Its that immigration, race is an issue amongst the public if not the political class. The political class and the financial/ business elites gain economically from immigration.
Ive noticed recently Black British people complaining about immigration and those they dont feel should be here.
It was the large number of East Europeans who came and the fall out from Blairs Iraq war that have made this an issue.
My view is what I told someone from Eastern Europe and Africa I bumped into. In East Europe there are Oligarchs in Africa fat politicians who look after themselves. In this country its more "civilized" but the same. The Fred Goodwin types are pandered to so the laws of the country look after there interests. So I said all of us have more in common than a bastard like Fred Goodwin and those of his ilk. Its a cosmopolitan elite of professional politicians,CEOs and Bankers who are the real enemy.
What depresses me about the election is that the 2 main parties both say they are going to "crack down" on illegal immigration and use a points system for immigration. This will only work in the interests of the financial and business elites. They also take great delight in both turning on the LibDems for being "soft" on immigration.
I think the multicultural Super Rich should be deported from London. As one economist said London has become the Butler of the worlds wealthy.
What can I say? I think that there is always a tendency for those on welfare to take it easy and use the casuon of benefits to their advantage. I myself am "resting" on non-means tested benefit before returning to the fray of work - which I hope to do by the end of September.
If you visit the Beehive - my favourite watering hole - you will find many pople who have not worked for years. Some are mad, like me, and on a cushy means-tested rate with their rent paid, their council tax paid, and even a suplementary amount given to them because of alcoholism or drug addiction
Liekwise if you check out the staff in the Beehive, there are three Polish migrants, one Alabanian migrant, one Ugandan student, one Sierra Leonean student (or maybe refugee in his case), one Tajik refugee and two Nigerians who pay their cards so close to their chest that I cannot guess their status.
There is NOT ONE worker at the Beehive who is idigenous English or Irish with full social security rights.
There is also the question of housing. I moved to London in 1977 (Raynes Park) from Manchester and was refused housing because I was under 30 and single. I was forced to buy a flat in Brixton because it was the only place I could afford to get a mortgage.
I moved to my present house in 1986, where I have been "trapped" ever since. Fortunately I have 4 bedrooms and 3 living rooms in here, so because of inflation I can live quite luxuriously even on benefit. Being gay, I havde a "pretend family" lifestyle as Michael Portillo would have said when he was in the closet. I have a Ghanian MBA student here who pays no rent, and I consider to be a protegé in the style of Plato and Socrates. He is not gay - he does not have time to be because he has to work hard in menial jobs to pay his student fees.
He has never had a problem getting a job, but then he always gets paid the minuimum wage, and accepts that because he wants to get his qualification and go back to Ghana to use it.
I had a Nigerian protegé a couple of years ago who I assisted in getting through the PLAB exams. He is now a surgeon in the north of England.
I had an illiterate protegé from Sierra Leone, a refugee, who lost now time getting work in luxury hotels in the West End once he had the right to work.
What to all these people have in common - they came here to better themselves, and got on their bikes and looked for work, as Lord Tebbitt once said.
I like African people, and I am happy to strike up a friendship with any nationality of person, but I have to say that the staff at the Beehive are much friendlier than most of their alcoholic, deadbeat customers!
Frankly think peoplewho complain about immigrants, but refuse to work, need something radical done to them. What about a brain transplant! Many of them could also do with going back to school to learn how to read and write properly, learn manners and generally find a proper purpose to their lives.
Actually what they want is someone with the preaching power of a John Wesley to put the fear of God into them!