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Best quality/value wool jumpers


Fuck, man, if i'd know i'd could've got my mum to knit you a new one.. I think her knitting days may be over now though.

I clearly owe you a glass or two of wine, in a glass, next time I see you... :thumbs:
Bless. It was a great night. Xx
My best one which I wear for fishing got pulled into a belt sander a few years ago whilst I was wearing it. I spent all afternoon trying to save the jumper not really giving a fuck about the sander that cost thrice as much :oops:
Fortunately they both survived and the scar on my moon is referred to as my tiger scratch
An anecdote from my school days. I was 15 years old and turning a piece of brass for the cylinder on the steam engine I was building for my final year exam.
Let's call this lad Brian... Brian was a cunt, and he was working on the lathe beside me. I looked across and saw him closely examining the job he was working on, whilst the lathe was running. After a double take, it transpired that he wasn't closely examining it, he was slowly getting dragged into the lathe by the tie around his neck, which he'd left dangling outside his school jumper, and it had got wrapped around the lead screw, dragging him into the lathe. I immediately realised what was happening, and hit the emergency stop on his machine, and when I asked him why he hadn't pressed the E-stop himself, or cried out for help, he told me that it was because he was in shock and didn't know what to do.
I guess the moral of this story is this... Let Brian sort his own shit out. He turned out to be a racist cunt, and it would have been better if you'd let the lathe take its course.
Well it's finally dry and is on my back (under a cotton long sleeved t shirt). A marked improvement. My neck is not itchy and scratchy. The whole jumper feels nicer, softer.
But how much is placebo eh?
I'm wearing it now and I'm really warm, but itchy but stoic.
I'm thinking a revisited, more concentrated softening process.
An anecdote from my school days. I was 15 years old and turning a piece of brass for the cylinder on the steam engine I was building for my final year exam.
Let's call this lad Brian... Brian was a cunt, and he was working on the lathe beside me. I looked across and saw him closely examining the job he was working on, whilst the lathe was running. After a double take, it transpired that he wasn't closely examining it, he was slowly getting dragged into the lathe by the tie around his neck, which he'd left dangling outside his school jumper, and it had got wrapped around the lead screw, dragging him into the lathe. I immediately realised what was happening, and hit the emergency stop on his machine, and when I asked him why he hadn't pressed the E-stop himself, or cried out for help, he told me that it was because he was in shock and didn't know what to do.
I guess the moral of this story is this... Let Brian sort his own shit out. He turned out to be a racist cunt, and it would have been better if you'd let the lathe take its course.
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