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The Election in Brixton


I have been forwarded a rather angry warning about the dangers of the Lib Dems, dubbed 'treachorous anti-democratic cover for the Tories', based on the experience in Southwark where they have been in power in coalition with the Conservatives for the past eight years http://donttrustlibdems.blogspot.com/2010/04/truth-about-libdems-dont-trust-them.html - maybe a warning for Lambeth?

This is what is known as a viral message: note the "pass this on" at the end.
You must have had chain letter telling you to forward this to X people otherwise something nasty will happen.

This is one of those!!
This is what is known as a viral message: note the "pass this on" at the end.
You must have had chain letter telling you to forward this to X people otherwise something nasty will happen.

This is one of those!!

And you posting on here is not equally a viral message aimed at promoting the Lib Dems? (A form of entryism? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entryism )

I thought it was interesting that someone was so agitated about such matters - I would have thought that the Lib Dems are on course to lose Southwark, their tenure of the borough hasnt exactly been a success these past four years has it? Of course in Lambeth we have periodic Lib Dem/Tory coalitions as well which usually do nothing for the people of Brixton concerned as they are with keeping their sests in Streatham and Kennington
Of course in Lambeth we have periodic Lib Dem/Tory coalitions as well which usually do nothing for the people of Brixton concerned as they are with keeping their sests in Streatham and Kennington

Labour's performance hasn't exactly been stellar either, has it?

As there is no other credible left-wing alternative locally or nationally, I can see a lot of people on hear foaming rabidly on the 7th May.
Angie Meader OPPOSED Donatus Anyanwu's Cuts

This is what is known as a viral message: note the "pass this on" at the end.
You must have had chain letter telling you to forward this to X people otherwise something nasty will happen.

This is one of those!!

Please note Angie Meader was part of the campaign AGAINST the cuts on home services for disabled people organised by Age Concern. These cuts were forced through by the Blessed DONATUS ANYANWU.

No doubt being an Irish Catholic, as we have been informed, he is on his knees in confession at this very moment - just like two faced Gordon Brown
Angie Meader is standing in Coldharbour for the Lib Dems. Former chair of Social Services scrutiny committee, leading light in the failed attempt to save the Emergency Clinic at the Maudsley Hospital, Angie definitely gets my vote.
Send that rogue Donatus into the obscurity he so richly deserves.

She'll be getting fuck all votes in Angell Town. Over the last two years of cuts for the estate the Lib Dems have so far done one single thing. They made an attempt to shore up the repuatation of the now departed estate board of management who had embezzled several thousand quid. Round here they have a perfectly deserved reputation as opportunistic lying scum. It will take more than a few weeks of crap amateur online marketing to make any difference. For instance they might actually try doing something for the people of Lambeth, other than their own supporters and party members.

We've got an estate in crisis on two fronts. Gang crime, and funding cuts (aside from a 30% reduction in the budget for running the estate, a million quid of regeneration money has been taken away because the EMB won't accept the illegal funding cut). Have they done anything? Not a fucking thing. Less even than Donatus, who has done next to sod all.

So basically they can FUCK OFF. They can come back when they've actually made an attempt to do something constructive rather than simply attack everyone else.
Where in Vauxhall did you see that? In the posh part in the north where MPs and their hangers on live. According to this 17% of Lambeth residents of working benefit are on benefits. I imagine the figure for Vauxhall will be higher. If you add housing benefit the figure will be much higher still. So that's a huge chunk of the electorate the Tories are writing off. So they're not only nasty but foolish with it. But what would you expect of a party led by a one-time member of the Bullingdon Club and his cronies?

Its Vauxhall Cross. Where the new bus station is. There is another one at the other end saying "Bring back discipline in school."
Liberal Democrat messages

And you posting on here is not equally a viral message aimed at promoting the Lib Dems? (A form of entryism? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entryism )

I thought it was interesting that someone was so agitated about such matters - I would have thought that the Lib Dems are on course to lose Southwark, their tenure of the borough hasnt exactly been a success these past four years has it? Of course in Lambeth we have periodic Lib Dem/Tory coalitions as well which usually do nothing for the people of Brixton concerned as they are with keeping their sests in Streatham and Kennington

Dear SE5
I have no standing with the Liberal Democrats. They did not chose me as a candidate in 1998, and I have not sought public office since then.
I am independently wealthy - even to the extent of being harassed by London Bridge Job Centre when I have a Psychiatric diagnosis.

Why don't you go back to SE5 and leave Brixton to the Brixtonians!
Angie Meader
Hey guys (and gals - wouldn't want to be called a mysoginist bigot by Donatus!) I just learned some wonderful news.
Angie Meader is standing in Coldharbour for the Lib Dems. Former chair of Social Services scrutiny committee, leading light in the failed attempt to save the Emergency Clinic at the Maudsley Hospital, Angie definitely gets my vote.
Send that rogue Donatus into the obscurity he so richly deserves. I understand he is Irish. Maybe he should try standing in Dublin. Or better still he should be re-deployed as a trolley dolly on RyanAir!
Follow me on Facebook (Lord Brixton)
Also follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/BrixtonianDave (Gnostic Brixton)

Very funny:)

As u use the Beehive did u ever use to meet Intostella and Anna Key in there?
Friends at the Beehive pub

Very funny:)

As u use the Beehive did u ever use to meet Intostella and Anna Key in there?

Not that I can recall. I have some Eritrean friends there, including Gabreel who is a completely bonkers alcoholic who seems to know the whole of European literature, at least in outline. Great fan of Dr Zhivago and Boris Pasternak (they studied Russian literature a lot under the communist Mengistu régime, apparently).

I was also very friendly with a member of the Police Consultative group called Peter Harris, who had Asperger's syndrome, but unfortunately died last year.

I relate best to people who are mad like myself. We are more open to ideas and more interesting company - unless we are totally pissed.
The Guardians of Lambeth - are LABOUR

We've got an estate in crisis on two fronts. Gang crime, and funding cuts (aside from a 30% reduction in the budget for running the estate, a million quid of regeneration money has been taken away because the EMB won't accept the illegal funding cut). Have they done anything? Not a fucking thing. Less even than Donatus, who has done next to sod all.

So basically they can FUCK OFF. They can come back when they've actually made an attempt to do something constructive rather than simply attack everyone else.

I thought you all voted for the ALMO, and that this was Labour Policy. I can lend you my copy of Plato's Republic if you like. He thought that Democracy was the lowest form of government, and that we should all be looked after by "The Guardians".

But hey, isn't that what now happens - council committees abolished BY LABOUR, cabinet government introduced BY LABOUR. No inconvenient public democracy, people turning up and speaking at council committees like they did under the dreaded Ted Knight, or even under the Lib-Lab-Tory coalition in 1994-1998.

The Labour Cabinet ARE our Guardians and you are not satisfied with that!

Frankly your memory is too short.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it, didn't someone say once?
Dear SE5
I have no standing with the Liberal Democrats. They did not chose me as a candidate in 1998, and I have not sought public office since then.
I am independently wealthy - even to the extent of being harassed by London Bridge Job Centre when I have a Psychiatric diagnosis.

Why don't you go back to SE5 and leave Brixton to the Brixtonians!

Lambeth consider the part of SE5 where I live to be Brixton - as I'm sure you are aware about half of Coldharbour Lane is in SE5
Lambeth/Southwark + Brixton Camberwell

Lambeth consider the part of SE5 where I live to be Brixton - as I'm sure you are aware about half of Coldharbour Lane is in SE5

I think you will find Lambeth Council consider your part of CHL to be in Lambeth.

Camberwell was one of the old boroughs subsumed into Southwark. However as usual they probably did some boundary changes at the time (usual gerrymandering, you know the sort of thing).

Unfortunately you obviously have Schizophrenia. You are in the Camberwell part of Lambeth (or the Lambeth part of Camberwell)

Brixton Independence Party rules OK
Where in Vauxhall did you see that? In the posh part in the north where MPs and their hangers on live. According to this 17% of Lambeth residents of working benefit are on benefits. I imagine the figure for Vauxhall will be higher. If you add housing benefit the figure will be much higher still. So that's a huge chunk of the electorate the Tories are writing off. So they're not only nasty but foolish with it. But what would you expect of a party led by a one-time member of the Bullingdon Club and his cronies?

It won't be advertising to the people of Vauxhall but to the hundreds of thousands suburbanites who drive through Vauxhall every day or who change train or bus there while commuting.

I'm sure some of the poshies are tories but a surprising number of them are middle-class labour supporters. In Stockwell the labour candidates have addresses in Georgian townhouses and gated communities; they seem to richer than the local tories, while the Greens are all on caaancil estates.
Is anyone other than Lab, Lib, Tory, Green and UKIP standing in West Norwood? Need a leftie to vote for.

Depends what you mean by a "leftie" but on manifesto policy, the Greens are easily the furthest left of this lot (not exactly saying much).

Why would somebody who is independently wealthy have anything to do with a Job Centre?

Because that is what they do now. Even if ur sick. Sick Notes have been replaced by some kind of note that is supposed to say what u can do.

Part of Browns great economy was that he had ended Boom and Bust provided plenty of jobs so no one had any excuse not to work:rolleyes:


Why would somebody who is independently wealthy have anything to do with a Job Centre?

Because Gordon Browns new Employment Support Allowance (non-means tested) is costing the government too much. They try to seduce you into work, or failing that threaten you into work.

I actually worked all of the last 30 years except for 4 months. Now they are treating me like shit, when most of the Beehive customers (who don't work either) are getting the old Incvlaidity Benefit with the alcoholics supplement (£200 per week I understand), rather than the measley £62 a week I'm getting.

Obviously, even if the average Beehive Man has a brain at all, by the time it's been addled with 20 years heavy drinking there is precious little chance of a Job Centre (Stasi) operative getting a positive result forcing THEM into work.

So they start with highly intelligent soft targets like me to get their bonuses up (and they do get bonuses I assure you - I know people which work in the Employment Service)

Satisfied now?
Angie Meader
Hey guys (and gals - wouldn't want to be called a mysoginist bigot by Donatus!) I just learned some wonderful news.
Angie Meader is standing in Coldharbour for the Lib Dems. Former chair of Social Services scrutiny committee, leading light in the failed attempt to save the Emergency Clinic at the Maudsley Hospital, Angie definitely gets my vote.
Send that rogue Donatus into the obscurity he so richly deserves. I understand he is Irish. Maybe he should try standing in Dublin. Or better still he should be re-deployed as a trolley dolly on RyanAir!
Follow me on Facebook (Lord Brixton)
Also follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/BrixtonianDave (Gnostic Brixton)

What's this about Donatus Anyanwu being Irish ?

I went to see him in a surgery about 3yrs back (the joy of blocked drains), and his accent was as strong as if he'd just stepped off the plane from Nigeria.

Was he born in Ireland and then left at a young age, as he doesn't sound at all Irish ?
Where in Vauxhall did you see that? In the posh part in the north where MPs and their hangers on live. According to this 17% of Lambeth residents of working benefit are on benefits. I imagine the figure for Vauxhall will be higher. If you add housing benefit the figure will be much higher still. So that's a huge chunk of the electorate the Tories are writing off. So they're not only nasty but foolish with it. But what would you expect of a party led by a one-time member of the Bullingdon Club and his cronies?

Saw one of those posters on Brixton Rd (near the Tescos) on the bus yesterday. I didn't knock whether to be angry or stunned in greater measures....!
Breakfast politics: IMMIGRATION DEBATE

7.30 am: Popped into Wetherspoons this morning for their £1.99 English Breakfast plus a 49p cup of coffee.

Aside from one "mature" customer apparently taking a brandy, the only breakfast customer was Gabreel (surprise, surprise)
"Well" says Gabreel, "what are you in here so early for?"
"Oh" said I, "just fueling up for a mega blast of delivery of Lib Dem leaflets in the tower blocks on the St Matthews estate. Did you see the debate?"
"Yes" says Gabreel, "saw it but didn't hear it, because they don't have the sound on in here."
"Anyway" says Gabreel, I support Labour "They gave me indefinite stay."

I told Gabreel about my job centre problems (see other posts)
"Oh" says Gabreel, why are they bothering you when you get £62 pounds per week? I get £78 per week Invalidity Allowance and I don't even have to go to the Job Centre, because I'm depressed."

I suppose at the rate of £1.55 per pint of Ruddles best (which is Gabreel's favourite tipple) he can buy approximately 50 pints per week. He obviously does not buy much food, because he's as thin as a rake (personally I like my men very chunky!) And of course sometimes one of the Somali and Eritrean crowd in the Beehive might buy him a drink as well (though they have to be careful, because when totally pissed Gabreel can be quite difficult to deal with - and the bar staff complain and threaten to bar him).

What a life for a refugee expert on Russian literature!

By the way Gabreel is IN THE SYSTEM and getting benefit.

Nick Clegg was speaking about people such as the family members "helping out" in all-night mini supermarkets which we all use from time to time to get our Blue Nun.

People who are actually working (informally) and yet in the labour black market - not counted, taxed, or able to progress their careers.

How is he wrong???
What's this about Donatus Anyanwu being Irish ?

I went to see him in a surgery about 3yrs back (the joy of blocked drains), and his accent was as strong as if he'd just stepped off the plane from Nigeria.

Was he born in Ireland and then left at a young age, as he doesn't sound at all Irish ?

Wish id never said anything now. I havent grilled him on his personal history as its not my business. Ive met him a few times and now he spent a long time in Eire. He has Irish friends and nows a lot about Eire. Apart from that i dont now. I think its fair to say , as i said before, people have complicated personal histories and he would see himself as Irish and African. (I dont know if he was Nigerian background).

My opinion is that it can be a benefit if someone has lived in 2 cultures.
7.30 am: Popped into Wetherspoons this morning for their £1.99 English Breakfast plus a 49p cup of coffee.

Aside from one "mature" customer apparently taking a brandy, the only breakfast customer was Gabreel (surprise, surprise)
"Well" says Gabreel, "what are you in here so early for?"
"Oh" said I, "just fueling up for a mega blast of delivery of Lib Dem leaflets in the tower blocks on the St Matthews estate. Did you see the debate?"
"Yes" says Gabreel, "saw it but didn't hear it, because they don't have the sound on in here."
"Anyway" says Gabreel, I support Labour "They gave me indefinite stay."

The Beehive serves a good social service in Brixton . Cheap beer and they let people stay most of the day.

Im not a LibDem supporter but I think Clegg has done well for the LibDems in the Debates. It goes to show if a smaller party gets the chance of airtime there rating improve. The 2 mains parties have so much more access to the media.

I think it woould have been interesting if the same had been done for the other smaller parties. Greens ,SNP ,Plaid Cymru ,Ukip. And even BNP. I think people should be argued with not censored.

Miliband said recently that the surge in Lib Dem support after the debates was due to people being "anti political". I disagree. On many issues Lib Dems ,it could be argued, are to the left of New Labour. The 2 main parties share the same punitive attitude towards crime and prison building.They supported the war in Iraq. Clegg wants an anmesty for "illegals" and is attacked by the other 2 leaders for being "soft". Perhaps the increased support for Clegg is that he represents a more liberal tolerant vision of society. New Labour went for Social Authoritarianism. Cameron has to placate the traditional Tories.

IMO the support for Clegg shows the the liberal and tolerant section of Britain are frustrated in having no representation that they know has a chance of being elected.

If I was a LibDem I would position the party as a Centre Left European Social Democrat party.

The way Clegg has been attacked in the conservative press for having a Spanish wife and working in Brussels just shows how narrow minded this country can be. G Brown and Cameron should have said these attacks on him should be stopped. They go along with it if they think that will lose him votes.

I have many East European friends and I now think we should be more part of Europe instead of slavishly supporting the US.
Meeting tomorrow Ist May

"Who will sort out Lambeths Housing Crisis?"

Invited speakers from Labour, Tory, LibDems and Green parties

Organised by Lambeth Tenants Council ,Defend Council Housing ,And Lambeth Pensioners.

St Matthews Hall ,10 St Matthews Hall, SW2

3pm to 5pm
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