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the best way to remove fold creases /hanger dimples from thick wool jumper?


Member of The Underground.
got a really thick wool jumper which has some little dimples on the shoulders where it's been hung

what's the best way to restore it?
bathroom: run the shower on hot for a few minutes and hang the jumper on the shower rail. leave the room steamy and come back to it in an hour or two, it should be fine

use one of those hangers for a jacket with the thicker branches for arms rather than a wire one
Also there's a reason why the washing instructions label usually says "dry flat" for wool, so in future if there is somewhere you can put it flat to dry rather than hanging it, that would be best.
And keep it away from the moths, or all this will be academic.

I've given up on wool, much as I like it.
Yes - moths - vacuum packing is great. I have a lot of clothes, the majority in a rental storage unit because I can only fit seven wardrobes into this flat. I also have two at my mothers, but I need the unit. Stacks of cashmere sweaters - all vacuum packed.

I‘m not a great ironing person. I generally put stuff that needs to be uncreased under a heavy rug or three overnight. Or take stuff I’ve saved up over a month or so to the dry cleaner and let them deal with the whole thing in one go.

Only use wooden hangers with gently sloping built in shoulder like natural ends. Never plastic or wire. Use the hooks with the hidden ribbons inside the sweaters for extra support. I get a bit Mommie Dearest when it comes to hangers.


Keeping a clothing (and shoe and whatever other category) inventory helps. Then you know what’s where, when and how it was stored, if you’re running low on all the hangers and drawers and boxes and packing and whatever else you need.
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bathroom: run the shower on hot for a few minutes and hang the jumper on the shower rail. leave the room steamy and come back to it in an hour or two, it should be fine
Or it'll be a maxi dress, depending on the yarn used :D

If you have a steam iron, you can gently steam the shoulders from a distance - do not touch with the iron - teasing them back into shape with your fingers.
If you must hang your jumpers for storage, wrap a load of bubblewrap round the hanger to make it really thick and padded round the shoulders.
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