natural talent for music. Could pick up chords easily, read music, and understand finger placing on guitars and piano . . . . Trouble is she isn't interested. I'm not going to force her, I can see how miserable it makes her.
Breaks my heart to some extent. I had to try so hard and I'm still shit.
In primary school in Glasgow I was set to learn the violin but then we moved to Slough when I was 8 and that wasn't available. When we moved back to Glasgow 18 months later (just when my accent was beginning to go English, lol) I had the choice between clarinet, flute or trumpet. I chose clarinet. I didn't like it much. It hurt my mouth and right thumb and could only play one note at a time. But being in the school orchestra was good for hearing harmony and different parts.

Thanks to Thatcher (actually thanks!) the teachers went on strike in the mid 80s and all extra-curricular activities were cancelled. I could never really read music anyway as my ear took over and I didn't pay much attention to what was written. So I picked up the guitar and found my thing. As well as being into Queen and being amazed by the orchestral sounds Brian May was producing, I was on a family holiday in the south of France and saw a guy in a bar making funny chicken noises between songs with a Strat. I just thought wow I want to play something like that.

I played a Strat copy to learn on, listening to Queen records. Took me until 5 years ago to get around to trying a Gibson, would you believe! And now I have 5 of the buggers.
As long as she has the desire she will be fine. My daughter showed a natural talent for music. Could pick up chords easily, read music, and understand finger placing on guitars and piano . . . . Trouble is she isn't interested. I'm not going to force her, I can see how miserable it makes her.
Breaks my heart to some extent. I had to try so hard and I'm still shit.
My daughter loves the idea but has zero interest in the actual mechanics and practicalities of learning the guitar but handily this means I get to play her Mustang and use it for an alternative tuning guitar
It's very hard to teach someone the guitar when you're shit at it yourself but I'm trying! She had an acoustic Loog (kids 3-string guitar) before and has started to play it properly so I splashed out on a mini-strat. She'll be better than me soon.

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seems like a really nice childhood if you step out of bed and step on a distortion pedal
I only have a cheapo classical guitar. I gave away the expensive acoustic (not too expensive, £250ish) as I stopped playing it once I started learning classical guitar... (I started with acoustic then moved to classical)

I'm interested in buying a good classical guitar but I can't decide which one or how much to spend 😭

I play a few times a week but only for myself so I find it hard to justify spending £1k or more on one.
As long as she has the desire she will be fine. My daughter showed a natural talent for music. Could pick up chords easily, read music, and understand finger placing on guitars and piano . . . . Trouble is she isn't interested. I'm not going to force her, I can see how miserable it makes her.
Breaks my heart to some extent. I had to try so hard and I'm still shit.
I tried same with my son - he did play for a few years, but was a lot more into drums, he got good at that, much better than guitar.

Also tried piano with granddaughter when she was 6. She learned basic music theory and was playing a bit of piano, reading music notation... Then puff, not interested anymore. Shame, but no point in forcing. People who want to play music just do it. Like I did. No one forced me. When it's forced it leads to repulsion towards it.
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