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Tescos open in Stokes Croft. Bristol. Squatters evicted, riot police called in

Not exactly Oscar Wilde

Not really mate. If you've got anything interesting to say, say it. Otherwise, fuck off

OOOOOOH !!!! get you, with so much interesting stuff to say about a poxy Tesco store opening in a shit hole area and a few DHSS scroungers kicking off with the cops.
It's DWP now. Perhaps you'll find a warmer reception if you fuck off to HYS comment threads, or youtube comment threads.
shit :(
from that link
bone said:
The other is a 20 year old former Irish traveller who had recently moved in to the Telepathic Heights squat after being evicted and/or booted out of other local squats. He pleaded guilty to possession of a petrol bomb and threatening to use it. Allegedly he went into Tesco’s and made the threat, hence the calls from Tesco security to the cops. Hence the raid. Allegedly. His lifestyle/background is described as chaotic by those who know him, he can barely read nor write. He only had a duty solicitor in court. Remanded to a crown court sentencing hearing. Could face 5 years plus. Remanded to Bristol prison.
With flcikr you can look at stats to see how many people have looked at your pics and sometimes which website they came from. I'm getting quite a few visits from the South Wales Police Forum - http:/ /swpf.org/forum/index.php

Fortunately there's no-one caught on camera doing anything naughty on any of my pics.

Edit to chop URL
Blimey. BBC reporter on Points West just referred to last week's riot as "the Easter uprising".

Maybe wants to check his history books before using language like that!
Saw them doing interviews on Cheltenham Road today - what was the report like? Saw Cllr Rogers and briefly considered accosting him for talking shit on Twitter. Also wondered whether he really wanted to be in town kissing his leader's arse
Only saw the back end of the report. It seemed fairly balanced.

Cllr Rogers was understanding of peoples' concerns about Tescos getting planning permission via the back door. Must be election time.

Which is probably also why he was avoiding Clegg.
I'm always out of town when things go down.

Rogers will say whatever he thinks will help. LD's are screwed in briz and he knows it.

Mr mick. Kindly fuck off with the rest of the reactionary shit bags onto the beps comment threads.

Tories in power, youth unemployment, and a long hot summer ahead. Bring it on.
Hah. Wut? Helicopter to stop a film showing. Hahah.

Wonder if demo will go ahead tomorrow. Will wonder up from work in respectable work clothes about 7ish onwards and see.

Love the way Facebook pull any group that's even remotely controversial nowadays.
There's a post on Bris Indymedia from the organiser of the facebook event going to great lengths to say it's cancelled, nothing to do with him etc etc. Been leant on, won't stop something from happening
"We believed there was a very real risk to the local community if the screening were to go ahead in a public park." - same line as last thursday. Lessons learnt.
"We believed there was a very real risk to the local community if the screening were to go ahead in a public park." - same line as last thursday. Lessons learnt.

Translation: "We believed there was a very real risk that the screening would make us look even more stupid so we decided to put a stop to it. Because we can. PS the bill for all the overtime and the helicopter is in your next council tax demand."
Sucks, it's getting worrying this stuff. This did make me lol tho...

I just cannot imagine what you’d have to do to start a riot in St Werburghs. Steal someone’s best tofu recipe?

ETA: The link to the film people weren't allowed to watch is . Feel free to share it across your social networks as widely as possible :D
In the real revolution these clowns wouldn't stand a chance.

Is it true that the Sofa Riot shop at the bottom of Nine Tree Hill has changed it's name? :hmm:
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