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The Fuck Parade Strikes Back! - Reclaim Camden, Reclaim the Beats Sat July 11th 7pm


Stand up to gentrification!

The heart of Camden is being ripped out, pubs are being converted to luxury flats no one can afford, the market is flogged off to be a casino (and yet more unaffordable flats) Rents are rising....fast.

Soon this community will be an unrecognisable, bland, yuppie infested wasteland with no room for normal (and not so normal) people.

Camden is a unique place and worth defending against this onslaught of dog-eat-dog economics.

We will protest this economic vandalism in true Camden style with a Street Party!

Join us on Saturday 11th July for a summer street party.

Music will be provided by 12v bike sound systems and merriment by the Camden massive.

May The Fuck Be With You xx


Here's the Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/1476014982689696/
Do they remove your sense of humour when you join the SWP? Or does the SWP just attract the humourless?

Nope I lost when I was flirting with anarchism. Haven't been in the SWP for about twenty years btw reject everything they stand for.
Top blog by Johnny Void

Black Cap Occupied, Camden Is Rising, Thank Fuck For The Fuck Parade

Posted on June 5, 2015 by johnny void | 14 Comments

Politics doesn’t have to be boring. It doesn’t have to be endless A to B marches, dreary rallies full of power-hungry hasbeens or soulless celebrity benefit gigs that cost half a giro just for a ticket.

That’s not to say it’s always going to a barrel of fucking laughs. Standing outside a Maximus assessment centre with a banner in the freezing cold or getting up at 5am to join a picket line is desperately important. But a political movement that does not inspire or exhilarate will eventually run out of steam. And the bastards are not going away any time soon. We must not run out of steam.

Sometimes, by defying their rules, and acting collectively, we get to see a glimpse of what our lives could really be like – and that is a world worth fighting for. We should chase those moments because they provide the strength to do the hard stuff, which for a sadly increasing number of people just means staying healthy and alive.

Summer is coming. They can’t take that away from us. There is no better time to be out on the streets, and with anger against the Tories spreading throughout the UK there will be no lack of opportunity. The Daily Mail wants a Summer of Rage it would be a shame to disappoint them. But not on their terms. It should be a summer of having a fucking laugh at their expense as well.

Every time the rich see us weep they crack open another bottle of champagne. They want us starving if we don’t have a job, and miserable and worked half to death if we do. It is not just that they want to take away the health service and the welfare state. They want to turn our streets and cities, pubs, clubs, football grounds, anything they can find into their playgrounds and price us out. This enclosure of human pleasure means that joy can no longer be free, it is just for the rich now, or at least only those who can pay. Glastonbury Festival can only survive with a fence, security guards, coppers and eye-watering ticket prices because there isn’t a better festival down the road without all those things. Margaret Thatcher made sure of that 30 years ago this week.

So let’s start taking it back. All of it. The occupation of the Black Cap in Camden, one of London oldest gay cabaret venues and recently closed to make way for yet more luxury flats, is a fantastic start. The upcoming Central London demonstration on June 20th does not have to be a soul-destroying display of obedience and quiet acceptence, it can be as spiky and fun as people make it.

In just over a month Class War are holding a Fuck Parade in Camden where rampant gentrification is destroying what was once a thriving cultural, and largely working class corner of London. The event takes its name from an annual event in Berlin which sees thousands take over the streets to party and protest against the commercialisation of the city. Just like in Berlin, London’s history and culture are being destroyed in the name of greed.

According to one blogger, who reviewed last year’s event, the Berlin Fuck Parade “shatters the silence of all the newly-finished luxury blocks that dot the city’s streets, forbidding to the average Berliner despite being nearly empty.” The same shit is happening everywhere. Our resistance is global. Etc (puts the spliff down).

For full details of the Fuck Parade, being held on July 11th from 7pm outside Camden Tube, please join (and share the fuck out of) the facebook page. Or info here for non-facebook users.

The campaign to Save The Black Cap, which is not (yet) affiliated to the squatters are also on facebook and are holding a weekly vigil outside the venue on Saturdays from 1pm – 4pm.

A group has also formed to support Camden’s last remaining alternative venues by getting pissed in them – join the next Reclaim Camden pub crawl.

This blog has no sources of funding so here’s a quick reminder that you can help ensure it continues by making a donation.

Top blog by Johnny Void

Black Cap Occupied, Camden Is Rising, Thank Fuck For The Fuck Parade

Posted on June 5, 2015 by johnny void | 14 Comments

Politics doesn’t have to be boring. It doesn’t have to be endless A to B marches, dreary rallies full of power-hungry hasbeens or soulless celebrity benefit gigs that cost half a giro just for a ticket.

That’s not to say it’s always going to a barrel of fucking laughs. Standing outside a Maximus assessment centre with a banner in the freezing cold or getting up at 5am to join a picket line is desperately important. But a political movement that does not inspire or exhilarate will eventually run out of steam. And the bastards are not going away any time soon. We must not run out of steam.

Sometimes, by defying their rules, and acting collectively, we get to see a glimpse of what our lives could really be like – and that is a world worth fighting for. We should chase those moments because they provide the strength to do the hard stuff, which for a sadly increasing number of people just means staying healthy and alive.

Summer is coming. They can’t take that away from us. There is no better time to be out on the streets, and with anger against the Tories spreading throughout the UK there will be no lack of opportunity. The Daily Mail wants a Summer of Rage it would be a shame to disappoint them. But not on their terms. It should be a summer of having a fucking laugh at their expense as well.

Every time the rich see us weep they crack open another bottle of champagne. They want us starving if we don’t have a job, and miserable and worked half to death if we do. It is not just that they want to take away the health service and the welfare state. They want to turn our streets and cities, pubs, clubs, football grounds, anything they can find into their playgrounds and price us out. This enclosure of human pleasure means that joy can no longer be free, it is just for the rich now, or at least only those who can pay. Glastonbury Festival can only survive with a fence, security guards, coppers and eye-watering ticket prices because there isn’t a better festival down the road without all those things. Margaret Thatcher made sure of that 30 years ago this week.

So let’s start taking it back. All of it. The occupation of the Black Cap in Camden, one of London oldest gay cabaret venues and recently closed to make way for yet more luxury flats, is a fantastic start. The upcoming Central London demonstration on June 20th does not have to be a soul-destroying display of obedience and quiet acceptence, it can be as spiky and fun as people make it.

In just over a month Class War are holding a Fuck Parade in Camden where rampant gentrification is destroying what was once a thriving cultural, and largely working class corner of London. The event takes its name from an annual event in Berlin which sees thousands take over the streets to party and protest against the commercialisation of the city. Just like in Berlin, London’s history and culture are being destroyed in the name of greed.

According to one blogger, who reviewed last year’s event, the Berlin Fuck Parade “shatters the silence of all the newly-finished luxury blocks that dot the city’s streets, forbidding to the average Berliner despite being nearly empty.” The same shit is happening everywhere. Our resistance is global. Etc (puts the spliff down).

For full details of the Fuck Parade, being held on July 11th from 7pm outside Camden Tube, please join (and share the fuck out of) the facebook page. Or info here for non-facebook users.

The campaign to Save The Black Cap, which is not (yet) affiliated to the squatters are also on facebook and are holding a weekly vigil outside the venue on Saturdays from 1pm – 4pm.

A group has also formed to support Camden’s last remaining alternative venues by getting pissed in them – join the next Reclaim Camden pub crawl.

This blog has no sources of funding so here’s a quick reminder that you can help ensure it continues by making a donation.


I like this, July 4th is going to be a busy day.
Class war have had a bit of a Facebook rant about music at another protest..... yet they're organising a protest themselves which revolves around people bringing music.

Im confused :(
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