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Tell me about BrixtonGreen - a "community led development" on Somerleyton Road

If u put Brixton Green Community Land Trust into Google Urban comes out on top. If u put Brixton Green in it comes second. How does that happen?
I noticed CABE have a report of BG. I think CABE is now wound up. I found it on BG website. For those who were present at meeting see website. I took them off for to post up.



CABE is very pleased to be involved in the discussion around the redevelopment of Brixton Green. We are grateful to the team for inviting us to participate and for briefing us so thoroughly on the proposal. Our walking tour around Brixton gave us a good understanding of the issues involved, which were then explored further in the open meeting with residents, local stakeholders and Lambeth Council.

Brixton Green is an ambitious community share ownership scheme which combines housing, business units and arts venues. We applaud the aspirations and encourage the project team, the architects, the local authority and community to continue working together on the proposal. Brixton Green is clearly a key project in the improvement of the neighbourhood. Its success depends on a wider masterplan for
the area. Continued collaborative working between the stakeholders will help realise the project’s full potential. At this early stage, we have a few comments which we offer to assist in the design development of the project.

A place in Brixton With its rich offer of culture, community activities and shops, Brixton Green is likely to become a vibrant destination in Brixton. However, the project alone cannot resolve the problems around Somerleyton Road, Loughborough Park and Coldharbour Lane; the site is small in relation to Brixton and one project alone cannot address the broader issues of the area. We suggest developing a larger strategy for the whole area and to identify measures that reach beyond the red line boundary of the site that
complement this specific project. We understand that Lambeth Council are intending to develop a masterplan that improves connections and routes through the area and helps understand the movements and destinations of people living there and visiting Brixton Green. Continued dialogue with residents in the neighbouring streets will allow everybody in the area benefit from the proposed development.

Connecting the community
Improved connections, particularly through the currently hostile Somerleyton Passage, will have a positive impact on safety and social cohesion in the neighbourhood. At present, the separating impact of the railway viaduct is reinforced by the row of large, forbidding industrial sheds and high fences along Somerleyton Road; the massive barrier of Southwyck House seems to block access from Coldharbour Lane. The new buildings should aim to create a penetrable, pleasant and well-defined street space that provides safe and welcoming pedestrian routes that connect, for example, the Evelyn Grace Academy to neighbouring estates. We
recommend that in developing the proposal, the team considers the position of entrance doors and fronts and backs of houses as well as the potential to include some commercial facilities to make the street safer for the whole community.

A vibrant place
A mixed-use development with a rich variety of community activities, shops, work places and flats has the potential to create a vibrant streetscape. The variety of activities in the whole block will balance the potential over-dominance of residential units. An imaginative, adaptable new form of buildings could provide spaces for living and working and retail opportunities that could enliven Somerleyton Road. The existing residents on the other side of Somerleyton Road should be involved in the design process to ensure that the needs of the whole community are respected.

A strong sign We understand why the tall building accommodating the theatre is in its current location and acknowledge the importance of a marker on Coldharbour Lane. However, we suggest that the team explores how more activities could animate Somerleyton Road and pull more people into the neighbourhood. A strong attractor close to the railway passage could become a new beacon for the area, comparable to the new Evelyn Grace Academy on the former depot site.

Public space and local identity
The treatment of green spaces, front gardens and the car parking arrangement will also have an impact on the quality of the streetscape. There are some mature trees along the street and it would be desirable to keep them. We also suggest exploring whether the railway viaduct could be used for some activities, and whether the existing Mansion Flats :eek:could perhaps be integrated into the proposal.

An ambitious project
The commitment and passion behind this project are inspiring. Clearly, Brixton Green cannot resolve all the issues in the area, but a clear vision for the site can give a real impetus and perhaps encourage other similar ideas elsewhere. A realistic phasing strategy, both in terms of financing and time, should be able to adapt to change and work on the assumption that some elements of the proposal take longer than anticipated or never happen at all. Splitting the site into several phases and developing them incrementally would be helpful. Small scale, short term results right from the beginning of the process are important to keep the momentum, particularly as some aspects of the project which are not fully defined at this early stage, for
example the masterplan, could delay the progress. The project depends on the steady realisation of the mission and the core objectives to ensure ongoing community support. We look forward to seeing this project take form and to being involved as the scheme continues to evolve.

Please keep CABE in touch with the progress of this scheme and let us know if we can be offer further assistance. If there is any point that requires clarification, please

Public scheme
As this scheme is in the public domain, we will publish our views on our website, www.cabe.org.uk


CABE letter says local authority is working on this proposal. I am at a loss to understand what is going on.

I didnt know about this CABE visit to the site.
Very vibrant, then.
The existing residents on the other side of Somerleyton Road should be involved in the design process to ensure that the needs of the whole community are respected.
I'm on the resident's association and we've heard absolutely bugger all.
Very vibrant, then.
I'm on the resident's association and we've heard absolutely bugger all.

It is a shame the resident's association has not been formally approached by BG. Given that some members of the residents' association are independently aware that the regular public meetings are scheduled to commence in May, would it be worth one of them attending the first meeting and advising that the association has concerns about the breadth of the consultation process to date and would like to engage if formally invited.
It is a shame the resident's association has not been formally approached by BG. Given that some members of the residents' association are independently aware that the regular public meetings are scheduled to commence in May, would it be worth one of them attending the first meeting and advising that the association has concerns about the breadth of the consultation process to date and would like to engage if formally invited.
BG have been going for, what, five years? And yet residents are supposed to go running off to their poorly advertised, irregular meetings to find out what "community-led" plans they have for OUR area?

Seeing as Brad can't even be bothered to engage with local residents here, I'm not so sure they're even particularly interested in what 'off-message' locals think.
BG have been going for, what, five years? And yet residents are supposed to go running off to their poorly advertised, irregular meetings to find out what "community-led" plans they have for OUR area?

Seeing as Brad can't even be bothered to engage with local residents here, I'm not so sure they're even particularly interested in what 'off-message' locals think.

I'm not sure what you mean by "OUR area". Who does "OUR" refer to?

You have previously argued that when starting with a blank sheet of paper, rather engaging in too much up front public consultation, the best way to get a project off the ground is to get a tight and energetic group of people together to bash out a firm plan between them before presenting it to the community for comment and then, based on that feedback, either progressing, ammending or going back to the drawing board. These guys are doing just that and it is just coming up to the stage where you can feed back.

1st Thursday of every month starting in May seems pretty regular to me. Residents (of Brixton in general) are being invited to attend so that they can a) find out more b) express concerns c) contribute. Given your strength of feeling and local knowledge it would be a real pity if you were not there.

I appreciate your point that they could have advertised the meetings better but to be fair, as soon as you invited them on to U75 they responded by extending an open invite to all the readers of Brixton's busiest forum to attend the first (as well as future) meetings. I also appreciate that they didn't enter into the debate online in the way that you wanted them to but, after all the effort they must have put into this project to date, it is hardly a "big ask" to get you to come to the first public meeting where they say they will answer all your questions face to face in front of other interested people.
1st Thursday of every month starting in May seems pretty regular to me. Residents (of Brixton in general) are being invited to attend so that they can a) find out more b) express concerns c) contribute. Given your strength of feeling and local knowledge it would be a real pity if you were not there.
They've been claiming that they're a "community-led" project for several years, yet in all that time have made no discernible effort to communicate with the locals and now they've apparently declined - after being personally invited - to discuss any of their plans with the local residents who post here.

And this isn't some obscure site - it's the biggest Brixton site that comes up #1 and #2 in Google for their company and #1 for the street they want to develop. A site where they've been told members of the residents group post.

So it seems that they want it entirely on their own terms: residents have to go to their poorly advertised meetings (there's still not a single poster or flyer to be seen in Southwyck House or anywhere in the adjacent area) or get no say at all.

I dare say the vast majority of residents haven't the faintest idea that this meeting is going on, and even if they did, not everyone can afford the time to go traipsing off to meetings.

Does this sound like a 'community-led' project to you? It sure as hell doesn't to me.
And this isn't some obscure site - it's the biggest Brixton site that comes up #1 and #2 in Google for their company and #1 for the street they want to develop. A site where they've been told members of the residents group post.

I wasn't being facetious about U75. I'm saying that (amongst other methods) they have advertised their open meetings on here and in so doing have given the meetings much more coverage to a lot of local people including - as you rightly say - members of the resident's group . Word of mouth will also play a part. No doubt at the first of the meetings they will start identifying more groups to connect with. (By the way - if I Google Brixton Green their site comes up #1,2,3.)

They seem to be taking the route of coming up with what they think is a good framework and then presenting it to the community for feedback over a series of face to face meetings. You have previously suggested that this is a good way (in fact your preferred way) to get projects going - rather than going straight to consultation with a blank sheet. On that basis "Community led" surely can mean that the interests of the community are at the projects heart, they think they have got a good basis for a plan and they want to see if the community thinks they are on the right track. Much of the work done to date will have been involved with the practicalities of establishing whether there is an opportunity for this council owned land to be transferred to a community owned trust. The specifics including exactly what is offered on that site seem pretty fluid and open to change.

Still not sure what you meant by 'OUR area'.
It is a shame the resident's association has not been formally approached by BG. Given that some members of the residents' association are independently aware that the regular public meetings are scheduled to commence in May, would it be worth one of them attending the first meeting and advising that the association has concerns about the breadth of the consultation process to date and would like to engage if formally invited.

1) The consultation process was started by the Council ( Future Brixton). My view is that if the Council want a CLT on the site they should consult with residents. I looked at the Shoreditch proposed CLT ( see my previous posts) as I think there it was done in the right way. Not imposing it on people.

2) Why should people ask to be formally invited to engage? They live in area.It should be there right. Brixton Masterplan says communities should be engaged with.

3) My problem with BG is that they seem to think if want to discuss this ur signing up to there vision. There is a difference at looking at a possible form of structure (CLT) and signing up to it. What happens if u think a CLT is not necessarily the only way to develop this site and another way is more appropriate?

4) I am concerned that its not clear from Council whether they see Brixton Green as leading development on that site or not. BG are a private organisation ( not for profit).

5) My other problem is that what if you are prepared to discuss the development of the site with them but dont agree on certain elements of the scheme or the overall structure (CLT). Does that mean u effectually exclude yourself from proposals for this site? I really think the Council should step in here to provide some oversight.

6) I think the best course of action for people here who have raised concerns is to email there Coldharbour ward Cllrs. The possible queries are. What is the status of BG in the Council? Does the Council recognise BG as the body to lead consultation and development on this site? Does the Council want to see a CLT on this site? What is the role of Future Brixton in furthering the aims of the Masterplan and consulting residents on this site?

7) Im a bit concerned that the proposed meetings are about persuading people to sign up and buy shares rather than discuss the fundamentals.
BG have been going for, what, five years? And yet residents are supposed to go running off to their poorly advertised, irregular meetings to find out what "community-led" plans they have for OUR area?

Seeing as Brad can't even be bothered to engage with local residents here, I'm not so sure they're even particularly interested in what 'off-message' locals think.

BG have been going for a while. They however started out as a business orientated group. Fair enough that is what the 2 founders are. They gained some recognition in the Council and GLA for sustainable/ green business support and guidance. There interest in CLT came later. I think they assumed that Somerleyton road was neglected site. But it has a history. See here:


Brad background is property management. See here:

Brixton Green is the creation of two social entrepreneurs, Philippe Castaing and Bradley Carroll. Castaing moved to Brixton from France some years ago and established a local restaurant business: Opus/Brixton Upstairs. Carroll is involved in property management and his family has long resided in the Brixton
area. They met as parents at a local school and found that they shared a number of interests: local business, the environment and, above all, a passion for Brixton.
They set up a Community Land Trust –BrixtonGreen –with the idea to create a blueprint for green urban regeneration that brings together social, economic and environmental goals in an ideal urban environment. Unused and underused land will be utilised for the benefit of the whole community. The intention is to empower residents and give them a sense of ownership by promoting individual shareholdings in local enterprise. The essence of Brixton Green is that quality
of life is improved when residents participate in entrepreneurship.
Castaing believes it is important that Brixton Green delivers a community that is open to everyone, rather than a ‘gated’ community, closed off and separate. Ultimately, the aim is to create a situation where local people can achieve their ambitions without having to move away. The vision is recognised at a pan- London level. Castaing has been made a London Leader by the London Sustainable Development Commission to help him to inspire others. He believes that their business experience is directly relevant.

from South London Business issue 14 March/ April 2009 page 26

Though I take issue with the concept of London Leaders. I like to have a say in who is leading.

I also feel that community development is different from running a business.

Nor do I follow the argument that residents lives are improved by "entrepreneurship". Not sure what that means exactly. Peoples lives are improved when they have access to good services, secure jobs with good conditions of work ( not the "precariat" the workforce is becoming in this country) and free time to do other things.
BG have been going for, what, five years? And yet residents are supposed to go running off to their poorly advertised, irregular meetings to find out what "community-led" plans they have for OUR area?

Seeing as Brad can't even be bothered to engage with local residents here, I'm not so sure they're even particularly interested in what 'off-message' locals think.

BG do however have political support from Tessa Jowell, Chuka and Reed the leader of the Council. They are skilled at going to the top to get support. They are not to be underestimated.
I'm not sure what you mean by "OUR area". Who does "OUR" refer to?

The area we live in as residents. Which is the Somerleyton road site and the housing around it-Barrier Block , Moorlands estate and Guinness Trust estate. Me, Mrs Magpie and ED all live either on the site or right next to it. Unlike the 2 founding Directors of BG.

I took part ( representing the group i belong to) in the Brixton and specifically the Somerleyton road site masterplanning with Future Brixton.
Oh you mean there are actual people who 'live' in Brixton's (gulp) 'derelict area' (shudder) who have opinions? Well I'll be. Obviously these should be first in line for Brixton Green's re-education agenda against nasty collectivism (boo, hiss) and into the joys of social entrepeneurship and market rents.
It's a community led enterprise that has shown virtually zero interest in actually talking to the local community!
What worries me most is they haven't done their research properly either. They make pronouncements about the area that are totally wrong. I'm not calling them liars, just that they are utterly mistaken. I live here, they don't.
Gramsci's comments & support for [...............................]
I think it is important for readers of this forum to understand the context of Gramsci's comments and his support for housing associations, [.....................]

Brixton Green contacted "Gramsci" in January 2009 and invited all of the [.................] to become involved with the Brixton Green proposal and to feed in their ideas of what the area needed and how best to achieve this.

We had some meetings with Gramsci during 2009 followed by some detailed email correspondence dealing with the issues he raised . During the emails we asked Gramsci to describe his aspirations for the area. We expected aspirations such as sustainability, improved housing or jobs. However we were surprised when he listed his aspirations as follows:
[.....................................private email.....................................................]

[.................................private email........................................................]

[.....................................private email...........................................................................................]

Gramsci then refused to continue the email discussion.



Gramsci's Posts
Since Gramsci refused to continue email discussions with Brixton Green he has made a number of negative posts on Urban 75 regarding Brixton Green. Some of the issues he raises on this forum are issues he's already discussed with Brixton Green. Gramsci knows that if he wished he could meet Brixton Green to discuss the issues or contribute to the proposal.

Gramsci made clear that he was consulting CHMC's members during our discussions. Therefore, the other members of CHMC will also have been:
• Aware of the Brixton Green proposal since January 2009.
• Aware of our invitation in 2009 for all the CHMC members to become involved and help shape the Brixton Green proposal.
• Aware of the offer [..........................] had made to [....]

Brixton Green's invitation to Gramsci and all the [......................................] remains open. The residents of [................] are all very welcome to meet with us to work through any issues and contribute their ideas.

Note from editor: brad: please note that I have edited your comments in line with gramsci's request. It is not permissible to post up personal information or the contents of private correspondence here without the consent of the other party.
Editor & Mrs Magpie
Both of these people have been writing some very negative posts about Brixton Green.

Brixton Green first attempted to contact the editor in 2009 on Gramsci's recommendation. At the beginning of April , I on behalf of Brixton Green, again invited the editor to meet to discuss the Brixton Green proposal. We did not receive a response to either invitation.

On 8th April I asked Mrs Magpie if she would like me to introduce her to some of the elderly people involved in Brixton Green after her rather disparaging post about "local old peoples club". She also did not respond.

I would like to invite the editor, Mrs Magpie and any of the other people who have been negative about the Brixton Green proposal to meet me, walk the area and discuss the issues. I would like to suggest we meet outside Carlton Mansions either tomorrow or Wednesday this week. Please let me know a time that is suitable for you.
Knowledge of the area
There have been comments on this forum from Mrs Magpie and a few others suggesting Brixton Green has little knowledge of the area. This is clearly not true. Brixton Green is run and owned by local people. We have over 300 members so far, many of whom live in Moorlands, Southwyck House, Guinness Trust Estate and Somerleyton Road.

Our current members include people who run some of the most vital community groups and organisations in the area. One of the key outcomes of the Brixton Green proposal to date is these groups are sharing knowledge and starting to work together. This is building a cross community/cross-organisation understanding of the area. By having a clearer understanding of the various challenges each of our communities/organisations face we are able to develop better and more sustainable solutions. Our town faces some enormous challenges over the next few years. We need to work together.

This is just the beginning of our work. Over the next few months we will be publicising the project throughout Brixton encouraging more local groups, organisations and individuals to get involved. The workshops we've held so far are already highlighting some issues and solutions that could make a great difference to lives of people living in the area.

The land along Somerleyton Road is of strategic importance to the communities in Brixton. We are inviting all the Brixton organisations and communities to help shape this community led proposal.

If you would like to arrange a workshop for your organisation please contact us on 020 7183 5838 or via our website brixtongreen.org. We will also be hosting an open event 7pm Thursday evening at Unit 45, Brixton Village.
Community benefit
There are a number of comments on this forum (again from the same small group of people) implying that Brixton Green may not be set up for community benefit. I would like to put this issue to rest:
• Brixton Green is a registered mutual society set up for the benefit of the community in 2009.
• Brixton Green is owned by local people. Its shareholders are people who either live or work in one of the five central Brixton wards. The shares are priced at £1 to ensure all members of the community can buy a share. Each shareholder has one vote. All votes are equal.
• Brixton Green can only use its funds or assets for the benefit of the community.
• Neither shareholders, directors or trustees can take a profit from Brixton Green.

• Brixton Green has the support of the leaders of the some of the key organisations in Brixton and nationally. All of these leaders would withdraw their support if they thought Brixton Green was not a trustworthy organisation.
• Brixton Green has over 300 local people as shareholders. These local people would withdraw their shares if they thought Brixton Green was not for the benefit of the community.
Editor & Mrs Magpie
Both of these people have been writing some very negative posts about Brixton Green.

Brixton Green first attempted to contact the editor in 2009 on Gramsci's recommendation. At the beginning of April , I on behalf of Brixton Green, again invited the editor to meet to discuss the Brixton Green proposal. We did not receive a response to either invitation.
I have checked my email records thoroughly. There is NO record of anyone from Brixton Green contacting me, neither is there any record of any email from your email address. I checked back to 2005.

Of course you could have simply registered here instead, and I still can't quite work out why you never bothered to do so. Indeed, the only reason you're here now is because I went out of my way to invite you, and that strikes me as a little strange, to be honest.

After all, anyone typing 'BrixtonGreen' into Google since January 2010 would have been directed here, so it seems odd that you chose to ignore that discussion for so long.

And the reason I've been less than positive thus far is because I find you to be frustratingly elusive and that's a bit annoying when you keep insisting that you're a "community-led" project. As this tread has proved, barely anyone in my real world community (and this online one) appears to have heard of you.
I replied directly to the email you sent to the Brixton Green website.

Are you available to meet tomorrow?
I replied directly to the email you sent to the Brixton Green website.

Are you available to meet tomorrow?
Err, that's quite different to your claim that I ignored your previous emails which is simply not true.

Oh, and sorry, no. I'm working tomorrow.
When are you available to meet?
To be honest, I'm unlikely to find time for meetings and neighbourhood strolls at the moment, but why not share your plans here so everyone can join in and voice their opinions too? I'll be sure to report back to my resident's association your comments here too.
Can I believe this? Brad makes a bogus claim, editor points out it's 'simply not true', then brad (post 203) blithely ignores the point and asks when editor is available to meet? So he can claim to have had meetings with urban75 no doubt, implying they're 'on side'.

So gramsci trusts a housing association more than Brixton Green. And your point is? you don't build a community base by flogging shares for a quid to people interested to know more and then implying they support you against people with a track record of investing time, energy and social capital in the community. It is this policy of ignoring what has been achieved by members of the community in the hard years and making Brixton the vibrant community it is that riles.
I see Brad has posted up private email correspondence that I have had with him. I could do the same. But I will not. As Brad knows there was a lot more in this correspondence which Im not going to go into here.

Any docs I have posted up here are in the public domain. I actually think its bad form to post up private correspondence.

What I will say is that on behalf of my Coop members I discussed the future of the site with an RSL before BG came on the scene. I was not trying to compete with BG. This was ongoing for some time as the future development of the site has never been certain. Yes and my intention , as representing the Coop, was to find a permanent solution for the membership. Any discussions with a larger partner were necessarily tentative. It was the Coop who approached an RSL. They kindly agreed to hopefully include us in any development planning. There was no guarentee that this would lead to permanent housing. And yes the Coop felt that realistically an RSL had the experience and skills for development.

As far as I know the RSL are not pursuing any plans for the site.

I also attended the Brixton Masterplanning consultation for the area run by Future Brixton at which there was at the time no mention of BG unless I missed something.

In fact I have tried to balance out my posts with info on CLTs. The actual detail of how they could work. The Shoreditch proposed CLT report which I read.
I would like to suggest we meet outside Carlton Mansions either tomorrow or Wednesday this week. Please let me know a time that is suitable for you.

Are you available to meet tomorrow?

When are you available to meet?

To be honest, I'm unlikely to find time for meetings and neighbourhood strolls at the moment,

Editor only wants to discuss things on his website, where he can be in charge. You called his bluff, Brad, and he bottled it.
Editor only wants to discuss things on his website, where he can be in charge. You called his bluff, Brad, and he bottled it.
How can I be "in charge" of an open debate?

Believe it or not, I haven't got time for strolls around my estate right now and it's not reasonable to expect me to instantly drop everything just because brad suddenly asks me after years of silence and (non existent) emails.

Like I explained, I'd rather the debate be public. That way, the discussion will be entirely open to the community - and searchable vias Google - and I can invite my residents association to read it later.

But if you're so keen, why don't you go and meet him and report what he says back here?


We can keep the meeting quite short. It is very helpful to be at the proposed site when discussing the issues and potential solutions.
There has been a certain amount of hostility towards the proposal on this forum which has been unhelpful for open debate. You clearly have a interest in your area. Often meeting people in person allows issues to be discussed in more detail and encourages a better understanding.

I may be quite busy at our open event, so if possible I would like to meet you beforehand.

Brixton Green open event 7pm Thursday evening Unit 45, Brixton Village.
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