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That medal table's looking good


Angry about not being able to be an astronaut.
1 China 27 12 6 45
2 USA 16 15 19 50
3 Germany 8 5 5 18
4 Australia 7 8 10 25
5 Japan 7 5 4 16
6 South Korea 6 9 4 19
7 Italy 6 5 4 15
8 Great Britain 6 2 7 15
9 Russia 4 8 8 20
10 Ukraine 4 0 5 9

It just got better:

1 China 27 12 6 45
2 USA 16 15 19 50
3 Germany 8 5 5 18
4 Australia 7 8 10 25
5 Japan 7 5 5 17
6 Great Britain 7 3 7 17
7 South Korea 6 9 4 19
8 Italy 6 5 4 15
9 Russia 4 8 8 20
10 Ukraine 4 0 5 9

Oh - we're guaranteed a gold and silver in the women's pursuit tomorrow, at least two silvers (hopefully two golds) in the sailing and plenty of chances to come in cycling, rowing and sailing.

1927 - we'll sail past this in 2012. These Olympics are entirely geared towards building for four years' time.
Someone should tell our PM. I reckon now's the perfect time to call that pesky election, whilst the nation is on a wave of Olympics inspired euphoria. ;)
Oh - we're guaranteed a gold and silver in the women's pursuit tomorrow, at least two silvers (hopefully two golds) in the sailing and plenty of chances to come in cycling, rowing and sailing.

1927 - we'll sail past this in 2012. These Olympics are entirely geared towards building for four years' time.

I know there is a lot said on these boards about flag waving, but I for ione feel incredibly proud that these small islands can produce such performances from a limited, in comparison, budget. The performances in rowing and cycling are incredible and even tho they now have suprb coaching set ups, I think that one of the main reasons for these two sports reaching such heights is the past performances of the likes of Boardman and Redgrave. They left behind an incredible legacy of young aspiring sportsmen and women who were motivated to get into these sports. Even Becky Adlington was saying earlier that one of her biggest inspirations was seeing Ian Thorpe in the Commonwealth's in Manchester. Although it may be hard for some to do so, we should probably also give some credit to John Major, for it was he who established the lottery in the UK without which we would not have the funding for these performances.

Roll on 2012 then!!:D
Yep, it was Major who agreed to alter the Lottery funding rules to allow them to fund elite sport following the appalling performances in the 1996 Olympics.

You saw the results start to come home in Sydney, watch them build in the next week or so and in 2012 it's gonna be unbelieveable
Yep, it was Major who agreed to alter the Lottery funding rules to allow them to fund elite sport following the appalling performances in the 1996 Olympics.

You saw the results start to come home in Sydney, watch them build in the next week or so and in 2012 it's gonna be unbelieveable

You are obviously like me a sport nut, your enthusiasm in your posts in this sub forum has been obvious and I've really enjoyed reading your educated posting.
Yep, it was Major who agreed to alter the Lottery funding rules to allow them to fund elite sport following the appalling performances in the 1996 Olympics.

You saw the results start to come home in Sydney, watch them build in the next week or so and in 2012 it's gonna be unbelieveable

God bless John Major. The day he left number 10 was a downward turn for both British politics and British sport.
Why the hell should we fund elite sport? Do we want to end up like Australia?

What do you mean by that?

Firstly, and I am sure if I am wrong someone will post the stats, I bet obesity isnt so much a problem down under. That health levels are generally better, because children are motivated to be good at sport.

If you dont like sport why post in this forum.
Why the hell should we fund elite sport? Do we want to end up like Australia?

It's not "us" it's the people who play the lottery....

TBH, I do think its nice to beat oz in something. Not because I am in anyway patriotic, but because they're just overly competetive wangs. Nothing better than seeing them lose.

I heard this ozzy journo talking on radio 5 the other day, talking about the possiblity of england beating oz in the medals tables. He said something like "I don't see wingeing or glassing people in pubs on the events list, and until I do GB doesn't stand a chance"

Soz, KG, but that sort of smuggery must be smashed....
What do you mean by that?

Firstly, and I am sure if I am wrong someone will post the stats, I bet obesity isnt so much a problem down under. That health levels are generally better, because children are motivated to be good at sport.

If you dont like sport why post in this forum.

But he does have a point. That money could go toward another cause, more deserving. I don't object to funding sport in general, but the "elite"? Well, it must be hugely expensive and only makes a difference to those at the very top. Who aint gonna be that fat anyway....
But he does have a point. That money could go toward another cause, more deserving. I don't object to funding sport in general, but the "elite"? Well, it must be hugely expensive and only makes a difference to those at the very top. Who aint gonna be that fat anyway....

Dont be such a friggin short sighted idiot. Money spent on elite sport produces gold meadls and great performances in Olympic games, children see these and want to be sportspeople. They eat properly, dont smoke, get used to a strict training regime and are more likely to be law abiding respectful members of the community. That money spent on the elite probably saves the country money in other areas. If we could get all the kids causing trouble on street corners into sport we would be right up there with Aussies and USA, if thats what u mean by being like Australia then I say yes please every time.
Firstly, and I am sure if I am wrong someone will post the stats, I bet obesity isnt so much a problem down under. That health levels are generally better, because children are motivated to be good at sport.

You lost your bet:


(scroll down a bit for "international comparisons")

Al that lottery money pumped into the track and field showponys hasn't done a lot of good has it?
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