heckling from the back!
Oh isn’t it nice to have a dog, and meet other dogs, that are pretty chill re guarding their resources
My old dog, I never really got to find out how he would be with other dogs as he was so reactive in the early months, I kept him away from them. Learned a lot from my mistakes with him which I have poured into Mungo
Maybe by the time on my 4th or 5th dog, I’ll have got it sorted
tbh, a lot of the near miss incidents that I have seen in the past few years have involved dogs on leads - a tightly leashed dog could be even more defensive / aggressive than when off the leash.
case in point.
Bringing Ben up the stairs from the outer harbour beach, he was walking to heel (-ish) but unleashed. We passed a GSD type being held back and pulling very strongly against a choke-chain collar and thick rope lead, also barking fit to bust. Ben just went "huff" [not actually a bark], otherwise totally ignored the GSD and went up onto the walkway.
I was told later, by yet another local dog-walker that this particular GSD was also supposed to be muzzled in public - it [or it's owners] had a bad reputation but had never been up before the courts since moving to the area [for some reason the witnesses always refused to testify].